
Chapter 63: An Evening At The Burrows

September 19th, The Granger residence, Muggle London

With a crack of thunder, Hermione and Snape appeared just outside The Burrows. When they landed Hermione had been surprised to find that Snape on longer looked like Sebastian Prince. The Potions Professor sighed looking around the vast field the Weasley's chose to build their home in. It had not lacked for space and left plenty of room to grow. Hermione smiled looking at all the golden grasses. It had always been like a third home for her here. The first being her own home in London and the second being Hogwarts.

"Time to face the horde." she said slightly amused.

"Indeed." replied Snape in agreement.

Hermione started to walk toward one of the two high columned houses in the distance but Snape pulled her back toward him. She giggled when she felt him press her against his chest and the scent of herbs and fresh earth came back to her.

"What are you doing?" she asked still giggling.

"I just want to make sure that you don't like Sebastian more than you do me." he replied.

Hermione arched an eyebrow.

"How do you figure that?" she asked.

"You seemed all too eager to kiss him." said Snape.

Hermione burst out laughing.

"You git." she said amused. "You just want another kiss."

"Do I?" asked Snape as if bored.

"Yes, you do." replied Hermione giggling once more.

"Well, if you insist." said Snape slyly.

He leaned down and captured Hermione's soft pink lips with his pale ones. The bushy haired witch closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The Potions Master tightened his grip around her waist. Hermione smiled when she felt his body's reaction to her being so close to him.

"Someone's a randy six year." she said teasing.

"I would not be a tease if I were you." he replied through gritted teeth.

Hermione laughed.

"Come on we have to get to the party." she said.

"All in good time witch." replied Snape. "I have something for you."

Hermione gave him a look.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Granger I mean a more practical gift." he said. "Besides, I believe you've received the first one this morning...although I can oblige you with a few matching sets."

Hermione shook her head. Cocky Slytherin.

"Alright git, what have you got for me?" she asked.

Snape smirked amused by her attempt to change the subject. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long thin black box. Hermione recognized it immediately as something to encase jewelry. Her amber eyes widened in anticipation. His pale fingers flexed over the box once or twice before he handed it to her.

"Happy Birthday, Insufferable Gryffindor." he said with a smug expression on his face.

Hermione took the box into her hands and opened it. She was stunned to find a beautiful silver necklace in the shape of a serpent much like his ring wrapping around itself to get to it's tail but the head of the snake came to a halt at the clasp and below it dangled a lion's head carved in detail also in silver. There were no gems in this one but that had not mattered to Hermione because the lion's head had S.S + H.G = 4 ever carved into it.

The amber eyes of the Charms Mistress filled with grateful tears as she looked up at Snape who tried his best to act neutral while he gauged her reaction to his gift.

"Oh Severus." she said pleased. "It's beautiful."

Snape looked over toward the burrows.

"We'd better get going before they send out the Aurors." he said.

There was only so much sweetness he could take. Hermione laughed. Slytherin to the core.

She took the necklace out of the box and he helped her put it around her neck. She gazed at him with admiration as she

As they made their way up to the main Weasley house, Hermione was immediately set upon by the children of Harry and Ginny Potter. James came running up to her followed by little Albus Severus. The boys ambushed the witch hugging her like mad.

"Happy Birthday, Auntie Mione." said James.

"Happy Birthday, God-mom." said Albus Severus.

Snape simply stood on the porch with his arms folded against his chest taking in the strange scene. The Potions Master couldn't help but note that The Charms Mistress had been good with kids.

"Thank you boys." she said pleasantly.

"That's a nice necklace." said James. "Where did you get it?"

Hermione smiled again and looked up at Snape.

"Professor Snape gave it to me for my birthday." she replied.

Albus Severus looked at Snape their eyes locking like before.

"I know you." said the boy. "You're the one with my name."

Snape arched an eyebrow at him. Still standing with his arms folded across his chest.

"I believe Mr. Potter that it was my name before you were born." he replied.

Albus Severus smiled. I like this guy. He's much better than the crazy old wizard.

"How come you wear black all the time?" asked Albus Severus.

Snape sighed. This must be incessant questions day.

Hermione laughed knowing the look that filed across his face.

"Because he looks good in it." she replied. "He's known that for years."

Albus Severus looked back n forth between Hermione and Snape.

Even at three years old he was smart enough to known when people liked each other. God-mom likes him too.

James stretched out his hand for Hermione to take.

"Come on Auntie Mione." he said. "It's time to go to the party now."

Giving Snape one last look and a smile she took the hand of her little escort and he pulled her inside. Albus Severus looked up at Snape. The Potions Master glared down at him.

"Don't even think about it." he said in warning.

