
Chapter 53: Guess Who's Coming For Dinner?

Severus Snape's Office, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World....

A late appointment with a young Slytherin had been the last thing Snape needed at the moment with his pounding headache and utterly blunt reasoning as of late. The Potions Master found himself massaging his temple as he looked down at the first year red haired boy with dark eyes. Apparently, Mr. Embers had been acting out in all of his various classes. It had gotten so bad that Minerva had dragged the boy by his ear all the way to Snape's office.

"Mr. Embers." said Snape annoyed. "Am I to understand that you enjoy being an irritant?"

Austin looked down at his finger twisting in the loose folds of his student robes. The Slytherin tie neatly around his neck sagged to the side as he tried not to look into the eyes of Severus Snape.

"N-No sir." replied Austin in a quiet voice.

Snape arched an eyebrow at this. The boy was reported to have been usually talkative. He wondered if it had just been his presence that unnerved the boy.

"According to the reports that I am getting about your behavior, you seem to relish being an irritant." said Snape.

Austin continued to look down at his hands. Still fiddling with his robes. He had not the courage to look his Head of House in the eye and take in the disappointment he had generated from the dour man.

"Mr. Embers what is your situation like at home?" asked Snape knowing all too well the tell tale signs of a lack of stability.

"M-My parents are dead sir." replied Austin. "T-They died when I was a baby."

Snape took this in.

"Do you have anyone who cares for you outside of Hogwarts?" he asked.

Austin seemed to crouch further in his seat.

"N-No sir." he replied. "My uncle had been the only relative I had but after he put me on the train he moved away."

Snape felt a flash of rage come over him recalling something similar in his own past.

"So you have no one?" asked Snape trying to get a hold of his temper before he scared the boy.

"N-No sir." replied Austin. "I-I'm a ward of the school...or at least that's what professor Dumbledore says."

Snape took this in as well.

"It appears Mr. Embers, that as your Head of House I have more say in what becomes of you." he said looking at the young man.

Austin nodded slowly.

Snape sighed.

"You will serve detention with me for three weeks." he said. "Your inappropriate behavior in your other classes ends as of this moment."

Austin nodded.

"I want to see your report card from every class." said Snape. "If there is a class you are failing we will work on how to improve you."

Austin nodded again.

"For Merlin's sake no more attention seeking." said Snape. "You are a Slytherin...we do not show off...if we do something it is with both subtlety and meticulous calculation."

Austin's ears perked at this.

"Sir?" he said not sure he heard his Professor right.

"Don't be daft boy." said Snape. "I'm not giving you permission to break the rules, I am simply telling you that there is a better way to exercise your apparent angst."

This brought a smile to the young Slytherin's face. Professor Snape had been alright as far as he was concerned.

"I take it that you haven't been off Hogwarts grounds since you first arrived." said Snape.

Austin shook his head.

Snape sighed.

"As I thought." he said. "I am attending dinner at a friend's house this evening, I suppose it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience if you tagged along."

"Really Professor Snape, you mean it?" asked Austin.

"Sure why not." said Snape. "Everyone else there is bringing a kid...I might as well give them something else to talk about."

The young Slytherin had not know what to say.

"Thank you Professor Snape." he said happily. "Everyone always talks about how mean you are but I knew you were a swell guy."

Snape rolled his eyes at the compliment.

"Just go get ready before I change my mind." he said annoyed.

Austin nodded and made his way to the door.

"Thank you again, Professor." he said once more and headed out the door.

When the boy was gone Snape smirked at the controversy that the boy's appearance at Malfoy manner would cause. To see Narcissa Malfoy scrambling about jolted by the fact that Snape brought a kid to dinner would be more than enough entertainment for the evening.


Malfoy Manor, Wizarding World...

Pristine elegance had been in effect when Severus Snape arrived at Malfoy Manor. He had not been alone with Austin Embers in tow as they stood at the door to the manor. Snape looked over young Austin, the boy had really gone all out, slicking back his short red hair and putting on his best black dress robes. Snape smirked noting the air of superiority that had come across the young Slytherin. Lucius answered the door himself knowing full well who had been on the other side. He had been taken aback to find that Snape had not been alone this time but in the company of a young man with red hair and brown eyes. The handsome albino blond had been so stunned that he had not known that his mouth had still been agape as his gray eyes took them in.

