
Howling at the Moon V

"Blüdtuth," Gringar says, correcting my pronunciation, "It is a legend of our people, a joint creation of Malacath and Hircine. One of the few times Malacath would cooperate with another Daedric Lord… He asked Hircine to help him forge a cursed blessing to rise an accursed protector of his outcasts. And thus Blüdtuth was born, a beast of unrivaled might and rage, the rage of an ostracized people, meant to avenge their unresolved grievances."

"What happened to them?" I ask intrigued by Gringar's tale.

"They were wiped out by an ancient order of werewolf hunters, their collapse and that of their hunters lost to the ages. But legends tell of a new Blüdtuth who shall rise, blazing a trail of righteous destruction on the enemies of Orsinium." Gringar says with a bloodthirsty smile.

"You've mentioned creating Orsinium, what exactly is that?" I ask disregarding his battle-crazed grin.

"The Land of the Orcs, Orsinium. A domain that is occasionally forged by a war chief or a great orc who can unite the clans in a region under their rule, before it is usually crushed by their neighbors. Making a land of outcasts, where all are welcome. Isn't that what you said you were going to do?" Gringar asks with a look of intrigue.

"Well… I did have a plan to crown myself High King of Skyrim, but… That's still years away from fruition… I have so much left to do… Organizations to lead, power to grow, and an army to cultivate…" I say in response.

"A nation is not built in a day, I understand this. And I shall help you know our ways, it will be the last great challenge I face before I receive my good death." Gringar promises while extending his hand which I take in my own.

"It is a deal. Whether it will be by my own hand, or on the countless battlefields we shall visit, you will have your good death." I promise in return.

"Noga Lok'tar!" Gringar exclaims with a joyous smile.

"It seems that I have also forgotten our tongue with my amnesia, what does that mean?" I ask with an awkward smile after releasing his grip.

"Ah, I was cheering your victory, Blüdtuth." Gringar explains.

"Wait… She wishes to know, what does 'Thazag ha nakazz regaa, kigiji ekko.' mean?" M'rissi asks straining to pronounce what she recalled that I had said to her during my transformation.

"Oh? Who said that to you?" Gringar asks with surprise before everyone turns to me causing Gringar to laugh.

"Ha! Who knew Blütuth was such a charmer! It means, 'Protect my little wife, this time.'" Gringar laughs some more before patting my shoulder and heading down the stairs.

Leaving me with several pairs of eyes glaring at me while a certain kitten looks away in embarrassment as Lucia looks at me in confusion as Inigo and Lokir try to hold back their snickers.

As I understand that to be a message from the original owner of this body it leaves me wondering who his little wife was and what it has to do with M'rissi who he should have no knowledge of?

(Are you ready to talk yet?) I call out in my head after placating the girls and sending them downstairs.

(No…) It replies monotonously.

(Fuckin' asshole! Can I at least get your name?) I ask in exasperation.

(Udan Gora. Commander Blood… Now I rest.) Udan says before going silent and no amount of prodding will make them respond.

After taking a minute to center myself I go down and speak with Grelka, Ri'saad, and Maricurio.

"I apologize for asking you to leave but I had some personal matters to attend to. As for what happened earlier… I believe it goes without saying, but that which saved you… It should be left as a tale only told in jest when drunk off your ass. Understood?" I tell them giving them a pointed look.

"This one understands." Ri'saad replies.

"Sure, whatever." Grelka says.

"Yes, Commander." Maricurio says.

"Good. I need to go and speak with Jenassa and Lokir. Maricurio help Ri'saad fix up his caravan and salvage what you can." I order before heading outside to find those two.

"Jenassa, Lokir, come over here, we need to talk." I call over to them before they come over from clearing up the debris from last night's battle.

"Lokir, I need you to gather all of the silver from the bandit's weapons and melt it down and store it. I have an idea for it. Gather their armor and other items, and sell them to Ri'saad at a discount so they can recoup their losses. Jenassa, I need you to go to this location." I say marking the location of the abandoned shack that the brotherhood will take me to as well as giving her a note explaining my plan.

"Of course, Sera." Jenassa says beginning to pack up her things.

"No problem, Boss." Lokir says leaving to separate out the loot.

"Thank you, I knew I could trust you two." I say moving to get my things, gathering Inigo, Lucia, Kasia, M'rissi, and Sophia for a meeting.

"Lucia, Papa has to go and take care of some important business. So Uncle Inigo is going to stay here and watch you while I and your aunties go on this trip." I explain to her before she gives me a little pout with teary eyes

"I understand... But you promise to come home, right Papa?" Lucia looks up to me with sad eyes.

"I promise. It'll only be a few days, a week at most. Then I'll be right back." I say ruffling up her hair causing her to giggle happily.

"Okay, Papa, but only if you pinky promise!" Lucia shrewdly negotiates while sticking out her pinky finger expectantly, making my companions snicker under their breath.

"I promise, now go along with Uncle Inigo, so he can go see his girlfriend, Auntie Lydia." I say completing Lucia's pinky promise and giving Inigo a smirk before sticking my tongue out at him.

"What?! I pinky promise there is nothing going on between me and that brute of a woman, my friend! The fact that you would even suggest such a thing! Come little one, before your Papa fills your head with crazy ideas!" Inigo says extremely flustered while walking away quickly while having Lucia's hand in his as his tail swishes back and forth like crazy.

"See ya, you crazy blue furball!" I shout to him with a chuckle before turning to the girls.


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