Albus Severus simply smiled and grab a hold of his black robes as he started walking toward the door. Snape rolled his eyes and accompanied the boy into the house.

The Weasley Front Room, The Burrows, Wizarding World...

He was amazed to see all who had been gathered for the party: The Weasley clan: Molly, Arthur, Fred, George, Bill, Ron, Susan. The Potters: Harry and Ginny of course the boy James and Albus Severus. The Lupins: Remus, Tonks and Edward. The Malfoys: Lucius, Narcissa, Pansy, Scorpius, Jasmine, and Draco. Kingsley Shackbolt, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Austin Embers, and The Longbottoms: Neville and Luna.

As soon as Snape entered the house Edward had been on to him.

"Daddy Snape!" he shouted happily as he leapt into Snape's arms.

Remus Lupin burst out laughing leading the others to do the same.

"Don't just stand there werewolf get him off me." Snape grumbled.

Everyone laughed again.

"Oh stop Severus a little affection isn't going to kill you." said Minerva with a smile.

"Easy for you to say old woman." he replied.

"Well, it's about time you both got here." said a voice that sent chills down Snape's spine, and not in a good way.

He rolled his eyes before looking to where the source had been from.

"Hello mother." he said. "Couldn't resist causing trouble could you?"

"What ever do you mean?" asked Lady Hamershal. "I simply came to wish a happy birthday to my favorite Gryffindor."

Snape narrowed his eyes at her.

{As if you would be caught dead praising anyone from that house.} he said in her mind. {You came to do some meddling.}

Lady Hamershal directed a smile at him that was pleasant.

{"I wanted to see how my future daughter in-law was getting on on this joyous occasion."} she replied. {"It is after all her birthday."}

Snape bristled at the "future daughter in-law" comment. It wasn't as if he couldn't see himself spending the rest of his life with Hermione, it was because he had not wanted his wretched mother to lay any sort of claim on her. Even if that claim be daughter-in-law. She had truthfully lost that right long ago.

{Miss Granger is hardly your anything.} he replied. {The only reason I am forced to have any association with you is because I needed your help to save her.}

{"All the reason for me to be thankful of her birth wouldn't you agree."} said Lady Hamershal.

Before Snape could say anything more Draco walked over to Hermione.

"Happy Birthday Granger." he said.

Hermione glared at him still very much aware of the comment he made about her being a whore the last time he was over. Fuming she reached back and punched the junior Malfoy in the jaw. Draco dropped to his knees stroking his aching jawline.

"Damn that hurt." he said rubbing his face. "Guess I deserved that."

Hermione nodded.

"Yes, you did." she said.

"Well." said Draco getting to his feet. "Happy Birthday, Hermione Granger."

"Thank you, Draco Malfoy." she replied and turned her attention to Harry as he came up to her.

"Happy Birthday, Mione." said Harry giving her a brotherly hug.

"Thank you, Harry." she replied. "And thank you for the party."

Ron came up and hugged her next.

"Happy birthday, Mione." he said with a grin. "So what are you going to wish for another mountain of books?"

Fred and George grinned.

"Happy." said Fred.

"Birthday." finished George.

"Little Sis." said Fed and George in unison.

Hermione shook her head as the twins set off fireworks in front room.

"Fred, George, you stop those blasted things this instant!" bellowed Molly Weasley waving her fists in emphasis.

The twins chuckled and went back to their horseplay.

"Happy Birthday, Hermione." said Neville Longbottom.

"Thank you, Neville." said Hermione giving Neville a hug.

She turned her attention to Luna who gave her a hug as well.

"Happy birthday, Hermione." said Luna with an dream-like smile.

"Thank you, Luna." replied Hermione.

The party got underway after a few more greetings. Snape stood off by himself in a corner brooding. He had been watching as everyone laughed and joked with and at Hermione's expense. Edward insisted upon harassing him until Snape threatened to hex Lupin if he didn't control his "were-pup brat."

Jasmine and Scorpius had been on their best behavior playing with James and Edward. Albus Severus had been more contented with standing in a corner mimicking Snape's brooding manner. Laughter filled the room along with remarks on how cute Albus Severus had been, thought the boy was actually taking his brooding quite seriously.

The Potions Master had been annoyed when Harry Potter made his way over toward him.

"It's good of you to join us Professor." said Harry with a smile.

"Potter, it's been over five years since your graduation." grumbled Snape. "Must you annoy me when you have so many other people to choose from."

Harry didn't lose his smile.

"I know...I know." he said. "It's been so long I just wanted to see how you are doing."

"Never better, Potter." replied Snape.

Hermione looked over at him briefly as she continued to converse with Ginny, Luna, Susan, and Pansy.

