
CH117: Balancing

'So in three days they'll go into Infinity... And I've got a things to get from every place... Plus Rebecca, Viola, and hopefully, Lana, would come to...' I orchestrate my next-days-plans, after I arrive to Earth, Japan, inside the tree-house, finding the bedroom empty, and walk outside.

'The morning sun in Japan is kinda weaker, compared to other places...' I think as I arrive to the living-room, finding it also empty, and just spread my 6th-sense, wishing to 'see' if anybody is even home at the moment.

'Oh.. A note in the kitchen...' I think and go read it.

'Dear, the house was kinda find out, but don't worry, it's just my daughter-in-law, and she promised to keep it a secret. We'll be at the house here until you come back and create that space-barrier you talked about. Love you'.

'Oh...', I realize what to do now, and begin doing so, as I pour lots of energy, creating a space-barrier around the tree-house, blocking anything from teleport here, or even see the place, which mean that if you don't know where the door is, you can't come over. 'Should I lay traps?' I think to myself, and decide it ain't needed, at least till I meet any threat on Earth, as for now, I never seen any.

"Yo!" I call as I enter the house, in the entrance of the property, seeing Koneko, with a bat-like-wings, or maybe a demon-wings, flying around the living-room, looking at me in shock, but so am I, as she jump at me.

"Where's my kitty-Koneko?" I ask with a fake-pout, and she smile, pop out her cat-ears, and say "Nyaaaaa", looking so cute, I feel my dick tingle in my pants, even after almost 20 hours of endless sex-party, which is at least 5 times longer, with me manipulating time.

*CHUU!* I kiss Koneko'-head, hugging her, as she sit on my arm, and I walk inside, asking her "where's everybody?".

"They went to check the school, Nya" Koneko tell me, adding a cute-Nya to her sentence, and I notice she act way closer to me, even more then she was before, but suddenly, she *sniff, sniff, SNIFF* me, and gaze into my eyes in shyness.

"What's wrong?" I ask, but then, another surprise, as Siege materialize, right above me, and I catch her, as she sit on my other arm, looking at me with lustful gaze.

"Siege, Koneko... Koneko, Siege..." I start introducing the two, who gaze at each other, while I sit-down on the sofa, wondering if to wait here, as the house now seems like a 'real'-home, decorated, furnished, and womanly-warm.

The two barely exchange any words between them, each taking a side next to me on the sofa, and as Koneko lay her head on my lap, I pat her, and she *Purrrr...*, while Siege, sitting to my right, come close to me, squishing her boobs on my arm, and whispers "is she also... your wife?".

I smile, taking her lollipop out of her mouth, planning to tell her no, but as she look in a daze, gazing at her lollipop, with her tongue outside her mouth, and spit falling off, I have delusions about having her fellatio my cock, 'I'm sure she'll give one of the best.. ever.. I can't wait to feel how it is to put my dick in this sexy mouth...'.

I suddenly feel movement on my lap, and looking down, I see Koneko stare at the bump on my pants, as I got a hard erection from looking at Siege, and her mouth is an inch away from it, making my delusions turn stronger, thinking about a double-fellatio now.

I look back to Siege, who sits on six, staring at the lollipop, but I smirk, and put it in my mouth, thinking to let her take it back from there, but she just pout, narrowing her eyes.

'Iv'e got an idea...' my lower-brain start to work, and I put my finger in front of Siege'-mouth, and a moment later, she open her mouth, beginning to suck my finger.

Averting my gaze back to Koneko, feeling her movements, I notice she still gazing at my erection, with her mouth touching it, but not doing more than that, just *sniff, sniff...*, but by looking at her energies, I can 'see' she's on the verge of much more.

Siege snatch the lollipop out of my mouth, as I'm gazing at Koneko, who *bite* my erection through my pants, and I look over at Siege, who smirks, whispering "I know what you want...", and I can see her nipples are erected, pushing my lust even higher.

*Push*, Siege go above Koneko, whispering in a voice that I'm suppose to not hear, but my hearing is strong enough to hear her say "...Let's do it together ...You know what I mean?".

