
Crossing The Line 1

"Hold up, wait a minute". Lisa sat up and stared at me.

"Sniper rifle ? You picked that up later on your way ?"

"No, it was provided by a friend"

"A friend?" she inquired.

He calmly nodded as one of her eyebrows shot up..

He cleared his throat and continued.

....Marko and Jessica were surprised that I was there. Slowly I slid up my gun unto the dining table. They were shocked and spooked. 'Not here Otis!' Mark screamed at me. His actions caused the children to flinch while his wife continued staring at me with fear and realisation in her eyes. calmly I looked at my wrist watch as everyone seemed to have lost their appetite, unlike the little four year old who was still innocently stuffing her mouth with more food. Her siblings looked confused and scared, because of I and their father actions.

'Marko, it seems you never told the kids about their uncle'.

'Uncle' the older children quickly blurted out.

I laughed at their reactions and smiled.

'Yes kiddos, not blood uncle, but sometimes family doesn't need to be blood, does it ?' I said slowly, taking each word at a time.

I wasn't bothered as I knew I had quite a lot of time on my tab. 'Soon, it would kick in' I said calmly.

'Kick in ?', Jessica quickly shouted. 'Everyone get away from the food'. They all instinctively tried to stand up but I immediately grabbed the gun and calmly told them, that the first to stand up gets a head shot.

They all understood apart from the four year old who seemed to have realized the commotion happening and was wondering why. Innocently she stretched out her hands to me and said 'bunny!'. I smiled at her and gently carried her down. She ran off to her mama, who quickly picked her up and rubbed her head slowly as she munched on a chocolate bar. Everyone was fidgeting.

I could feel how tensed they were; I mean, who wouldn't when you got a gunman having breakfast with you uninvited. The older children knew what a gun was. I bet this was their first time seeing a gun as they stared at it with wide eyes. Fear clearly written on it. Cause the only one who knew not...what a gun could do was the four year old who was still innocently eating her dark brown sweet bar.

Slowly, the little one closed her eyes. 'Daddy, I feel drowsy'; both siblings said out loud. Marko couldn't do a thing, his face was hardened and filled with pain while tears slowly streamed down the eyes of Jessica as she continued rubbing the still head of her last child. The remaining two kids slumped down, with a loud thud. He called out his two children names and stared at his wife who's eyes were red and filled with tears.

He stared at me and shouted out loud.

'But we are brothers Otis!, blood brothers!,.

Why Otis!, fucking why!? he continued screaming at me. I said nothing, then he continued while out of breathe 'You now murder children too Otis', he glared at me as he said each words darkly. His words rang deep in my head, trying to hold unto my soul and strangle it with guilt, but sadly I was a lost gone man. The words of my daughter killer couldn't reach me, no way I was fucking Batman.

'Children ? I guess Annie was my grandmother then'. I chuckled at him.

I looked at him with a grin on my face, and then Jessica. You could say I was enjoying this moment.

'How did you do it ?' She slowly asked.

'How ?',

I laughed lightly, while flaring my hands.

'While is the air so tense guys, c'mon cheer up. Your children aren't dead but asleep, just like mine. I'm pretty sure they are all playing together and waiting for us to come pick them. Won't you want to take your baby girls home Jessica ? or how about your heir Marko ?

Don't worry, we will all go together. In fact, I would be your escort since I do know some friends who knows the way'. I grinned evily as I continued ' friends who have been keeping me company at my lonely nights and longest hours. I doubt any of you would know what that means and how it feels. But don't worry, you all would soon be there. As my favorite set of people who stole my previous ones so they could take her spot, we would all enjoy it together like buddies, isn't that right Marko' I said happily, with pure joy radiating from my face and voice. They both looked at me fearfully. If they had any previous conviction of me still being sane, I was pretty sure that their doubt had been cleared.

'How I was able to achieve the poisoning? Well dear Jessica, it seems Marko your husband has been stepping on a lot of tails lately since he feels he's unreachable, he cared less. Your butler, he was the mole'.

They both gasped as they couldn't believe that one of their most loyal staff was the one who betrayed them. I mean it would be shocking how long a human would hold a grudge for more than a decade, or should we say vengeance while

waiting for the right time and opportunity to present itself.

'You both act funny. Maybe you don't know what Marko did Jessica, but your husband here killed the grandson of your butler during a job gone wrong. Well he swore revenge, applied to work for you more than a decade ago and I capitalised on it. Or should I say, I found out about your sloppy execution and saw a perfect pawn, who wanted nothing more than revenge. I actually thought I would kill him later, since I felt we were comrades; or blood brothers like you said since that was how you feel about our relationship. but then you fucked up, the day you missed me and killed Annie. I smiled creepily, which made both of them to shiver and stare at me warily.

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