The young women seemed to have been lost in their various stories of married life and comparing notes on how sweet their spouses here. Hermione simply smiled and listened as the wives of her friends spoke.

"I suppose you want to know why I've given my son your name." said Harry.

"Not Particularly." replied Snape.

Harry shook his head recalling those words used by Sebastian Prince on more than a few occasions.

"Wither you know it or not Severus, you are as much family to me as anyone else I know." said the green eyed wizard. "After everything my parents and did and what you went through you still managed to look after me, even when I was a bumbling idiot."

Snape chucked at that.

"I couldn't agree more." he said. "Are you sure you're not disappointed that I remain while your illustrious Godfather Sirius Black passed away?"

Harry sighed.

"While I do miss Sirius." said Harry honestly. "You are more a father to me than he or James Potter."

Snape looked at Harry effectively stunned by the boy admitting all of this.

"W-What?" he asked in disbelief.

"You heard me Severus." replied Harry. "That's the reason I named my second son after you, that and he the fact that he has your spirit."

Snape looked over at Albus Severus.

The boy had been a lot like he had been, the most pale of Potter's children with his father's dark hair and Lily's green eyes.

"Why on earth would you name him after Albus?" asked Snape breaking the sentiment of the moment. "He's as nutty as a fruit cake."

Albus Dumbledore laughed pleasantly at this.

"See what I mean." said Snape.

Harry shook his head.

After the heart to heart Snape had been rather relieved when the women took charge ordering everyone into the kitchen so that they could all sing Happy Birthday to Hermione. Lucius made his way over to Severus with a knowing smirk on his face as he and Snape lingered in the front room.

"Severus." he said in a pleasant tone.

"Bloody hell." said Snape knowing full well the reason his old friend had been so cheerful.

"It seems congratulations are in order old friend." said Lucius.

"And why might I ask am I to be congratulated?" asked Snape knowing the answer.

"Oh come now Severus." said Lucius. "You and I both know that you're doing Miss Granger why don't you just admit it."

"And why don't you just mind your own business." replied Snape. "You're clearly spending too much time around Gryffindors Lucius, their tendency to meddle is rubbing off on you."

The handsome albino blond smiled charmingly.

"My Severus." he said. "You always were one for denial."

"Slytherin philosophy at it's finest." countered Snape.

Lucius chuckled.

"Deny it all you like little brother, but I can see that a certain Gryffindor witch has made you very happy." he replied. "If anything that I saw in that pensive is any indication you are getting a steady supply of young witch trim by now."

"Lucius." said Snape shaking his head. "It may please you to know that you and that boy of yours are one in the same."

The handsome albino blond put his hand on his friends shoulder.

"Come on Severus on a scale of one to ten how good is that little witch of yours?" he asked.

"I am not having this discussion with you." said Snape.

"At least tell me how big her tits are." said Lucius.

Snape had not wanted to speak about Hermione in that way. Least of all give Lucius ideas so that he could fantasies about her. So he said the only thing he could think of to get the senior Malfoy off his back.

"Bellatrix was a ten." replied Snape.

Lucius looked at him absolutely stunned.

"Really?" he asked. "It's a pity you killed her."

"She was utterly insane and she was your wife's sister." said Snape.

"Well, I didn't mean that I would indulge." said Lucius. "Or perhaps Cissy and I could have worked something out."

"Goodbye Lucius." said Snape not wanting anything more to do with the strange conversation he walked into the kitchen with everyone else.


The Kitchen, The Burrows, Wizarding World...

Hermione had been sitting at the long Weasley table with everyone gathered around her. She was a beautiful vision of bushy sandy brown curls and bright amber eyes. Her fair complexion had been aglow with the light from the candles. Everyone sang out a chorus of "Happy Birthday to Hermione" and she blew out her twenty-five candles after making a wish. The bushy haired witch stared down at her cake, it had been an impressive tower of white frosting and yellow bread. Decorated with little pink hearts and Hermione's name across the top. Molly Weasley had baked it herself with a great deal of effort.

There was clapping and funfair all around with the exceptions of both Snape and Lucius. The two Slytherins simply looked on as if confused by all the goings-ons.

Everything seemed to be getting on just fine until Fred Weasley got the urge to launch his piece of cake into the face of Ron Weasley. Ron counted with a piece of his own flinging it into George's face. In retaliation George went for Ron and got Bill. Bill threw cake at Percy who had laughed at the mess George made of him. Before everyone knew it a large cake fight erupted in the Weasley kitchen mostly consisting of the younger witches and wizards until Dumbledore got in on the merriment. Launching cake magically into the faces of Minerva McGonagall and Neville Longbottom.