Koneko nods 'yeah', whispering back "...I can use Senjutsu, sage arts...", and as I look confused, while Siege kinda look the same, probably planning to ask 'what's that', we see Koneko pull my pants, together with my underwear, down, and understand that she understood.

'I wonder what's that sage art is...' I think while holding myself back, just watching the scene evolve on it own, as the two girls, a cat and a lioness, crawl between my legs, staring at my towering erection, who pop out, just standing there, waiting for attention.

Siege shove the lollipop into my mouth, and go back down, and *Lick..*, *Lick...*, each on a side, they both stretch their tongues, in sync, running it along the shaft, from the bottom to the top.

"MMMmmm..." I moan, "I love you... MMmmm... I love it.... OH! ... So good! You're so perfect...", and I keep mumbling through the pleasure I'm feeling, as they're going more and more erotic, running their mouths and tongues all over my dick and balls, slurping, swallowing, and even dueling over my pre-cum by using their tongues, sending shivers of joy down my spine.

They alternate between themselves, shoving my cock into their mouths, and while I play with their animal-fluffy-ears, they're playing with they're boobs. I push my lust-energy through my dick, which only push them to lick harder, and I barely contain my coming explosion, amazed by their technique, which is novice, yet, the way they move their tongues is pure bliss.

*Rip...* Siege tear her own shirt, with her nails, and I can see her sexy huge boobs through the rips in her shirt, and keep slurping my dick into her mouth.

When Koneko turn arrives, she moves her tongue slowly up, then stop for a moment, looking straight into my eyes, with a huge smile over her face, saying "I love you, Nya", and the next second, she *SLURP!*, taking almost my whole dick into her tiny mouth, while her tongue run wild around it, and Siege joins her, opening her mouth wide, taking my whole balls into her mouth, and her tongue run on them like it's a lollipop.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" I shout, shooting my white love deep inside Koneko'-throat, releasing all, and soon, she show me her mouth, opening it wide, but even though it's empty, her whole face is still smeared with my cum.

As Koneko begin licking it all, gulping it down, while my dick twitch, rising once again to full-power, I can't see her anymore.

Siege jump onto my chest, with infuriated eyes, and I smile happily, making her rise a bit more, while I *RIP* her underwear and pants, and begin licking her wet-pussy, while Koneko go down on me again, fellatio me with so much love and affection, I'm sure her feeling for me is real.

... When Siege orgasm, she relax, and go down, showing 'sportsmanship' to Koneko, pushing her up, so I could eat her up, while she eats me up, and like that, an orgasm-cycle continues, as the puddles keep growing deeper, larger, till they drown in lust, collapsing into the sofa, half-asleep.

I carry us three to the bath, washing our bodies, before sending Siege back to Infinity, and lay Koneko in bed, flirting with her a bit, playing with her cute tail, who wiggle above her ass, and she shyly look back at me.

*Chuu...*, I kiss her lips shortly, but the moment I take my face back, she jumps at me, looping her hands around my neck, hugging me, and *Chuu...*, kisses me, right away sending out her tongue, and I do the same, beginning to kiss lovingly, rolling around the bed.

... When Koneko fall asleep, I tuck her in the blanket, walking downstairs, to clean after us, and just when I finish doing so, opening the windows, to let air circulate the smells we did here, I see a teleport-circle appears in the middle of the living-room, and I let it occur, prepared, yet not so worried, as I know the girls use it as well.

"Hello, beauties" I call Serafall and Grayfia, the black-hair-wannabe-idol, and the gray-hair-maid, which both of them look nothing alike that, as they're in a business-dresses, looking like every sex dreams a man can have of an office-woman.

"AYN!" Serafall jump cutely, making her huge bosom bounce, and I *chuckle*, trying not to ogle her too much, and shift my eyes to Grayfia, who just look back at me, but her smile is so charming, and she look so sexy, I just rub my hand across my face, to divert my attention.

I look back at them, asking "Wanna drink something? Eat? Chat? Go for a swim?" they smile to each other, nodding, as I keep throwing offers at them, wishing to hang out a bit with them, and it seems they're thinking the same, just accepting whatever.