"Lucius." said Snape with a smirk. "Close your mouth before flies get in."

Austin smiled making a mental note to use that at a later date.

Lucius narrowed his eyes at Snape.

"Yes." he said trying to composing himself. "Well, come in."

Snape nodded once in respect and entered the house with Austin in front of him. The young Slytherin smiled taking in the sight of the well decorated manor. The smaller wizard had been stunned to see a six year old boy and a three year old girl come running toward the door with smiles on their faces.

"Uncle Severus is here!" they shouted excitedly in unison. "Uncle Severus is here!"

Snape sighed taking in the sight of Lucius Malfoy's grandchildren.

The two younger Malfoys crowded them immediately in a bid to get to Snape.

"Scorpius, Jasmine." said Snape. "This is Austin."

"Hello, Austin." said Scorpius Malfoy with a charming smile very much like his grandfather's.

"Hi, Austin." said Jasmine waving her hand sweetly.

"Hello Scorpius." said Austin. "Hello Jasmine."

"I'm six years old." said Scorpius proudly.

"I'm three." added Jasmine.

"Well, I'm eleven." said Austin.

The two younger Malfoys had been impressed.

"So you go to Hogwarts?" asked Scorpius amazed.

"Yes." replied Austin. "I do indeed."

"Daddy went to Hogwarts." said Jasmine happily. "My Uncle Severus teaches there too."

Snape smirked at the notion of small talk happening between the children.

Austin seemed comfortable enough.

It had been only a second later that Draco Malfoy in all his young adult glory came strolling into the room in a causal black suit with shiny dress shoes. Snape shook his head taking in the sight of his Godson.

"Hey Uncle Severus." said Draco in a pleasant tone.

"Hay is for horses, Draco." replied Snape. "Spending too much time with Potter and Weasley I see."

Draco put a hand behind his head in a bid to sort out how best to retort. Snape smirked as the young wizard settled for venturing over and shaking his hand firmly.

"Who's the little tyke?" asked Draco noticing Austin Embers for the first time.

"Mr. Embers is my...guest for the evening." said Snape evenly.

Draco looked at his uncle for a moment and shrugged.

"Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Mr. Embers." he said. "I am Draco Malfoy, Scorpius and Jasmine's father."

Austin looked back between the young Malfoy children and Draco. They had looked a good deal like him, but he had been surprised at how young of a father he had been. Still, the boy respectfully held out his hand. Draco smiled and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Malfoy." said Austin clear and respectfully. "My name is Austin."

"As I said, Austin." said Draco acknowledging his first name. "Welcome...any guest of my Godfather's is definitely a refreshing sight around here."

Austin returned Draco's smile.

"You'll be happy to know that your dear mother saw fit to intrude upon our evening yet again." said Lucius as he put a hand on Snape's shoulder. "With any luck she'll keel over in shock once she notices you've brought home a child and not a witch she can call daughter."

Snape and Lucius shared a chuckle at this.

"Have you told her that a certain bushy haired know-it-all has returned to Hogwarts?" asked Snape.

"No." replied Lucius directly. "I'm staying as far away from that force of nature as possible."

Snape laughed again.

The laughter of the two older wizards caught the attention of the witch in question.

"Severus Sebastian Snape, you get in here right this instant." came the familiar bellow of Lady Hamershal from the back room.

"Bloody Hell." said Snape with a sigh. "Come along Mr. Embers...it appears that mother wants to meet you."

Austin looked up at Snape confused.

"Y-You're mother's still alive sir?" he asked.

"Yes." replied Snape with a snarl. "How unfortunate for me."

He wondered if Hermione Granger would ever realize just how much it cost him to save her life all those years ago. He could deal with the hexes and curses, he could have even dealt with the uncharted demon realm so long as LeStrange died and shut up. The only real price Snape had to pay in a bid to save the young witch was dealing with his mother when he had been perfectly happy to keep her out of his life.


The Burrows, Wizarding World...

The sound of children running and laughing had been all around the burrow as Harry and Ginny's boys made enough noise for it to sound like a three ring circus. Hermione had been greeted warmly as soon as she stepped foot on the front porch. No sooner had she got there the boys came running with smiles on their faces.

