
Chapter 33: A Series of Confrontations

Potions Classroom, Hogwarts...

Harry Potter had been the last one to file out of Potions class as he looked up at Professor Snape reading over parchments at his desk. The green eyed wizard took a breath and made his way over toward the dour man. It had been no secret that Professor Snape had loathe the younger wizard even more since the war had ended and he made it a point to avoid him altogether. Harry had felt terrible about all the things he had said about the man in the past, even when he accused him of killing Headmaster Dumbledore. The young wizard had been doing pretty well since the jinx lifted and everything seemed to return to normal at Hogwarts.

"P-Professor." he spoke in an unsure tone.

The obsidian eyes of The Potions Professor snapped from the parchment in his hands toward the green eyed wizard.

"Is there a reason you saw fit to bother me this evening Mr. Potter?" replied Snape in a cold tone.

Harry gathered his Gryffindor courage as he stood before that infamous glare. Snape had never lost the ability to unnerve him in the slightest. Sometimes the young wizard still had nightmares about the older man's coldness that night on the astronomy tower. The dark haired boy took a deep breath and matched the Potions Master's gaze.

"I know it was you Professor Snape." replied Harry finally.

Snape slammed his parchment down and leaned forward his broad shoulders reminding Harry very much of a cat ready to pounce.

"I beg your pardon." said Snape raising a confused eyebrow.

"I-I know it was you that hexed me, Sir." replied Harry not taking his eyes off the older wizard.

"And what pray tell gave you that insane notion?" asked Snape coldly.

"I-I was struck with a Black Cloud jinx, not many people even know of it's existence. Only you and Hermione are the only people I know that read any sort of books from the restricted section of the library." replied Harry. "I-It wasn't just that...Professor McGonagall's classroom was flooded by fireworks...and the last said "Gryffindor Sux"...I don't know what you did to Professor Dumbledore but he's had been avoiding Lemon drops all week...At the same time Madam Pomfrey has her hands full in the infirmary because someone left trick chocolates in the Gryffindor common room...If you as me this all seems a bit too elaborate for any of the usual suspects to pull off as thinking is not their strong suite...and mostly Gryffindors were affected so that means it was obviously a Slytherin that did the pranks...A Slytherin with a grudge against the only people who knew the truth about Sebastian Prince."

Snape had been unimpressed by the younger wizard's deduction.

"And your point is, Mr. Potter?" asked Snape emotionless.

"My point is Sir, I know it was you." replied Harry.

"Are you sure perhaps it was your very Slytherin friend Sebastian?" replied Snape. "From what I hear he did not have a very good experience here surrounded by Gryffindors...and your little Weasley friend."

The Professor's eyes flickered dangerously.

Harry nodded.

"W-We both know who Sebastian really is sir." said Harry.

"Do we, Mr. Potter?" asked Snape rising from his desk.

Harry took a breath and flicked his wand swiftly.

"Pila honestatis!" shouted Harry.

Snape looked at the younger wizard with a murderous glare. The white-gold light from the charm hit The Potions Professor and he was bathed in it. Harry flicked his wand again and cast a body binding spell on the dour man and leapt to his feet. Snape found himself sailing back into his chair unable to move.

"Potter!" he said in a irate warning tone.

"I'm sorry sir." said Harry "But you leave me no choice."

Snape struggled against the spell more determined than ever to strangle Harry James Potter than he had ever been since he met the annoying little prat. The younger wizard did not appear to be taking any pleasure in any of this. Despite having the clear advantage with his "foolish wand waving".

"You have to sit here and answer all of my questions." said Harry firmly. "The charm I used on you is as potent as that potion you threatened me with during fourth year."

Snape narrowed his eyes at the boy. Harry didn't falter feeling his Gryffindor courage at last. He was finally going to get the answers that eluded him for so long.

"When I get out of here Potter I am going to do my best to rip you limb from limb." snarled Snape. "Then I'm going to bury you where not even Dumbledore can find your mutilated carcass."