As I go to the balcony, pulling snacks and drinks from my space-pocket, and then help them sit down, by pulling them chairs, like a gentleman, we chat about the last time we were together, about the house, and about the video Serafall uploaded, of me singing.

"You should come to the underworld and perform with me!" Serafall declare, and I laugh, answering "I'll ask permission from my wives first", winking to her, but think 'no way I'll be a dancing-monkey... Show business... Better call it puppet-business... Like I'm suppose to entertain a bunch of people who I haft to open up to, just to hear their thoughts and criticism on me...'.

"Do you know my little sister?" Serafall question me, and I look puzzled, thinking-out-loud "..It's obviously not Lana, not Rias, not Koneko.. Maybe Akeno? Same eye color, same hair color, but, the temperament, the vibes, are too different..".

*Giggle*, Grayfia cutely smile, and I gaze at her, mumbling-out-loud "..So Beautiful..", and she shyly look at me, letting me understand I'm talking out loud again.

"Sorry, I'm talking out loud when I'm in a daze... Don't mind me.. But, no, I really meant it, you're beautiful, but, Anywayyyy... Who's your sister?" I shift my focus back to Serafall, who answers "Sona! She's the cutest!!".

"Sona?.. Nope, never met here... If she's half as cute as you, then I'll agree to what you said" I respond, and Serafall laugh, looking shy, saying "You're a sweet-talker! That's why Venelana fell for you?".

"Ouch...", I say and pout, saying with a sad-face "Is sincerity, honesty, and natural desires, and of course love, is such a cursed thing in this world?... Why can't I just express my true self? Am I that bad? Wait... Is sweet-talker is a bad or good thing? I mean, Sweet, sweet is good, right?".

They both laugh cutely, slowly opening up, and I find out Grayfia ain't a maid at all, rather, she's the daughter-in-law Lana wrote about in the letter, while I also find out Serafall is a big-shot, one of the four active 'rulers' of the underworld, the 'four great satans', a leader of the devils.

"Wait, then, why are you acting like a maid, if you're actually a queen?" I ask Grayfia in wonder, and she responds "I like being a maid!", but I can see her energies, who are in turmoil, and I push them outside, wondering what she's hiding inside, also spreading it across Serafall.

"Oh! I'll go tell Sona to come here together with Rias and the others!" Serafall suddenly say, and just stand, create a teleport-magic-circle, disappearing in a moment, not waiting for any comment, which make us both sigh, and laugh, from our similar reaction.

"Well, it's even better now, so you can tell me the truth without worry" I smile to Grayfia, keep pushing her energies, while also creating a space-barrier around us, not wishing for any interference at the moment.

"What's wrong with being a maid?" Grayfia asks in annoyance.

"What's wrong with being a queen?" I answer in a similar question.

"Nothing is wrong!" Grayfia show anger, but with it, I can see faded memories arise from her, and pushing those energies out, I sort of hypnotizing her, to a state who's similar to a dream, as she gaze to me, yet not looking at me, beginning to talk.

"...I remember ...When my father was ...Right before he was gone ...As I stood there with Sirzechs ...He asked him to take care of me ...Knowing I was in love with him ...But ...I guess he never was in love with me ...And maybe so am I ...infatuation is such a fleeting feeling ...How a public-image of a hero is in reality so childish, so playful, so careless and neglecting to our relationship, to my emotions... But he's a great father to our son".

Grayfia keep talking nonstop, telling me so much about her, and I maintain the energies balance, after Iv'e learnt a lot from my past-mistakes using this powers, and as I decide to stop her, I'm ready for the break-point, as I release her energies from my hold, find a gap she's not talking, and begin talking myself, distracting her mind from finding out she was in some sort of influenced state.

"It sounds so much like 'Romeo and Juliet', but the reality version, where behind the excitement of two-enemies turning into lovers there's nothing that make those two have any chance of happy life together ... I sure hope that I will never find myself, and any of my wives, in such a predicament ... Even if our relationships still fresh, I'll do all I can to always promise they're happy, fulfilled, and forever ...".

