
Trials of Hircine XII

I stalk the large werebear, which is about twice my size, to the tavern where he begins tearing into a barrel of ale and chugging it's contents.

'Oh, this is too easy.' I think to myself as I douse the werebear in a torrent of flame setting its booze-soaked pelt ablaze as it drops the barrel in shock before turning to me in a rage.

*ROOAAARRR!!!* It bellows before charging towards me with murderous intent.

I wasn't prepared for the flaming werebear's charge and barely managed to roll out of the way before it collided with a table and chairs.

With it temporarily dazed I launch myself up and drive my sword into the base of its neck, ending its life with that final strike.

I quickly spray it with a frost attack to douse the flaming werebear's corpse and the rest of the burning alcohol in the tavern.

"Huh, they're a little sturdier than I thought... Off to the next-"


One of my traps is set off and I hear the explosion in the distance prompting me to run towards Castle Dour.

I use longstride to get there quickly but slow down as I hear sounds of fighting, before I begin sneaking closer to the courtyard where I see the mother bear facing off with what I can only describe as two were-sabre cats.

Two, tawny and towering mountains of muscle, who are similar in height to my werewolf form, are circling the were-bear, lunging forward and striking with their razor-like claws every time the werebear focused on one of their attacks.

This only servered to enrage her even more before she finally loses it and charges down one of the were-sabre cats, pinning it to one of the castle walls as she begins to tear into it.

However, this left her back exposed to the other were-sabre cat who seized its opportunity by lunging forward and sinking its teeth into her neck with a sickening crunch as the were-sabre snaps the werebear's neck.

Though not before she is able to kill the first were-sabre cat, leaving the second were-sabre cat alone and slightly wounded from the fight.

I draw back my bow and prepare to loose an arrow at it untill I hear...


A long and piercing hunting howl fills the night as I see three traditional werewolves charge into the courtyard circling and nipping at the were-sabre cat, like it had previously done with its partner to the werebear.

Though, unlike with the werebear, the were-sabre cat seems to be able to hold their own. Their speed and strength keeping up with the relentless assault and even managing to wound the werewolves back on occasion, though they're fighting to a stalemate at the moment, the were-sabre cat is getting overwhelmed slowly but surely and it seems to know this too.

In a burst of power it charges a recovering werewolf, slicing through its throat as it breaks through their encirclement, rushing away towards the open gate and freedom...

And I then loose my arrow, piercing its calf and making it stumble just before it could escape, allowing the two remaining werewolves to finish off the struggling were-sabre cat as I sneak away from the fight and towards another trapped location I had prepared.

I sneak around the city when I hear the sound of fighting once more, I rush over to see the last of the bears struggling to hold off the remaining two members of the wolf pack.

Though, I can tell with a glance that the Alpha of the pack is just playing with the small werebear. Nipping and driving the werebear further and further into a dead end street.

I watch on as the werewolves bark at the werebear. I can practically hear their sadistic laughter in every bark.

The other werewolf moves in for the kill, but just as he steps over a manhole cover, the most unexpected thing happens.

A massive were-alligator bursts fourth and snaps it's razor-like jaws shut around the werewolf's legs and drags it into the sewers in an instant to the shock of all of us.

The alpha werewolf quickly finishes off the werebear who tries and uses the chaos to escape, lunging and tearing at its throat before snapping its neck in his jaws, before howling into the night.


I can sense the fury and commanding aura behind the howl and I have to resist the urge to run to his summons as I sink my feet into the shingles atop the roof I had used as my perch to watch the fight below.

In a few moments, the werewolves who had fought with the were-sabre cat, had run over and began barking back and forth with the Alpha.

I could roughly understand that they were updating each other as to what had happened, but as I leaned closer to get a better look as to what they were doing around the manhole cover that the were-alligator emerged from I felt a striking feeling of danger prompting me to dive off the roof barely in time to avoid a set of razor sharp claws from tearing into me as the largest falcon I had ever seen, capable of carrying me away if it had caught me in its clutches, speeds past me like a bullet as it flares its wings out and swoops back up into the clouds above.

Though I was able to roll as I hit the the ground I still drew too much attention and the werewolves heads snapped towards the spot I fell down in.

The werewolves begin growling and prowling closer and closer, careful to avoid the manhole cover as they approach.

I look to my sword I had at the ready and then to the cautiously approaching werewolves.

The Alpha was hanging back as the other two werewolves tried to flank either side of me.

"Huff... Fuck it..." I sigh to myself as I stow my blade before lowering myself to all fours and transforming into my own wolf form.

(Author's Note: Apologies for the prolonged and unexpected Hiatus. A lot has happened in the last few weeks, family member hospitalizations, power blackouts, holidays, exams, and most dreadful of all... Writer's block. But, I should be getting back on schedule soon. I'll try and bulk release soon to make up for my missed weeks. Thanks for everyone's understanding and I hope you keep enjoying my work.)

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