
A Perfect Night XII [NSFW-ish]

I descended the ladder for a final time to find M'rissi cleaned and dressed, leaning against the table, looking away from me with a slight pout on her face.

"Hey, Kitten... Are you doing okay?" I ask, afraid I'll piss her off even more.

"Hmph, stupid, falanderer Fluffy!" M'rissi pouts with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Guck... Yeah..." I agree, giving a guilty expression as my only defense.

"Seriously! She would never do such things before she met you... Not that she remembers... But even if she doesn't! She is certain you have done this to her! With your-... Your... Urgh!" M'rissi begins her rant before seemingly losing her train of thought and throwing her arms up in exasperation.

I carefully move over to her before wrapping my arms around her and hugging her as I embrace her.


"U-unhand her this instance! She is still very mad at you!" M'rissi shouts as she struggles to get out of my hug.

"I'm just trying my best to say sorry..." I explain to her, making her struggle a little less.

"Oh... Then... She will allow it... For now..." M'rissi relents as I begin to use my nails to rub between her shoulder blades for several minutes before she starts to relax and purr.


With her distracted and her anger slightly decreased, I decided to ask her what had made me worried for a while, "Do you dislike how I am?"

"Mmm~... No... She's just afraid..." M'rissi replies sleepily.

"Afraid of what?" I ask as I continue rubbing her back.

"Afraid you will find a new kitten... That she will be alone and abandoned in the dark once more..." M'rissi says as she starts to shiver despite my warm embrace, and I can feel the front of my shirt start to get slightly damp from the tears she's trying to hold back.

"She doesn't want to lose her Fluffy... Fluffy was her light in the darkest of darks... And she wants to hold onto her light for as long as she lives..." M'rissi says, almost subconsciously gripping onto me tighter as I feel her claws partially distend and dig into me. Still, I ignore the pain and the trickling health bar notification and continue to embrace and soothe M'rissi until I feel her grip loosen after losing a quarter of my reduced health to her 'attack.'

"M'rissi..." I say, lifting her chin up and out of my chest before wiping away the silent tears that she cried earlier, "You are and always will be, my one and only Kitten." I say before leaning down and giving her a kiss on the lips.

"You promise? You aren't just telling her this to make her happy?" M'rissi asks with hesitation.

"I promise... Well..." I say before something outrageous pops into my head.

"What 'well'?!" M'rissi asks in a panic as her eyes narrow, her ears go flat, and I see her furry areas start to bristle in agitation.

"Well... When we have a couple kittens of our own, of course." I say as the outrageous and far-off idea of having children besides my adoptive ones anytime soon pops into my head.

"K-kittens... Of... Our... Own... *Mreow?!* S-she is not ready!" M'rissi exclaims after processing what I said, but instead of anger, I see her tail starting to trill and her face becoming extremely bright from blushing before burying her face into my chest.

"Eventually, of course. Not right away. It's much too soon. Besides, I don't even have a proper house set up yet." I tell her my thoughts on the subject.

"But... Isn't this house good? She thinks it is the largest she has ever seen." M'rissi questions me with a tilt of her head.

"Don't you remember what I said earlier? I'm going to have as big a family as I can get away with having. That means lots of kids, grandkids, and room for my best friends, like Lokir, Faendal, and Inigo. They should have their own guest rooms. Oh, and their kids will need a place to sleep too..." I continue with the ideas for my dream mansion until M'rissi's eyes droop, and I realize I've been talking for almost half an hour.

"I'm sorry, kitten, it's so late, yet I'm talking your ear off. Let's get to bed." I say before starting to carry her up the ladder on my back.

"No... No... She likes Fluffy's voice... It... Soothes her..." M'rissi yawns almost between each word as I feel her nestle into my back and silently start to snore as she drifts off to sleep.

I carry her upstairs to the bedroom on the second floor, laying her on the bed beside Kasia and Sophia, to which she snuggles in beside them, and I'm left with a startling realization...

"The bed is full... Huh... Well, I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow." I say to myself, heading downstairs to kiss the children goodnight and tuck them into their bunk beds before heading to my tent to give it one final send-off before I claim my new bed tomorrow.

And with a loud yawn, I close my eyes and go to my dreamless sleep.


"I think he's gone. Wake up, Whiskers!" Sophia shouts in a whisper as she pokes and prods M'rissi.

"Mmm~, not now, Fluffy... She is tired..." M'rissi complains as she wraps herself up in the blanket.

"Blondie, help me wake her up." Sophia tells Kasia.

"You take that side of the blanket, and I'll take this one." Sophia says, grabbing one end of the blanket as Kasia grabs the other before she yanks it off of M'rissi, the commotion waking her up.

"Mreow- Hiss?! Why did you do that to her?! She was sleeping quite soundly!" M'rissi growls in anger at Sophia.

"Because we need to talk about our favorite pervert and how we're going to keep him from adding another girl to his growing harem of irresistible women." Sophia explains to M'rissi after she calms down.


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