"Auntie Mione!" shouted James happily.

"God-mom!" shouted Albus Severus.

Hermione found herself in the center of a group hug by both boys.

"Hello James." said Hermione tussling the young wizard's dark messy hair.

The boy had looked so much like Harry and James Potter that it was uncanny. If that wasn't enough Sirius's Black's charm wasn't a bad trait on him either.

"Hello Sev." said Hermione picking the smaller boy up in her arms and planting a big kiss on his cheek.

"Eww." said Albus Severus in reaction.

Hermione laughed realizing just how much like his namesake Albus Severus had been.

"What's so funny?" asked Albus Severus.

Hermione couldn't help but laugh again at how much the boy took after his namesake.

"You have no idea how much you act like your Uncle Severus." she said with a smile.

Albus Severus smiled proudly. He had heard all the stories about the great wizard Severus Snape and why he had gotten his name from him. The boy had much preferred to be called Sev before Albus. Though he had a great deal of respect for the headmaster of Hogwarts. He had even met the man a few times, but he always got the feeling he was strange.

"I can't wait to get to Hogwarts so I can meet him." said Albus Severus.

Hermione tussled the younger wizard's dark hair.

"I'm sure." she said putting him back down.

All three of them headed into the house where Hermione found herself immediately swarmed by Weasleys.

"Hey little sis." said Fred with a smile on his face.

"You're just in time." added George.

"Mione!" said Ron rushing over from the back.

He pulled the witch into rather sloppy hug.

"Hello to you too Ronald." said Hermione trying hard to ignore the stench of onions on him.

"Long time no see." said Ron happily as he put her down.

"I suppose it has been a while." she said making a show of dusting herself off.

Harry came from the back with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey Ron, Malfoy is all set for Quidditch tomorrow." he said before he caught sight of Hermione. "Hey Mione."

"Hay is for horses, Harry Potter." said Hermione.

"Well, hello then Professor Granger." said Harry in mock civility.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Prat." she said with a laugh.

"You love it." replied Harry.

He walked over to Hermione and gave her a brotherly hug.

"It feels like it's been ages since your last visit." he said.

"That it has." replied Hermione.

"How is the old git?" asked Harry.

"Severus...is his usual git self." replied Hermione seemingly annoyed at having been asked about the dour man.

Harry smiled.

"I'll bet." he said recalling the Potions Professor from memory. "You know I may have to make a trip up there to see how he's doing for myself."

"And he'll probably greet you at the door with all manner of nasty hexes." replied Hermione.

"Something tells me you speak from experience." said Harry with an arched brow.

Hermione laughed and ruffled Harry's dark hair.

The green eyed wizard laughed as well.

"Having fun are we?" asked Ginny Potter as she entered the room with a eyebrow arched in the manner of Snape.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"That was great Gin, you sound just like the greasy git." said Ron astonished.

Both Harry and Hermione slapped him in the back of the head at the same time.

"Ow!" said Ron touching his head. "It's not my fault she makes a very good impression."

Both Harry and Hermione looked at each other and burst into laughter once more.


Malfoy Manor, Wizarding World...

Snape had been halfway through his meal when his mother immediately started in on the lecture about how he should find himself a good witch to settle down with. Austin said nothing as he ate his food and looked around at the strange new faces at the table. Lucius Malfoy sat at the head of the table with his wife Narcissa near him. Snape sat at the opposite end of the table preferring to be near the exit with Austin in the seat closet to him with Draco, Pansy, Scorpius, and Jasmine sitting in the center seats with Lady Hamershal seated in the center seat closest to Snape much to his annoyance. The young Slytherin had been captivated by the elegance of his surroundings as well as the familiarity everyone seemed to have with each other. He wondered if this was what a real family had been like.

"Severus." said Lady Hamershal.

"Mother." replied Snape stabbing his roast with his fork as he glared up at her.

"When was the last time you spoke to that lovely young witch that cared enough about you to bring you back from that dreadful place?" asked Lady Hamershal.

Snape's eyes flashed rage.

"When was the last time you've heard from Mr. Swortzenberge?" he asked in an icy tone.