Harry didn't doubt that Snape meant this. He had been the first in years to cast a charm on him directly.

"Professor Tell me about my mother, I know you were friends when you were younger...but I wanted to know how well you knew her?" asked Harry.

Snape smirked at this.

The boy wanted honesty...well he was more than willing to comply.

"About as well as I know Miss Granger...I'd say." replied Snape honest.

Harry had been a bit confused by his reply.

"Sir?" he asked.

Snape rolled his eyes.

The boy always was more than a little slow on the uptake.

"For Merlin's sake boy, I use to shag her." replied Snape honest.

Harry had blinked rapidly for a moment.

"Y-You and my Mother?" asked Harry dumbfounded.

"Yes." replied Snape watching the boy become uncomfortable.

Harry shook off the surprise.

"I did say that I wanted you to be honest." he said after recovering from his shock.

Snape smirked.

"Naturally." he replied in an emotionless tone.

Harry shifted the focus of the conversation.

"What do you remember about being Sebastian Prince?" he asked treading carefully this time.

"Everything." replied Snape honestly.

"Everything?" asked Harry.

"Are you deaf, Potter?" asked Snape annoyed. "Everything...I remember Everything!"

Harry took a breath.

"Even...Hermione?" he asked.

Snape did not reply.

Harry could tell by the look on his face that he had been having some sort of flashback.

"S-Sir?" said Harry.

"What do you want from me Potter!?" asked Snape irate.

Harry did not appear to have thought this through. Snape's face remained impressive. He had been caught by a Gryffindor but he had not believed Harry Potter of all people would have come to this conclusion, especially not on his own. There was only one Gryffindor who's incessant curiosity would propel them to analyze every book until she came across an answer for everything.

"Am I to take it that Miss Granger is really the one what helped you to reach the conclusion you have come to?" asked Snape.

Harry looked away. Hermione had been the one to figure everything out but she had not wanted to be directly involved should the Potions Master become irate and discontinue sending her letters to Sebastian. Also, since Harry was the one that suffered the most she concluded that it should be him that confronts Professor Snape.

"I just want to know what your intentions are toward my friend." said Harry.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned about what my intention will be toward you once I get out of this damnedable chair." replied Snape.

His obsidian eyes glinted once again.

"No more than you are worried about what Professor McGonagall will do to you once she finds out you're the one who let loose the fireworks in her classroom." said Harry with confidence.

Snape smirked at him.

"Another retort from Miss Granger no doubt." he replied. "I must say Potter you make a very convincing ventriloquist dummy...what other tricks has she programmed you to do?"

Harry rolled his eyes.

"I don't see what she sees in you." he said.

"I assure you it is not me she sees but rather the elusive Sebastian Prince." replied Snape.

Harry sighed.

The older wizard had a point there.

"Professor, Hermione doesn't know anything about you being Sebastian." he said. "She only knows that you were the one responsible for the resent mayhem as of late."

"I've already gathered as much." replied Snape bitterly. "The second party in your vast deception."

"Professor Snape, no one was trying to deceive you." explained Harry. "You were badly injured from the death eater attack...Professor Dumbledore had only wanted to keep you safe."

"So by keeping me safe he created a situation where I would deflower my own student!" said Snape in a surge of rage.

Harry looked at him surprised.

"I-I had not thought about that." he said.

"That's because you are daft, Potter." replied Snape.

Harry sighed again.

"S-She misses him you know...misses you..." said Harry rather sadly. "She doesn't show it often...filling most of her free time with school work and things to keep herself busy...she doesn't show it often...she seems to believe we'll think less of her because of it."

Snape's expression remained impassive.

"What reason would I have to need this information Potter?" he asked.

"I-I don't know sir." replied Harry.

"S-sir is there any way you can...tell her?" asked Harry.

"Tell her what that she gave herself to the dreaded Potions Master?" asked Snape with a hint of bitterness. "I'm sure she'll be thrilled to find about this...Potter absolutely ecstatic."

