
Oh God... I swear I wasn't trying to cross the border! I

The Beginning of an (Un)Fortunate Adventure...

How the hell did I end up in this cart? Why do these three guys look so familiar? Why are my hands bound?!

"Hey you, I see you're finally awake." says a rather burly blond man.

"Hey, do you know where I am? There was-" I began to say as the man clad in furs and a blue cloak interrupts me.

"You were caught trying to cross the border into Skyrim, like us and that horse thief over there." He says, nodding to the other man in the cart.

Covered in a patchwork of cloth, he's obviously lived a rough life. "Damn storm cloaks, if it wasn't for you I'd have gotten away with that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell by now."

"Wait... Did you say Skyrim? How the hell did I get here?! I wasn't crossing a border! I swear I was just crossing a street when a bright ligh-" Wait a minute... Did I just get Isekai'ed into a videogame?... Does that mean I got hit by a truck? Are these real people or just programs like the game... Quick what's something I can do right now? Lokir, that's it, from Rorikstead. He's going to die when he makes a break for freedom. I wonder...

"Lokir, Lokir of Rorikstead. Don't do it, fleeing will lead to certain death." I say in the most mysterious voice I can muster.

"H-how did you know my name? And where I'm from?!" Lokir looks at me with fear in his eyes.

Great, looks like I'm not going to be talking to robots for the rest of my life... Which could end pretty soon... Hmmm, ah ha! "I know your name like I know the name of the man sitting next to me... Ulfric Stormcloak, leader of the rebellion, and true high king of Skyrim. This is an event ordained by the Nine Divines themselves. And I... Am a seer, meant to carry out their will. Listen to me and we all just might make it out of here alive."

"Ha, like that's really Ulfri-" Lokir begins to laugh with disbelief before the Nord interrupts him.

"How? How could you possibly know that?!" Ralof, I think that was his name? Stares at me in disbelief.

"The same way I know we are being taken to Helgan to be executed in front of General Tullius himself. And that you, Ralof of Riverwood, used to be sweet on a girl there. She made that mead with juniper berries that you loved so much." I say with a smug smile, proud I remembered something about the game.

"T-that's completely true...." He stares at me, slack-jawed.

"Now, if all of you want to live through this. You'll listen to me. Is that understood?" I whisper to my other Stormcloak captives.

Ralof looks to Ulfric, who nods in affirmation. Lokir looks between them... And nervously he nods too.

"Good, when we enter Helgan, convince all of your men to drag their feet. You'll hear thunder in the distance... I'll volunteer to go first. When it happens, make a break for the north tower." I say, with the beginnings of a plan starting to form.

"When what happens?" Lorik says whispering to me.

"Trust me, you won't believe me if I tell you. Just don't look up and run with all your might to the tower." I say with a serious look on my face.

Speechcraft Level 16

What the fuck? Did I seriously just get a level-up? Sweet.

"Alright, I'll trust you. Seer." Lokir says hesitantly.

My pulse quickens as we draw closer to the gates. I'm almost certain that this is real... As impossible as it seems... I feel the sun on my skin... The breeze in my hair... But... I'm oddly... Calm? No... At peace? Yeah, that's it.

I should be panicking. But for some reason... I feel anticipation... That's it the thrill of the fight to come... Did I go insane? Maybe... Or have I just accepted my fate as an Isekai protagonist? Huh, I wonder if I'll get a harem? As these thoughts run through my head, my fellow captives are called to the chopping block.

Shambling as slowly as possible without raising suspicion. Then I'm called to give my name to Hadvar... It's then that shit gets weird...

"Who... Are you?" Hadvar says while looking at his list.

After saying that, everything fades to black and a screen appears before me…

Default Race: Human

Innate Attributes:

Mind of the Gamer- This allows you to rationalize all your actions from a detached perspective. Suffering little to no mental degradation from poor morality.

Body of the Gamer- Your body suffers no I'll effects from damage, instead a health, mana, exposure, wetness, hunger, thirst, and stamina bars represents your durability, available mana pool, degree of exposure to the elements, degree of wetness in your clothes, your level of hunger, your level of thirst, and your remaining stamina respectively.

Do you wish to randomize your race to get an additional 15% increase to skill experience when performing a relevant action? This option will stack on top of your innate attributes as well as the attributes of the randomly selected race.

I don't know... Is it smart to just switch races like that? I mean, what if I'm stuck as an Argonian for the rest of my life!...

But, that exp boost is amazing! Hmmm... Fuck it, I'm going to need all the help I can get! YOLO!!! Wait...YOLT!!! As if sensing what I want, the screen then says...

Please confirm your name to continue on your journey...

Okay... How about... Silvantus Malborne?

Thank you we sincerely hope you enjoy your adventure.

What does that mea-

Before I can voice my question, Hadvar returns into focus...

"An Orc huh, why don't see many of your kind here outside your strongholds. Captain, it appears he's not on the list." Hadvar says.

Huh, an Orc... At least I wasn't a High Elf or Argonian... Or Khajit, that'd be a little too weird... But... I kinda want a tail now... Shush, maybe later?

"Damn the list, he goes to the block." The captain says... That bitch, why you gotta execute random Innocents? Honestly, she deserves to be eaten by dragons. "Thunder" begins crackling overhead.

"Ulfric Stormcloak leader of the Rebellion, you murder the High King and usurped his throne, plunging Skyrim into chaos. What say you in your defense?" General Tullius says with an air of superiority to the gagged Ulfric.

Mod inspirations for the section:

Apocalypse spells


Imperious Races of Skyrim

Dragonsouls for Perks

Lemon_Squarecreators' thoughts
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