
Weird things

Keylee grumbled and quickly took another paper, not wanting to look at the horror cowboy anymore. She started to draw again but had no idea what she did until she saw the drawing.

'What the hell!?'

She stared in shock at the drawing before ripping it of and crumbling it. She placed her arms on the table and placed her head on her arms.

'Something is really wrong with me.'

Keylee stared at the drawing a bit more as she felt her head getting heavy and her eyes close. "I shouldn't go to sleep", she thought. "I should stay up and make sure I don't get killed."

But the human body needs sleep, and it didn't take long before she was calmly breathing with her eyes closed and her head on her arms.

Void finally stepped out of the shadows. He looked at her, she looked so fragile and innocent. He cared for her, he could feel it. It had to stop, this nonsense had to stop. He silently took her arms up and slid the drawing away so he could get a better look at it.

Void had seen a lot in his thousand years. Not all the rules of the supernatural counted to him. This one didn't either, not anymore at least. The thing he couldn't understand is how Keylee could possibly know. At the first paper stood a drawing of a ghost rider, but if she'd ever seen one, no one would remember her.

Void frowned. How could she draw one without knowing it? The other drawing was a bit more normal but he could understand why she freaked out about it. It was highly realistic. When void looked at the second drawing he looked right in the eyes of the Beast of Gevaudan. It was strange, a girl who never saw any of these creatures could draw them so highly realistic.

'Will have something to do with your other lives. Only then why would you freak out about it- ohhhh-.' Void raised his eyebrows and smiled slyly. 'Oh, poor Kitten, you have no idea what you are, have you? How special you are.'

Void shook his head with a smirk. Oh how he could use this. This would be fun, his game, a good game, and he would win it. Of course he would.

He kind of gently scooped her in his arms without waking her up. In fact, she only moved a bit and snuggled more in his chest. Void stared down at the girl in his arms with confusion. Why did she react like that? Shouldn't she hate him? Why did he liked it? He shook the feeling of and started to walk back to the bed where he left her.

After he placed her on the bed he didn't even bother to tuck her in or close the door, he simply walked back to the living room. It probably wasn't something he needed to do but he still locked the front door and placed the key in his pocket this time.

After that he took the drawings and hid them in a drawer, which he locked. Void had nothing left to do, so he simply sad down at the couch and took a book. It was an old book but a good one, even though he'd read it multiple times. But hey, what else do you have to do when you are a thousand+ old demon. He'd done kinda everything he could think of by now. The only thing he actually enjoyed to do was tricking or hurting people and right now he couldn't get out of the house because of his plan.

He sighted bored. His plan was good, he was exiting for the game to begin but that wouldn't happen until Keylee woke up. He just had to wait a little longer.


Keylee sleepily opened her eyes but closed them again and turned around. Something was going on. This was very comforting, was she home? She frowned and sat up. It was a strange room, though it looked slightly familiar. There was something... someone... VOID!

Keylee quickly looked around but didn't see Void anywhere. She was somehow back in the bed but was left alone.

She warily looked around, something wasn't right. This was far too peaceful for being in a house with a demon fox. Slowly standing up, Keylee noticed she still had her clothes from the last days. "That was right yeah, I was so tired I completely forgot to change."

Keylee stood up and looked around. The room was still a bit dark but it was also light in a certain way. The sun shone half through the curtains in front of the small window and it illuminated the room with a ray of warm light. Keylee noticed the place looked actually quite normal. Like a normal room it had a bed, it had a nightstand, it had a desk. The walls weren't black nor covered in blood but a sort shade of yellow. The floor was made of wood just like the ceiling and the doors. It was almost warm and welcoming.

Keylee stood up and looked around for her shoes. They were old sneakers but they fit right so who cared? She walked out of the door and looked a few times behind her to not get surprised. This was strange, something was wrong. Keylee just knew it.

She walked into the living room and saw Void lying at the couch. He was reading a book. 'Morning.' He welcomed her.

Keylee just froze. What on earth was going on? Was this normal? Was this just another trick?

Void placed his book besides him and sat up straight. 'You look like you've seen a ghost Kitten. Care to explain?'

'What are you doing?'

Void raised his eyebrows. 'Well, I was reading a book, now I'm standing up while talking with you. Now I'm walking.'

'I can see that, but why? What is going on?'

Void smirked and walked closer. 'Nothing. At least not something that you should break your pretty little head about. I'm just in a happy mood.'

Keylee frowned. 'Should I be concerned about that?'

'If you want to.'

'What the hell Void! You are confusing me, be clear!' Keylee grumbled. This was strange, this was weird right? Why was he acting so... normal? Something was about to happen.

'Well, would you prefer me locking you up in a cold basement?'

'Of course not!'

'Then what are you complaining about?'