Lady Hamershal narrowed her eyes at her son.

"That is none of your business." she said.

"Likewise Mother." replied Snape lifting his goblet in triumph.

Theodora Hamershal had not changed all that much over the course of five years but she had been adamant about her son finding a wife. She had hoped that he would have at least settled down with Hermione Granger, the young witch seemed interested in him enough and after what he had gone through to save her, it seemed almost a shame to let her get away.

The older witch waved her hand and Snape found that his wine had been turned into mud. He spit it out enraged. He had forgotten that his mother could be just as vindictive as he could, quite frankly it's where he must have gotten it to be fair.

"Wretched old bat." said Snape his lips curled in disgust.

"Ungrateful, arrogant worm." replied Lady Hamershal.

Austin had been shocked at the display. He had never would have believed that his Head of House would show blatant disrespect to his own mother.

"Black hearted harpy." said Snape.

"Coilless snake." replied Lady Hamershal.

Austin looked over at the Malfoys they didn't seem all that impressed by what was going on. The red haired wizard seemed to understand that it was a natural event that seemed to happen every time these two were together. He quietly ate his food.

"All jokes aside." said Lady Hamershal. "I worry about you, you know Severus."

"As do we all." chimed Lucius.

Snape narrowed his eyes at The handsome Senior Malfoy.

"I suggest you find that lovely Granger girl and see if she is available." said Lady Hamershal. "You seemed to be fond of each other the last I saw."

Draco Malfoy spit out his goblet of wine as shock over took him.

"You were shagging Granger!?" he asked seemingly horrified.

Snape rolled his eyes.

Of course his godson would immediately blurt out the worst case scenario. He had definitely been spending too much time with Potter and Weasley.

"Mother." said Snape enraged. "Sometimes I wonder why you were not sorted into Gryffindor, you have all the subtlety of a hippogriff."

Lady Hamershal shrugged.

"Or it is simply that I see no reason to beat around the bush as the Muggles say." she replied indifferent to the damage she'd caused via her careless words.

"You were really shagging Granger?" asked Pansy equally shocked as she looked at her former Head of House.

"Bloody hell." said Snape annoyed as he attempted to gain control of the fast growing chaos that surrounded him.

Lucius started laughing at the looks on everyone's faces. The most priceless had been the one on Narcissa wore as she looked at Snape horrified at the implications of what was being said.

"Well, that cat's out of the bag." said Lucius taking another sip of wine letting his gray eyes flicker from person to person in utter amusement.

"It's not what you are thinking." said Snape calmly. "I never touched Miss Granger, while I was her professor."

"So you hooked up afterwards?" asked Pansy as her eyes lit up showing her genuine interest in all the juicy gossip.

Snape rolled his eyes at her phrasing.

"No." he said firmly.

"Then how did you end up shagging Granger?" asked Draco in a rather incredulous tone.

"Draco, I would advise you to remember whom it is that you are speaking with." said Snape with a hint of danger in his tone.

Austin sat quietly taking in the scene.

So Professor Snape and Professor Granger use to date.

"I'm talking to a man that put the moves on his own son's girlfriend." said Draco fuming.

Lucius got to his feet.

"That's enough Draco." he said. "There's more going on that you do not understand."

"What's there to understand Father?" asked Draco glaring at Snape. "It's obvious that Uncle Severus moved in on Granger as soon as his son was transferred back to Drumstrag."

Snape got to his feet now fuming himself.

"You have no idea what you are talking about." he said icily.

"No, I understand perfectly what a little Mudblood whore Granger is." replied Draco angered by the whole ordeal.

He took off out the front door.

There was a crack of thunder as everyone realized Draco had just apparated. Snape ran for the door knowing exactly where Draco was headed. He looked back at Austin briefly.

"Lucius look after the boy." he said as he ran out into the front of the house.

"Same to you." Lucius called after him.

With another crack of thunder, Snape had vanished as well. Lucius sat back down in his seat and glared at Lady Hamershal. Pansy had been confused by the entire ordeal.

"Did I miss something?" she asked.

"You've missed a great deal girl." replied Lucius. "But like Draco, you too will soon be caught up on the latest gossip."


The Burrows, Wizarding World...