"S-So you are just going to act as if nothing's happened?" asked Harry.

"Nothing has happened." replied Snape coldly.

"Don't you have any feelings for Hermione?" asked Harry in disbelief.

"My feelings Mr. Potter are the same as they always were when it comes to your insufferable little friend." replied Snape coolly. "She is simply my student and nothing more."

Harry didn't understand.

"Professor she's in love with you." he said.

"NO!" replied Snape suddenly irate. "She is in love with someone that does not exist...It is unfortunate and altogether tragic but I am not going to be held responsible for something that I had no control over."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. Once again he had to take into consideration that he had cast a honesty charm on the man. It appeared that Snape really had no feelings for Hermione despite the fact that he had been in love with her as Sebastian Prince.

"Are you quite finished Potter?" asked Snape.

Harry nodded.

"Y-Yes sir I am." he replied and got to his feet.

The Potions Master watched as the green eyed wizard got to the door.

"Mr. Potter." said Snape irate.

"Yes sir?" asked Harry.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" asked Snape.

Harry looked at Snape for a moment and waved his wand.

"Aqua lapsum." said the Green eyed wizard before he opened the door and ran down the corridor.

The moment Harry had left the room Snape jolted out of his chair soaked from head to toe.

"AHHHHH!" had been the last thing Harry heard from the dour man.

Snape had been more than irate at the audacity of Harry Potter to attempt to pull a prank on him of all people. He supposed the boy did have a right to some measure of revenge. It was a pity that the boy had not known that Snape was immune to any and all truth telling devices. He was a spy for The Order of Phoenix after all.

The real truth of the matter was that the dour man knew nothing about his true feelings for Miss Granger. She invaded his dreams on a nightly basis awakening feelings in him that had long since lay dormant, and made his waking hours a living hell as well with her insufferable antics.

"Hermione." he said softly. "How could I not love you?...insufferable Gryffindor...It was just none of Potter's bloody business."


The Defense Against The Dark Arts Classroom, Hogwarts...

Professor Remus Lupin had taken it upon himself to ask that Hermione Granger stay after to speak with him for a moment. The bushy haired Gryffindor witch had been more than happy to chat with a friendly face. She had known Lupin had been Sebastian's favorite Professor out of everyone at Hogwarts.

"Good afternoon..." said Hermione pleasantly. "Professor Lupin."

"Good afternoon..." replied Lupin equally pleasant. "Miss Granger."

"What did you wish to speak to me about?" asked Hermione.

"Well initially, I wanted to speak to you about Sebastian." said Lupin. "I was wondering if you have heard from him."

"No." replied Hermione a little dismayed. "I can't say that I have."

Lupin had been a little saddened by this.

"I'm sure he'll find some way to contact you." he said.

Hermione nodded.

"What was the other thing you wanted to speak to me about?" she asked.

"Professor Snape." replied Lupin. "He seems to have a growing attachment to you."

Hermione had been caught off guard by this.

"Professor Snape?" she asked. "Why do you say that?"

Lupin studied her for a moment or two. She didn't seem to know anything about the Potions Master's unseemly attraction to her.

"Well, I suppose it has a lot to do with his son." said Lupin.

Hermione considered this.

"Well, he did offer to pass my letters to Sebastian." she said.

"Perhaps, that's it then." replied Lupin not at all believing it.

Hermione nodded.

"Is there anything else sir?" she asked.

"No." replied Lupin. "That will be all Miss Granger...and I hope you hear from Sebastian soon...you two seemed...quite smitten with each other."

Hermione blushed at this.

"Good day Professor." she replied.

"Good day Miss Granger." replied Lupin.

The DADA Professor sighed and got to his feet. So Hermione had no idea that Snape had been attracted to her. This was becoming quite the interesting little mystery. He decided to take a little stroll down to the corridors to have a chat with the dour man in question.


Potions Classroom, Hogwarts...