'I-' Keylee shut her mouth. What was she complaining about? Was she really gonna complain about her kidnapper being nice?

'You are being to nice. It isn't realistic.'

Void chuckled. 'Wow, Stiles is telling me I'm too evil and you are telling me I'm too nice. Who's the confusing one now?'


'Stop what?'

'Stop this stupid mind game thing. I'm not your toy or something like that. You can't just play with people like this!'

Void looked at Keylee and slowly stepped closer. Keylee automatically took a step backwards. 'You sure about that Kitten?'

'Positive. And stop calling me Kitten, I'm not a cat!'

Void sighted and backed of. 'Sure, now sit. I'm gonna make you breakfast.'


He didn't answer but instead walked to the kitchen and started to gather some things. Keylee slowly walked to a chair. She was still suspicious but it was better not to make Void angry. Though she still wanted to find out what was going on. What game was he playing?

She couldn't figure it out. Was he trying to get her to trust him? Was he being nice now because something really bad was gonna happen later on. Nothing made sense. It was chaotic. Maybe that was the reason...

Keylee stared at Void's back while he was working in the kitchen. Eventually he turned around with a plate of pancakes.

'There you go.' He placed the plate in front of Keylee and sat on the chair across from her.

Keylee just stared at the plate in confusion before turning her gaze on Void. 'Did you poison it?' she tried.

Void rolled his eyes. 'What is that for a question? No, that would be pointless. I have far better ways to kill or hurt you. Besides, if I would poison it I would never admit it. You really should learn to trust me Kitten.'

'Never trust a fox you know. I'm not that stupid.'

Void chuckled. 'You're right. But you need to eat.'


'You'd rather starve of hunger?'


'Then eat.'

Keylee bit her lower lip while mentally battling with herself. She shouldn't trust him. But he had a point. But that was the game right? But she did need to eat. It was better than being forced to do something.

She sighted and slowly took a bite of her pancake. Not that doing it slowly would help but it's just something she automatically did. Keylee waited a second and when nothing happened she took another bite. More confident this time.

Void looked at her smugly. His plan was working out. Or at least that is what it looked like. He just kept staring at her in silence, seeing that it made her nervous. Yet he refused to make the first move in attempt of starting a conversation.

'I didn't know you could cook.' Keylee eventually stated.

'There is a lot you don't know about me. But yeah, someone taught me back in 1534.'

Keylee widened her eyes. 'Pancakes already existed back then?'

'Yep.' Void said, popping the 'p' at the end.

'Shouldn't you eat?' Keylee asked between two bites.

'Kitten, I feed of pain, chaos and strife. I don't think pancakes will make me feel less hungry.'

She looked up with a glint of pity in her eyes. 'You are always hungry.'

'Yes?' Void raised his eyebrow, not understanding her reaction. That was normal right? Why would she pity him for it?

'That must feel horrible.' She mumbled.

Void shrugged. 'I'm used to it.'

Keylee frowned. 'But, why don't you just find a job in the hospital then? People are always in pain there. You could help them like you helped me yesterday.'

Void stared at her. Why didn't he do that? It wasn't what a Nogitsune did, they created chaos. He didn't help people. But still, she had a point. Not that he was gonna let her know. 'You ask a lot of questions.'

'You don't really give satisfying answers.'

Void sighted. 'Alright. That's enough. I'm gonna give you something Kitten. Before you ask why, and don't deny it, you was ready to ask me. I'm gonna let you do this because I realize it isn't your fault and I'm being in a good mood. I'm gonna drop you off at the hospital where your mother works. You'll have 15 minutes before we go on again.'

Keylee's head snapped up, the familiar sparkle returned in her eyes. 'Really?'

'Yes. Now get to the car before I change my mind.'

Keylee nodded and stood up, not questioning him. She walked to the front door and tried to open it. 'Uhmmm, key?'

Void chuckled and tossed her the key from his pocket. Keylee opened the door and looked around. There was a shiny black car. She wondered why a spirit with teleporting demons needed a car but didn't question it much further. At the moment she took a step outside the Oni appeared out of nowhere.


She stumbled backwards only to be caught by Void. 'You're okay?'

Keylee swallowed. She felt her cheeks turn hot at embarrassment before she started to question why he caught her. Wouldn't it be more likely for him to let her fall and laugh about it? She quickly nodded and he let her go.

Void glared at the oni who now stepped aside to let them pass. They got in the car and Void started to drive, apparently knowing the perfect way through the forest since he drove out of it without hitting even one tree.

Keylee gazed at the road. She was gonna see her mom, but she couldn't stay... Maybe Scott would be there and be able to fight Void or something. Then she thought of something else. She turned her head to Void.

'Have you ever felt satisfied?' Keylee asked out of the blue.

Void thought about it for a moment. Debating with himself if he should be honest.


He answered eventually.

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