I see she's listening to me, so I continue, revealing myself as well.

"I think that the most important thing Iv'e learnt about love, about relationships, about women ... Is that the goal was never to just 'be together' ... 'being together' is a mere start ... Only after it, that's where the real relationship begins ... And it's not just to love what you know about the other ... It's about accepting, loving, nurturing, everything that you don't know as well ... plus anything that the future lover will be, become, or turn into ...".

Grayfia nod in agreement, but then *sigh*, mumbling-out-loud "..It only true if the two sides of the relationship make an effort...".

"I have a wife who used to be a slave... Actually, three of them... plus another one who used to be a maid... But it disappeared, HEHE", I begin laughing in the middle of my talk, thinking how much Mia changed, and say "Mia became such a spoiled queen around me... Such a perfect mama... No trace for her maid after I poured enough love and affection... And even the three former-slaves, hehe, really, I guess there's still scars, but by their smiles and day-to-day happiness, you won't see a trace of it...".

"That sounds nice... But I'll believe what I see, not what you say" Grayfia smile to me, and I smile back, floating in my happy thoughts about my wives.

"The thing I was afraid the most is a Harem... I mean, how can one man have so many wives? How can such a dream become a desired reality? ... And after a long time, I don't know if I'm the real reason for the success, But, it's such a success, I feel like it's so much more than a man and women ... It's about them between themselves as well ... How they love each other... How they feel blissful to be together ... Even if I'm a bit jealous, honestly, seeing them flirting between themselves sometimes, haha...".

"Well, that's a man brain for you", Grayfia smirks, "Women doesn't see a kiss, or a flirt, between women, the same as a thing between a man and a woman".

"Yeah..." I respond, "I heard it, and honestly, I think lesbian-love is doing it to me... And they're not even lesbians, they're just playing so in front of me, teasing me, knowing it makes my blood boil from jealousy, hehe... Yeah, life is good ... My life are really good...".

I relax on the chair, super-comfortable, feeling Grayfia is a really good chatting partner, and I tell her so, and she giggle, responding "I feel the same".

We keep chatting, eating snacks, drinking more and more, till I suddenly 'see' the girls arrive at the house, and signal Lana where I'm at.

"AYN!" Lana shout happily, coming upstairs, entering the balcony, but freezes when she see Grayfia, changing her temperament to a mature-lady-like, and we both laugh, as I tell her "come on, my love, just be you, that's the best... I love you... Whoever you choose to be...".

I hold her hand, pulling her to sit on my lap, and give her my drink, while she look at me with a face full of emotions, from love, to pure relaxation, till she finally snuggle to my chest, as I keep chatting with Grayfia.

... "Ayn!" Rias enters the balcony, together with a few others, Akeno, Serafall, a black-care-hair-girl who wears glasses, a long-black-hair-girl wearing glasses, and soon Koneko, who comes next to me, but seeing Lana on my lap, she take a chair, and sit right next to us, while putting her head on my arm, acting cutely.

"Hi" I say and wave 'hello' to all, pointing at the chairs, while pouring drinks to everyone, and pulling food to the table, pushing it around, and soon they're all sitting around the table.

"Ayn! This is Sona! My cute charming beautiful sister! ... Sona, this is Ayn!" Serafall introduce me to her sister, and after greeting her, I look at the girl sitting right next to her, saying "Hi? I'm Ayn, and you, Miss?", and she blush, playing with her hair, saying "Hi Ayn, I'm Tsubaki Shinra, Sona'-queen".

"Queen? You're... A couple? Nice" I say, looking at them, but avert my gaze to Serafall, who kinda hinted me she want me to 'know' her sister, probably wishing for us to date, but as I look at her, she burst laughing, together with everyone, laughing so hard they're crying.

"A queen is not a wife for devils, it's some sort of power-standing, a peerage, a personal, and queen is the highest rank in that peerage... Like Akeno is Rias'-queen" Lana tell me, and I look at the girls, shyly smiling, while they begin telling me all about those chess-pieces-power-system they're using.

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