Hermione found herself in an seemingly endless sea of Weasleys. She smiled as she watched everyone dig into the wonderfully prepared dinner that Molly Weasley had put together. Arthur Weasley sat quietly eating in silence while the rest of the family chatted away in various loud discussions. His eyes shifted from face to face with a swelling of pride as he took in the sight of bright red hair in droves. Fred and George laughed and pulled various pranks on each other at the table. It had not mattered how old they had gotten it was just a sight to see them together and happy. Ron had been stuffing his face as he asked his lovely wife Susan to help him stack more food into his plate.

Harry had been smiling as he chatted with Hermione about Hogwarts latest gossip and Ginny chimed in occasionally. Both James and Albus Severus had been working on their plates, although Albus Severus ate sparingly. He had only been three and didn't seem to have that much of an appetite. The house was packed with Weasleys and it was just the way they liked it. Everyone had been fortunate to survive the events of the war with the entire family intact.

Percy and Bill had even showed up with Bill bringing his lovely wife Fleur Delacour-Weasley.

Dinner seemed to be going quite well.

Unfortunately, the peace was shattered by a loud crack of thunder. Everyone rushed outside to see who had arrived in such a dramatic manner. Harry had been the first out the door ready for trouble followed by Ron and Hermione. They had been shocked to find Draco Malfoy had landed in their field. Harry and Ron raced off the stairs over to their best mate with smiles on their faces.

"Hey Malfoy." said Ron with a grin. "Ready to lose?"

"I have no intention on losing Weasley." said Draco with a snarl.

"Famous last words." added Harry with a smile. "What brings you here so early I thought you were having dinner with your family."

"I was." replied Draco bitterly. "But then I was just told some interesting news."

Hermione walked over to the boys with a smile on her face.

"Good to see you Draco." she said.

"I wish I could say the same Granger." spat Draco still embittered by the news of her relationship with his godfather.

Hermione arched an eyebrow taken aback by his sudden irate tone and deliberate use of her last name.

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked.

"I was doing just fine until a few minutes ago." replied Draco not letting up on his bitterness.

He narrowed his gray eyes at Hermione for the first time in years.

Harry looked back n forth between Draco and Hermione.

"So tell me, how long have you been shagging my Godfather?" asked Draco with an indignant expression filed across his pale face.

Ron's jaw dropped in shock.

"W-What!?" asked Hermione not believing what she had just heard.

"You heard me Granger." replied Draco angry. "How long have you been shagging my Godfather?"

It suddenly dawned on Harry Potter, what the enraged pale young Malfoy had been referring to.

Before anyone could utter another word, a second crack of thunder announced the arrival of none other than Severus Snape.

"How long have you two been shagging?" asked Draco not at all phased by his appearance.

"Shut your mouth Draco." said Snape in a dangerous tone as his obsidian eyes flickered with malice in the wake of those vile words coming from his godson's lips.

"Did you two even wait five minutes after Sebastian was gone?" asked Draco still enraged by what he'd heard.

Snape drew his wand.

"Silencio." he said casting a silencing charm on Draco.

Hermione glared at him with tears running down her cheeks.

"My humiliation wasn't enough...you had to go bragging to your mates about what happened...especially to Draco!?" she said anger swelling in her chest.

"That is not what happened." replied Snape evenly.

"Like you and Lucius didn't have a good laugh at my expense." said Hermione indignant in her rage.

Ron looked back n forth between the two of them as the realization dawned on him that everything Draco had said was true.

"Bloody Hell, Malfoy's right!" he said aloud. "You've been shagging Snape!?"

Hermione glared at Ron murderously.

Harry could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Mione." he began attempting to bring some order to all of this chaos.

Before anyone could utter another word she took off as quickly as Snape had arrived.

"Is this true Severus?" asked Arthur from the porch. "Have you been having relations with Hermione?"

"Look it's not what you think." said Snape attempting to explain while trying to pin point where Hermione Granger had gone in a huff.

"Like hell it isn't!" shouted Molly Weasley. "My ears do more than frame my face Severus Snape...from where I'm standing I could hear plain as day that you were having relations with Hermione."

"First, this matter is all a misunderstanding that has gotten way out of control." said Snape. "Secondly, Hermione is a grown woman whomever she decides to take up with is none of your business."