Harry and Ron splattered cake in Hermione's face and she retaliated by smashing some in Harry's face getting frosting into his glasses. The children got in on it as well with James splattering cake on Scorpius and both boys teaming up on Jasmine and Edward. Albus Severus had been busy watching the adults confused by the sight of them all. Austin had gotten in on the fun as well splattering cake with the other kids.

Arthur Weasley had apparently had enough of his wife nagging and shouting about everyone's behavior as he picked-up a slice of cake and shoved it into her face. Draco pelted Pansy who accompanied Hermione in smashing cake all in the junior Malfoy's face and hair. Lupin had not even been spared as Tonks smashed cake into his face. Edward played in fallen cake happily eating the frosting that splashed on his cheek. Kingsley had not even been spared as the cake fight seemed to progress.

Narcissa and Lucius soon got into the act pelting each other with cake after she smashed it into Lucius' face. He calmly walked over to the table took some cake in hand and returned the favor. Soon almost everyone at the party was covered in cake with the exception of Snape and his mother. Both Harry Potter and Hermione Granger set out to rectify that.

"Don't you get any bright ideas Potter." said Snape with his arms folded across his chest. "And Granger, you know very well that you won't be able to take the kind of revenge I'll dish out."

At this both Harry and Hermione reconsidered.

"Oh Severus lighten up." said the voice of Lady Hamershal.

Before Snape could retort he was suddenly set upon by Lucius Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and his own mother.

All of them pelted The Potions Master with cake smashing it into his face and hair. Snape glared at them all snarling as cake slid down his pale face.

Dumbledore chuckled at the sight of him.

Hermione shook her head knowing all too well what was coming next.

Snape waved his hand caused a stream of cake to come to life as if it had been a serpent and splattered cake in the faces of all those that pelted him. Covering not just their various faces, but their respective clothes and hair as well.

"Cool." said Albus Severus marveling at Snape's handiwork.



The party came to an end with Hermione biding everyone good bye and returning to Hogwarts. Snape had gone ahead of her not wishing to bring unwanted questioning upon them. The bushy haired witch had been pleased about the way the day had turned out. She made her way to her quarters, quickly changed into her night gown and ventured through the floo to Snape's quarters.


Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

He had been sitting in one of his leather armchairs reading a book clad in nothing but his boxer shorts when she arrived. The had both done a fairly good job of cleaning the cake off of them after the party. Hermione walked over toward him running her hands through his hair as he read. He looked up at her putting the book to the side and taking her into his arms before he pulled her into his lap.

"This has been one of the best birthdays I've had in a long time." said Hermione content.

"Really?" said Snape.

"Really." replied Hermione. "And to top it off I had a snarky git with me the entire day."

Snape smirked as they shared a kiss.

"Well, Miss Granger." he said. "Seeing that it is still your birthday for yet another hour, what do you wish to do?"

Hermione thought for a moment the gave her reply.

"I want to lie in bed with you while you read to me." she answered.

Snape looked at her with an arched eyebrow. He had not been expecting that.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes." replied Hermione.

"Why on earth would you request something like that?" he asked.

Hermione made a grand production of her answer.

"Let's see I want to do a bit of reading, and I want to curl up in bed with my boyfriend, then there's the distraction you provide when ever you speak." she said. "And I really love the sound of your voice."

Snape smirked.

"I see your point." he replied.

He and Hermione shared one last kiss before he lifted her up off his lap and carried her into the bedroom.

"Anything in particular you wish to read?" he asked.

"The book you were reading before is fine." she replied.

Snape summoned the book with little to no effort nor even a wand as they ventured into the room.


Snape's Bedroom, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Snape laid Hermione down gently on his bed and climbed in beside her. She maneuvered until her bushy hair had been beneath his chin and she could hear his heartbeat. Snape let his free arm wrap around her waist and held the book with the other hand. Hermione had been lulled into an easy and contented sleep listening to the soothing sound of Snape's rich baritone drawl purring into her ears like literary silk.

The Potions Master smiled when he took in the tell tale signs of her being asleep. The warmth from her slender frame against his own pale lean form. With a slight smile Snape kissed the top of her head as she slept nuzzling her cheek against his bare chest.

"Happy birthday Gryffindor." he said softly. "May all of your dreams be sweet."

After a good thirty minutes Snape put away the book, extinguished the torches that had provided lighting in the darkened room and closed his eyes letting sleep wash over him. He couldn't help but feel at peace for the first time in his life. He had the love of a beautiful young witch, a job he didn't hate quite so much these days, friends who incessantly bother him, and what passed for family. Severus Snape fell asleep feeling everything was right with the world.

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