
Battle Of The Gods!

Third person.

[ Monster Gods Wrath!]

The arena shook violently. All of Olympus trembled under the wrath of Timaeus.

Poseidon's eyes turned blue as did the rest of his skin. He dropped the crying; Diana and she was snatched up by Hestia, who moved herself and Diana to the stands.

Zeus smirked and teleported himself and Hera to the highest throne in the arena. He looked down at the colosseum and grinned. His pride open for all to see.

Sensing the tension, the rest of the gods also jumped away into the stands.

Some of the weaker ones like Dionysus, struggled to breathe under the wrathful aura of the two sea gods.

" That thing feels like Lord Poseidon himself." Dionysus mumbled. Sweat dropping the wine god's forehead in droves.

The gods watched as the two men stormed towards each other.

P.O.V 1st person.

I strode into the arena and the moment that Poseidon laid eyes on me. He dropped Diana and immediately turned blue and started walking towards me. I watched as Diana was taken by Hestia. I knew from that moment that she was safe. And that I didn't have to worry about her getting hurt.

I then turned my attention back to Poseidon. I stopped a couple of yards from the man and glared at him. I thought about attacking him right then. But Zeus suddenly stood up and clapped his hands. It sounded like a bolt of lightning had struck down right in front of me.

" Here me gods of Olympus. This match will be to the death. Plain and simple. To the winner of the match ownership of the girl. To the loser death. Place your bets and hold onto your seats. Because I know this is going to be quite the show." Zeus spoke. He was smiling the whole time. He seemed almost happy to.

The gods in the stands all roared in excitement.

I don't know how, but Zeus had suddenly become the officiator of our match.

P.O.V 3rd Person.

Poseidon and Timaeus both glared at each other in silence. Both waiting for the other to make the first move. Neither of them using their weapon.

Zeus stood up and raised his hand and shouted to the stadiums. " BEGIN!"

The moment Zeus' hand dropped Poseidon and Timaeus, now going by Poseidon as well, both jumped at each other. Easily crossing the fifteen yards in-between them in a blink of an eye and headbutted each other.

" UGNNNNNNN!" Poseidon and Timaeus both grunted as their heads collided.

The force of their collision sounded off like thunder and sent out a shockwave throughout the stadium that threatened to blow away nearly all of the gods.

" Such force. From a headbutt?!" Ares shouted as he struggled to cover his eyes from the wind pressure flaring around the arena.

" KIYAAAAH!" Aphrodite shouted. She felt her body lifted up from her seat and suddenly started flailing around. Thankfully for her Hades was able to grab hold of her and pull her back down without any kind of trouble. " Thank you, Uncle." Aphrodite said to the man.

" Never you mind, girl. I suggest you steel yourself. This storm is looking to be the biggest Olympus has ever seen." hades told the woman.

Aphrodite nodded and turned her attention back to the arena.

Poseidon and Timaeus finally broke their contact. Leaping back great bounds in a single step. The two men then lunged at each other again with their fists pulled back. The two men connected and then began trading blows.

" AH! YAH! HAH!" Timaeus grunted as Poseidon's fists struck him in his gut, chest and face back-to-back. He shrugged off the punches and returned a series of fierce blows of his own. Hitting Poseidon in the side of his torso.

Poseidon cringed at the pain in his side, flinching just slightly.

Timaeus followed his punch up with a strong left hook to Poseidon's jaw.

Poseidon, grit his teeth and kicked at Timaeus. Timaeus raised his hands and blocked the strike but was still pushed back a little.

" Heh. I'm still stronger boy." Poseidon spoke. His words taunting and vile.

Timaeus raised his fist and swung it at Poseidon. A wave of destruction rushed out from the point of impact and smacked Poseidon hard.

The god was pushed back far, his feet dragging through the ground as he was, and hit the wall.

A trail was left behind from where Poseidon had dug his feet into the ground to prevent from moving.

" That was quite an attack. Do you think, Poseidon is finished?" Dionysus asked.

" No way, they're still just testing the waters." Hercules told the man.

" Huh?!" Dionysus nearly jumped out of his seat when Hercules said that. " You mean that series of fierce blows were just them playing around?!"

" Oh, yeah. Look." Hercules told the man.

Once the dust was cleared, Poseidon had changed again. he was wearing scale like armor and was wielding his trident.

" The real fight is about to begin." Hercules spoke.

All of the gods leaned forward and sat up straight in anticipation for the real battle to begin.

P.O.V 1st

" Are you ready to take this to the next level, boy? I f I remember correctly the last time I took you seriously I crushed you with ease. And now you don't even have a weapon. If you kneel before me and swear your eternal service to myself. i might let you live." Poseidon spoke. His arrogance was nearly the same as Zeus.

I growled angrily and raised my hand to sky.

The clouds darkened and appearing in my hand was my new trident.


Bolts of lightning stuck the trident repeatedly. The force of it making the Trident glow.

I looked over to see Poseidon glaring at me in a mixture of shock and anger. A perfect display of his unreasonable ugliness.

" Come. Let's put an end to this familial rivalry. It's time for Poseidon to bow out. There's a new god of the sea. And that's me. POSEIDON!"

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