Lupin had come around the corner as his ears picked up the conversation between Harry Potter and Snape. He had not believed his ears when he heard that Severus Snape had actually been Sebastian Prince. It had been even more shocking to find out that Dumbledore and the other staff members knew about it. The werewolf was absolutely floored when he found out that Snape had deflowered Hermione Granger. When the conversation had ended Harry had come bolting out of the Potions classroom at top speed. Lupin had noted the smirk on his face.

He looks so much like James.

From the looks of it he's been up to no good, no doubt Sirius would be proud.

After Harry's swift departure Lupin entered the Potions Classroom. Snape looked up at him in confusion. The werewolf cast a silencing charm and locked the door behind him. Snape raised an eyebrow at this strange behavior. The Potions Master had dried himself and the parchments on his desk so that there was no trace of water. Although Potter had been quite clever and resourceful using that spell it still managed to cost Gryffindor fifty points.

"Is there something you want werewolf?" he asked coolly.

Lupin looked him over for a moment. He still couldn't believe that Snape was really Sebastian.

"Sebastian?" said Lupin.

"You wish Lupin." replied Snape.

"No Severus, I know." said Lupin with a glint in his eyes.

"What is it that you know?" asked Snape. "And be quick about it Potter has already taken up a great deal of my time."

"I know that you are Sebastian Prince and more importantly, I know about you and Hermione Granger." replied Lupin.

Snape rolled his eyes. Could this day get any worse.

"What of it werewolf?" he asked as if this revelation meant nothing to him.

"Did you know who you were?" asked Lupin looking him over. "Did you know when you slept with her?"

Snape slammed his parchment down for the second time.

"No." he replied irate. "I knew nothing about any of it."

Lupin sighed.

"She doesn't know does she?" he asked.

"No werewolf she doesn't know." replied Snape. "And I would like to keep it that way."

"The girl fancies herself in love with you." said Lupin.

"Thank you for stating the obvious." replied Snape annoyed. "For the last time...it is not me she wants...it is a boy that does not exist."

Lupin considered this.

"But you are still attracted to her." he said.

"Be that as it may...I have no intention of acting upon it." replied Snape.

The Potions Professor sighed.

"Do you mind Lupin." he said seemingly exhausted. "It's been quite a long day."

Lupin nodded.

"We'll continue this some other time." he said.

The DADA Professor made his way toward the door. Snape let out a sigh of relief when he opened it. He turned his attention back to the parchments.

"One more thing, Severus." said Lupin.

Snape looked up from his grading once more.

"I am honored to be considered your favorite teacher." said Lupin with a smile.

"Sod off Lupin!" replied Snape.

Lupin took his leave of the Potions Professor chuckling all the way out the door. Never in a million years would he have thought Severus Snape would come to him for advice, nor would he have believed the man would classify him as his favorite anything it was just too good. The only thing that bothered Lupin about the entire arrangement was how it would effect Hermione. She had really been in love with Sebastian Prince and to find out that he had been none other than Severus Snape the entire time.

The werewolf had no idea how she was going to take it.

But for now the secret was safe with him.


Hamershal Estate, Wizarding World...

Lady Theodora Hamershal had not been surprised when there came a booming knock at her front door. She sent Jiles to answer it and made her way into the ball room. Jarvis had not been home since he returned to Drumstrag Institute some time ago. The boy had seemed different after Sebastian Prince's visit with his friends. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but she seemed more down to earth than previously. Jiles had barely gotten the door open before the ebony clad figure of a very irate Severus Snape pushed passed him. He stepped into the entrance hall positively seething.

"EILEEN!" he called his tone not at all concealing the rage behind his eyes.

Lady Hamershal appeared at the top of the stairs expressionless and largely unaffected by his outburst.

Jiles had been watching the two of them in utter shock. He recognized Professor Snape from the news papers but he had not really taken into account how much he looked like the Lady of the manor.

"Is that any way to speak to your mother?" she asked with that familiar air of superiority.

