
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 31: Signed Leave

Author notes:

Sorry for the one day delay. Unfortunately, I am sick, again. I don't have the strength to keep this long so I hope that you excuse me for my tardiness.

Have a good reading and a good day! Ciao!



The convoy carrying Parker's platoon comes to a stop in the middle of their battalion camp. One by one, members of the platoon step off, helping the ones who are unable to do so under their own power in the process. Parker is the last one to step down a half-track after aiding a limping Corporal, only to see that the entire camp is now looking at them. The silence is palpable as Parker is wondering just what in the Hell is going for everyone to look at them like that. Sharing a look at Julia and Rum, Parker sees them shrug, unknowing of the reason.

But just right then and there, an American Private of African descent, starts slowly clapping his hands. Parker can vaguely remember the man serving in the logistic group of the battalion. Regardless of his inner musing, other spectators join the American Private in giving out their applause. One man becomes two, two become three, from a lowly cook to a mercenary, from a volunteer to an Inquisitor, an American inspires the Spanish then the Spanish rope the Belkans in... Pretty soon, almost half of the camp has gathered around the platoon, offering their continuous applaud and cheering to the heroes and heroines of the day.

"You got their asses good!"

"Everyone sure gave them a good bloody nose!"

"Without you all, the push into town would have been much bloodier!"

"The Spanish will never forget your contribution!"

"You're always welcome as our friends and family!"

Basking in genuine congratulations from those involved in the missions before their return, Parker and the rest of the platoon can't help but feel their pride swelling. Nonetheless, that pride is immediately curbed lest it festers into the seed of disaster. Their battle-proven experience would not allow such hubris to occur... That and it wasn't like their victory was achieved without a single loss.

And as much as Parker would like to put on a smile, he just can't. With a neutral face, Parker taps Rum on the shoulder, his head gesturing to the back of a medical half-track. Rum, understanding what Parker means, nods and grabs two good soldiers along with him. The pair of men then climb up on the vehicle, and they soon emerge with a stretcher. The stretcher is carrying a body bag. one that Parker and Rum then pass on to the two soldiers waiting outside. And as much as it aches Parker's heart to do so, he and Rum must bring another one out themselves. It's but a single day, a long day at that, but Parker has already lost two men under his first, proper command. From the perspective of a career soldier, this is a bad enough of a start. From the perspective of a man who has gotten to know these souls, this is miserable. Before everything, Parker shared a drink with every single member of this platoon. He was lucky enough to befriend these two but unfortunate enough to have to send them off the very next day.

The onlookers who have been cheering all the while, suddenly fall silent at the sight of the fallen men, heroes, now draped in the darkened gray of the body bags. As if coming to an unspoken and tacit understanding, these spectators perform crisp salutes, one by one until the proceeding evolves into a minute of silence for the souls lost today. Parker feels touch, and so do the men and women he has come to know personally on the battlefield. He would say that he didn't shed a tear but that would be a lie.

After a minute, Parker scans the surroundings before finally giving everyone his heartfelt gratitude, a simple nod. Many return the gesture, showing the platoon the respect they earn with blood, sweat, and tears. Parker and Rum are just about to bring the bodies to the morgue, with Julia moving to escort them when Captain Bannon arrives. "Lieutenant!"

Parker turns around, his hands still carrying the stretcher from behind while Rum takes his place in the front. Bannon, seeing his action, nods with a sympathetic face. "The Colonel is holding a meeting by the command tent. But I think you can get there once you get everything sorted. I can relay the matter back to the Colonel."

Parker is about to nod as a gesture of thanks when Julia chimes in. "Go meet with the brass, Parker. I can handle it from here."

Parker looks at Julia. "You sure? I don't want to intrude as this is my responsibility."

Julia puts on a smile, one that is a bit forced as she too is feeling the loss of two comrades. "I am sure. You also must report to your superior with due diligence."

Parker thinks for a bit before sighing. "Thank you."

Julia just nods before Parker passes the carrying handles to Julia. Once everything is secured, Parker steps out. Rum chooses this moment to speak up. "Once you're done, meet us in the barrack. I reckon all of us can be allowed a drink each after everything."

Parker nods at Rum wordlessly before watching the two stretchers being carried away. Sighing once again once they disappear from view, Parker addresses what's left of his platoon. "Go get some R&R. I think all of us would be needing it more. You have done God's work today people, I am honored to have fought side by side with all of you."

"The same can be said by us, Lieutenant. See you soon." A Corporal said.

Parker nods at the man before moving to join Captain Bannon who is patiently waiting for him by the side with his arms crossed. "Ready to meet the big guys again?"

"I am ready to face the music if need be." Parker said in an even tone.

Bannon then pats the Lieutenant's shoulder. "Don't worry my man, you did what you could and excelled even. You will be fine."


