
A Perfect Night XIV [NSFW-ish]

"I promise." Kasia says with a smile hidden by the darkness of the room.

"Oh, and what was your solution to the... Other problem..." Kasia asks, recalling that Sophia mentioned a solution to the 'enthusiastic' nature of Silvantus.

"Silvy wanting to stick his dick in anything that bends over for him?" Sophia says with a playful laugh.

"Um... Yes..." Kasia says with embarrassment as her cheeks flush.

"That's another easy fix, we just gotta vet any more women that catch Silvy's fancy. Makin' sure they fit well in his little menagerie and can take the burden off of us." Sophia says matter-of-factly.

"Burden?" Kasia questions.

"I mean, I love sex, especially with how good Silvy's cock rams me deep down, Mmm~, *cough*, but even I would be tired if I had to satisfy him every night or if I started blowing up from carrying baby Silvy." Sophia explains.

"Yeah... I'm still a little sore from tonight..." Kasia agrees, rubbing her stomach.

"Mmm, I bet, though I'd be lying if I said I preferred Silvy's gentle touch he used on you compared to the rough pounding he likes to give me." Sophia says with a dreamy smile as she rubs her legs together.

"I-is it really... That good? I would imagine being smacked and choked would hurt..." Kasia asks curiously.

"Mmm~, that's why it's so good... Feeling dominated by Silvy's strong and powerful hands... Wrapping around my throat... Fuck... I'm starting to get wet just thinking about all the things he'd do to me." Sophia says as her face becomes flushed.

"R-really? I... Um..." Kasia says nervously, starting to scoot away from Sophia.

"Relax, Blondie, all that teasin' and threatenin' to steal you away from Silvy is just to rile him up so he punishes me even harder." Sophia assures Kasia before taking a few deep breaths and calming down.

"I see... You must really like that side of him." Kasia says, relaxing herself and settling back into the bed.

"Yeah, but don't get me wrong, I can't wait to play with you and Whiskers. You're total knockouts. But, the punishment is only made sweeter the naughtier I was to get it... What about you? I know you're into being Silvy's innocent little maid, but what is it about him that gets you quivering?" Sophia explains before asking what's on her mind.

"Um... You... You promise not to laugh?" Kasia says nervously.

"Oh, just spill it already, Blondie! We've already seen each other orgasm off the same cock, I ain't goin' ta judge your bedroom preferences!" Sophia says in exasperation.

"Okay... I... I really like it when he pampers me... He's so tender and gentle, yet so strong and protective... It always makes me feel tingly when I see that side of Silvantus. And whenever he plays with the kids or cooks for the camp..." Kasia gushes and swoons.

"Yeah, Silvy is really good with the kids, I prefer calling him 'Daddy', but he makes an excellent Papa to all those little urchins he's taken in." Sophia agrees as her eyes start to become droopy.

"I know, right? When I first met him, I thought he seemed scary and intimidating, but he's so gentle and patient with the kids. It makes me wonder how he'll be with our kids... Not that I'm ready for that, yet!" Kasia replies before exclaiming a quick denial.

"Mhmm~, keep tellin' yourself that, Blondie... But... I'm sure he'll be like he always was... Before..." Sophia says while being almost completely asleep.

"Before? Before what?" Kasia pries with interest.

"*Yawn* You know, before coming to Skyrim... Back... In... Cyrodill..." Sophia mumbles.

"Cyrodill? But I thought Silvantus lost his memories?" Kasia asks intently.

"Oops... *Yawn*... Not supposed to let him... Find... Out... Secret... Shhhh..." Sophia says, placing her finger on Kasia's lips in a shushing motion.

"What secret? Wouldn't remembering who he was be a good thing?" Kasia asks, trying to glean any more information from the almost asleep Sophia.

"No... Tarry is much happier not... Knowing... Zzzz..." Sophia mumbles out before drifting asleep.

"Sophia? Not knowing what? What's Silvantus better not knowing? And who's Tarry? Is that Silvantus' real name?" Kasia pokes and prods Sophia to no avail, only receiving a light snore in response before Sophia latches onto Kasia in her sleep and buries her face in between Kasia's breasts.

"Sophia?! Don't just put your face-" Kasia starts trying to chastise the sleeping Sophia before a ray of light from one of the moons outside lights up the room enough for Kasia to see a look of distress spread across Sophia's usually carefree face.

Almost as if Sophia is having a nightmare.

Kasia's empathy and concern for her new friend make her ignore the embarrassment of the whole situation and the night that preceded it and simply comfort Sophia.

Holding her close and rubbing her back until Kasia feels Sophia relax entirely and start to snore rather loudly.

"This is just great... How am I going to fall asleep now?" Kasia groans though this makes M'rissi stir enough to roll over and hug Sophia and Kasia for warmth.

"Ungh... I don't know how Silvantus does it, I can already feel my arms going to sleep..." Kasia whines, trying her best to free herself, and after several failed attempts, finally succeeds and is able to roll over and become the little spoon she was most comfortable being.

"There we go, much better... But... I can't stop thinking about what Sophia said... Did she know Silvantus before now? And why does she want to hide that connection? Ugh... I'm not getting any sleep tonight, am I?" Kasia groans before resorting to her trusted method for falling asleep.

One wheel of goat cheese... Two wheels of goat cheese... Three wheels of goat cheese...

And at around goat cheese wheel number sixty-eight, Kasia finally falls asleep and enters a land of wonderous dreams, filled with ideas of what her and Silvantus' children would look like, how they would behave... And how quickly it could all be taken away by that menace that had plagued her family... And how she would be powerless to stop it...


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