
Jealous Rage

"Your Spilt has brought us new soldiers," Malik answered her unasked question. 

Immediately the dungeon bars pushed open and some people came in, they were shadowless too, and soon enough, they were shackling the men that had just appeared in the dungeon out of nowhere to the walls, some distance opposite her. They were further from Malik's Omega self. 

Kyros had said there were disturbed spirits in this cave, they most likely couldn't step out and that was why they were making people into Splits to do their evil work for them.

Was it everyone that stepped into this cave they did it to? Was Ru a trick to lure her in? Did they dabble into her *frail and easy human mind* to know the exact trick to use on her? To decide if she would be a weapon or food to them?

What exactly was this?

"Why me?" She asked. "Why do this to me?"

Malik shrugged. 

"Your aura makes you more than food. It is strong, in a different way."

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