Molly glared at him.

Harry sighed giving Snape a sympathetic look. It had been the first time he had seen the man in five years.

"Dad what's going on?" asked James as he came running to see what all the fuss was about.

"I want to know too Daddy." said Albus Severus.

Snape's obsidian eyes fell on the three year old.

"You're too little to know Sev." said James glaring at his younger brother. "Only big kids and grown ups."

Snape looked back from the boy with green eyes to Harry. His mind had been reeling as he noted that the boy had Lily Evan's eyes and had been apparently named for him. He would press Harry further on the matter but he had to find Hermione.

The dour wizard took off and in a crack of thunder he was gone.

"Who was that man, Daddy?" asked Albus Severus pulling on Harry's trouser leg.

"That man." said Harry with a sigh. "Was Professor Severus Snape...the other wizard you were named after."

Albus Severus looked at Harry and a wide smile filed across his little face.

He liked this wizard.

He didn't seem as nutty as the older one and he could make himself disappear really fast.

Harry sighed as he looked at all the angry faces Snape left in his wake.

He would have a good deal of explaining to do. With the oath lifted he would have no trouble starting from the beginning. It had been a good a place to start as any.

"Alright, everyone inside." said Harry. "Get comfortable, I have got a really long story to tell you."


Outside Hogwarts, Wizarding World...

Hermione Granger landed just outside Hogwarts with a crack of thunder. She had tears running down her cheeks as she ran toward the gate. A second crack of thunder signaled the arrival of Severus Snape as he trailed after her. It seemed like history was repeating itself with her running off in tears and him chasing after her.

"Hermione." he called after her.

The vastly upset younger witch only tried harder to get away from him.

She had again underestimated just how fast he had been and he caught her. He had gone after her with such force that they both tumbled to the ground with him landing hard with his back to the ground and her on his chest. The distraught witch sobbed uncontrollably against him. Snape had not known what more he could do about what had happened. It had been nobody's fault, but the consequences were still being felt by both of them.

"Hermione, it's not your fault." he said. "What happened then does not make you a bad person."

"I know that Severus." she replied. "but that doesn't stop it from hurting when people say things like that."

Snape wrapped his arms around the distraught witch in a bid to comfort her.

"I'm sorry." he said feeling as if the weight of the world had been crushing down on him in that moment. "The last thing you needed was to ever have to be associated with the likes of me."

Hermione rested her head on his ebony clad chest listening to the rhythm of his heart beat.

"No." she said feeling foolish for having reacted so poorly, she couldn't imagined how he must have felt after all this time and for Draco to speak so viciously about him...his own godfather it must have hurt something terrible even if he had not acknowledged it. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" asked Snape with an eyebrow arched in confusion.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted." replied Hermione. "Then and now...I was never really all that horrified about being with you...it was just that I knew how people would react to finding out about us and I knew you would want to keep everything that happened in the past...so I tried to do what I think you would have wanted."

Snape sighed holding the witch as he longed to do for so many years.

"I wanted you to have a life of your own." he admitted. "I wanted you to see the world without limitations...me giving in to those feeling would have only reinforced your desire to stay and you would have wasted the already overflowing potential you have on being as close to me as you could possibly get."

Hermione considered this. He had been right about how she would have reacted when she found out the truth. Even more strange was that Hermione had been right about him wanting to keep what happened between her and Sebastian in the past while he had been her professor.

"What a pair we are." she said softly stroking his pale sallow cheek.

"Indeed." replied Snape relishing the feel of her touch after all those years of being apart from her.

It took them another five minutes before the cold hard ground finally got to Severus and he remembered that he had to go pick up Austin Embers from Malfoy Manor. He and Hermione parted some what begrudgingly.

Snape did not know whether to kill Draco Malfoy for all of his folly or reward him for his antics as of late.

The junior Malfoy had still been at The Burrows when he arrived to collect Mr. Embers.

It was just as well.

Snape had still been in the mood to hex him.

Pansy Malfoy had been staring at him for a long time when he returned.

Her lingering gaze made him uncomfortable to say he least.

It didn't stay long as he collected Austin and returned to Hogwarts. He had, had enough of visiting for one evening.

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