
Rise of the Dragonborn III

Though before I can get too far I remember something… Taking Uthgerd's great sword I move towards the bony corpse of the Mirmulnir, after looting the components I can from him, I heave the mighty iron sword down with all my might, decapitating the creature in one fell swoop before returning the sword and motioning towards a confused Uthegerd and Lokir.

"You two, bring the skull back with us," I order as they nod numbly in response, still in disbelief as we begin our journey back, and after a few more minutes of walking we pass through the town gate where a few Redguards are being forced out by the guards who freeze at the sight of me covered in blood, dragging a dragon skull behind me.

Passing by the mad prophet of Talos even he is silenced by the sight of my company as we trudge our way up the stairs to Dragonsreach, where I push open the door into the great hall, seeing the Jarl resting upon his seat of power discussing with his brother where they stop upon seeing me.

Proventus calls out to me, "Good. You're finally here. The Jarl's bee-" pausing after noticing I'm bathed in blood and there's a dragon skull being dragged in behind me.

Hrongar speaks up first, "We were just talking about you. My brother needs a word with you." He says motioning to the Jarl.

"I was going to ask what happened at the tower, but that seems fairly self-evident. Did… Anything else happen?" The Jarl asks probingly skirting around what I know he wants to ask.

"Yes, I heard one of the guards mention something… Dragonborn? I think it was?" I reply in a facade of confusion.

This causes the Jarl to rest his chin in his hands in contemplation for a moment before speaking, "So it's true… The Greybeards really were summoning you."

"The Greybeards?" I ask continuing the charade.

"Masters of the Way of the Voice. They live in seclusion high on the slopes of the Throat of the World." The Jarl explains.

"Hmmm, what could these Greybeards possibly want with me?" I ask.

"The Dragonborn is said to be uniquely gifted in the Voice - The ability to focus your vital essence into a Thu'm, or Shout. If you really are Dragonborn, they can teach you how to use your gift." The Jarl answers, before Hrongar interrupts.

"Didn't you hear the thundering sound as you returned to Whiterun? That was the voice of the Greybeards, summoning you to High Hrothgar! This hasn't happened in… Centuries, at least. Not since Tiber Septim himself was summoned when he was still Talos of Atmora!" He exclaims.

"Hrongar, calm yourself. What does any of this Nord nonsense have to do with our bloody friend here? Capable as he may be, I don't see any signs of him being this, what? Dragonborn." Proventus interjects.

"Nord nonsense?! Why you puffed-up ignorant… These are our sacred traditions that go back to the founding of the First Empire!" Hrongar rebukes Proventus in indignation.

"Hrongar. Don't be so hard on Avenicci." The Jarl says trying to calm him.

"I meant no disrespect, of course. It's just that… What do these Greybeards want with him?" Proventus says trying to back track from his insult of the armored Nord warrior.

"That's the Greybeards' business, not ours. Whatever happened when you killed that dragon, it revealed something in you, and the Greybeards heard it. If they think you're Dragonborn, who are we to argue? You'd better get up to High Hrothgar immediately. There's no refusing the summons of the Greybeards. It's a tremendous honor. I envy you, you know. To climb the 7,000 steps again... I made the pilgrimage once, did you know that? High Hrothgar is a very peaceful place. Very... Disconnected from the troubles of this world. I wonder that the Greybeards even notice what's going on down here. They haven't seemed to care before..." The Jarl ponders aloud.

Before continuing, "No matter. Go to High Hrothgar. Learn what the Greybeards can teach you. You've done a great service for me and my city, Dragonborn. By my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun. It's the greatest honor that's within my power to grant. I assign you Lydia as a personal Housecarl, and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now would we?" The Jarl says instructing Hrongnar to hand me an ax he had prepared.

"We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Dragonborn." The Jarl says with sincerity.

"No, it is I whom is truly honored. But please, call me Silvantus as I hope to address you as Balgruuf, my friend." I say with a smile.

"Hmmm, I see no reason not to allow such informality, my friend," Balgruuf says after some consideration.

"Thank you, Balgruuf, and as for the matter of our contract to protect Riverwood?" I inquire.

"Ah, yes… I do believe your company has more than proven capable of protecting these lands from any danger… By my right as Jarl, I nearby officially hire you as guardians over the village of Riverwood. May you fulfill this duty capably and with honor. Anything else, Silvantus?" Balgruuf asks.

"Yes actually, I noticed that the Western Watchtower is now in an extreme state of disrepair and my company is currently without a base to call our own. Would it be possible to receive the deed to the tower under the condition we repair it?" I ask with a tusky smile.

"Hmmm, what say you Proventus?" Balgruuf says turning to Proventus.

"I think it is quite an agreeable deal, it not only brings our new friends close to the city in case we are in need of their aid but also removes an expense to our coffers which we can redirect to more city defenses," Proventus explains his reasoning.

"Hmmm… It's settled then, I will award you the property of the Western Watchtower in exchange for your promise to repair it and offer aid to the city of Whiterun should it ever be needed. Are these terms acceptable, Silvantus?" Balgruuf asks.

"It goes without saying, me and my compony would always come to the aid of you and your people Balgruuf. Thank you for your kindness this day, you won't regret it." I say with a sincere nod before turning to leave as I say over my shoulder to Proventus, "Send the deed to the tower as we will be staying there from now on."

As I approach the exit a black-haired young nordic female warrior in steel plate armor salutes me before speaking, "The Jarl has appointed me to be your housecarl. It's an honor to serve you, my Thane."

"Thank you for your service Lydia. Follow us back to the Western Watchtower." I order as we make our way back through the city and towards our new home.


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