"You wretched harpy are not my mother." snarled Snape.

Lady Hamershal sighed.

"This is what I get for all those months of feeding, bathing and changing your diapers?" she said in an emotionless tone. "You're just like your father utterly ungrateful."

Snape had suddenly ascended the stairs and stood very close to the witch who had brought him into the world.

"You will NOT mention that pathetic excuse for a man you married in my presence." he said in a dangerous tone.

Lady Hamershal had been largely unaffected by his threatening demeanor.

"I understand your anger." she said.

Snape scoffed.

She moved to touch him and he stepped back.

"After all, I did leave you to that wretched man." she said.

"A fitting trade wouldn't you say?" asked Snape looking around her estate.

"It wasn't like I had any choice." said Lady Hamershal.

"Save it." replied Snape. "I did not come here for your excuses."

"You didn't know what it was like." replied Lady Hamershal "Not really...I kept you from the worst of it."

"Thank Merlin for small favors." replied Snape bitterly.

"Severus..." she said.

"That's Professor Snape to you." he snapped. "Considering Snape, is the name you stuck me with."

Lady Hamershal sighed.

"I can see that trying to talk to you is like talking to a brick wall." she said. "You're as stubborn as your father."

"Stop comparing me to that man." replied Snape with his eyes gleaming dangerously.

"Who else am I going to compare you to?" asked Lady Hamershal.

Snape glared at her.

He had never hated anyone as much as he hated the woman before him. Eileen Prince had been his whole world for as long as he could remember and he had been devastated when he returned home from Hogwarts to find that she had been murdered at the hands of her deadbeat husband Tobias, he had only been 16 years old at the time and had just lost Lily Evans to James Potter. Only she had not been murdered. Imagine his surprise when he had been on trial for the murder of Albus Dumbledore and various war crimes before the Ministry and she strolled through the doors as if she had the right to be there.

"I only came here to tell you to stay the hell away from me." he said bitterly. "I want nothing more to do with you, the fact that you slithered your way into my life when I had no memory of who you were or what you did is of no consequence to me...I do not need you nor do I want you anywhere near me...as far as I am concerned my mother is dead and has been for many years."

Snape turned to take his leave.

"She's a lovely girl." said Lady Hamershal.

Snape whirled around to face her.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"Your Miss Granger is quite a lovely girl." said Lady Hamershal. "Do take care to treat her with respect...I should hope that your father's cursed genes have not completely destroyed you."

"What do you know of her?" asked Snape.

Lady Hamershal smiled.

"Oh come now Severus." she said amused. "I saw you two together...you wouldn't let go of the girls hand for five minute once you got out of that carriage and do you really think I couldn't tell what you were up to when you both spent the night here."

Snape turned red not meeting Lady Hamershal's eyes.

"There is nothing going on between Miss Granger and myself." he replied.

Lady Hamershal shook her head.

"Well, it appears that you have picked-up quite a bit from me." she said.

Snape raised an eyebrow.

"In what way?" he asked.

"We both happen to appreciate youth and beauty in the most gratifying ways." she replied with a smirk.

Snape rolled his eyes. He wanted nothing to do with her least of all have something in common with her.

"I meant what I said." he said. "Stay the hell away from me."

With that he turned and marched out of Hamershal Manor. There was a loud crack of thunder and he was gone from the estate entirely. Lady Hamershal made her way to her private study. She had not known how her son would initially take her being involved in his life again but she had been prepared to deal with the backlash. She knew that he could be spiteful with the best of them. It had been a Prince family trait after all. Had her father lived to see him and overlooked his blood status he would no doubt had made the older Prince proud. They seemed to be cut from the same cloth. It was her father that she had named the boy after truth be told. Sebastian Reginald Prince.

Lady Hamershal sighed looking at the old baby photograph of Severus.

"If only you weren't so stubborn." she said wistfully. "My son...you would see how much I truly do love you...and that I have more than paid for my past mistakes."

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