Opening the flap of the command tent, Captain Bannon announces. "Sirs, Parker is here."

Parker follows in after Bannon, then attempts a salute but Colonel Sawyer already intervenes. "That won't be necessary son."

In the tent, Colonel Sawyer is joined by Commander Graves and Major Wilson. Bannon soon took his position by the map table and Parker followed suit. Daring a glance, Parker sees that the town they just sieged is now marked as captured. Just a simple word but God knows just how much they have to pay for that battle and the subsequent ones.

"It seems that congratulations is in order, Lieutenant." Colonel Sawyer opened up the meeting with that sentence. "But I think you already have a full plate already."

Parker nods. "Yes sir. It would be presumptuous of me when there are ones that can't."

"So we've heard." Colonel Sawyer said. "How bad was it?"

Parker reports, trying to keep a collected tone. "Two fatalities, one is in ICU, and two are mildly injured, sir. Most of the casualties happened near the end when they got too close and we were running dry. Despite the obvious advantages we had, those Sardegnians just rushed at us with reckless abandon. It was as if all of them had lost their collective mind in the end."

Hearing that, the officers frown. "You did what you could and more, Lieutenant. It wasn't your fault nor any of your platoon members that stuff went down like that." Graves commented, seeing the Lieutenant in a new light.

Major Wilson then says. "I also heard you fought like a champion, side by side with my people. Losses are regrettable but it's a given part in warfare. The best you can do is minimize as best as you can, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sirs." Parker said.

Seeing that it's a suitable enough time, Bannon asks. "Why would the Sardegnians just drop everything and rush for Parker though?"

Commander Graves replies with this. "Because what they are trying to pull here can easily land them with a charge of war crime if they got captured by us, of which some of them were. Now I am not sure why they're nabbing the civies right under our noses, but it won't be anything good since they coerced them from what we've gathered."

Parker frowns. "Can we rescue them, sirs?"

Colonel Sawyer shakes his head. "Unfortunately, our hands are tied. Had they moved them by land, we could have staged something but given that they went at this by sea..."

Major Wilson interjects. "Only our navy can catch up to their blockade runner and even then, we don't have the manpower to pull a rescue in the middle of the ocean. To do that, we first need to disable the ship and that means firing at them. I need not say how badly it can go if such an action is to be initiated."

Bannon stares incredulously. "So we're just gonna watch them being shipped to God knows where?"

Graves nods gravely. "The alternative being us invading Sardegna."

"Shit" Bannon commented on the situation. "Can we get this done diplomatically then? Where are the Crusaders even?"

"It already got filed for the upper echelons. The best we can do now is leave it to the diplomats until words come from up high concerning our military response." Colonel Sawyer answered, not liking that he had to leave the matter to those politicians.

Graves adds. "The Crusaders are just as in the dark about this, much like us. This matter doesn't come through their faction's chain of command. It seems that Sardegna is seeking to disavow them at this rate."

Parker speaks up. "Then what now, sirs?"

"If you don't mind, we would like for you two to retell your experience in the offensive. This will go down on record as proof of the Sardegnians wrong-doings so keep your details concise and truthful. After that, your group can get some R&R for a few days." Major Wilson answered. "Speaking of that, there's a concert in a couple of days, the Miracle concert."

Bannon and Parker bulge their eyes at the news. "The one hosted by the Voice of Heaven and Miss Pink Elf?!"

Commander Graves smiles, feeling proud that his country's Divas are so well-known that the blokes in front of him recognize their trademark. "The very same one. How about this, clear your schedule for the day, and bring your subordinates for the music. Even if you can't be cured of your ailments of any kind, it will do wonders to bring your spirit back to snuff."

Bannon and Parker share a look, not quite believing what they just hear. Bannon eventually says. "Did just give us a free ticket to that concert?"

Graves smirked before pulling out a folder from a table drawer. "As a matter of fact, I didn't just give you a free ticket. I signed it for you lot to take your damn official leave. Take this chance and enjoy a one-in-a-lifetime experience, will you? But before that, business comes first."

Major Wilson follows up, saying. "It's nearly dusk so let's sort this out so we can hit the bunk."

"Yes, sirs!" Bannon and Parker voiced their agreement. Soon after, Shadow Company's military intelligence comes in to take notes of their inputs.

Frankly, it's a novel feeling of being questioned every single detail of their actions prior. But they better get used to it as this won't be the last time the volunteer battalion comes across this troublesome development. Very soon, Spanish citizens will be spirited away in all Sardegna-controlled territories. What will become of them is up to anybody's guess.

As usual, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Please, leave a like, a comment, or a review if you have the time to motivate me further!

You can also come and check out my other fanfic which is Random Omniversal Bar!



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