
W2 (3)

There was a drawn-out silence between the two after Genad pronounced his desire, Feral was speechless, and internally, Dina’s mode was drastically flipping even worse than when she was in her menstruation cycle. But one thing was sure as hell, she was fucking pissed.

“Zero-one ah, I almost forgot you, now that I finally remembered can you tell me exactly why we didn’t transmigrate earlier to stop Feral from making this stupid decision? Am sure they’re other ways to fill up his ‘awe meter’ apart from this shitty method,” Dina asked in a chilly tone.

“This is the most efficient way,” Zero tried to explain.

“Oh freaking come on! My way of doing my missions is also being dictated?! Where is the damn employee rights council! I demand an audience from them,” Dina complained.

“H-Dina calm down, I can guarantee you that your safety is something that will always be first in line in every mission, so please, try not to worry and calm down,” Zero explained softly calming Dina down.

She didn’t know if it was the way he actually listened and called her by her nickname or how he sounded more ‘human’, whichever it was it really helped calm down her nerves.

“Fine, your guarantee better be durable, or am filing a complaint” Dina muttered as she cooled herself down.

Thinking about it she chose this so why was she off whining like some little bitch, even if Zero wasn’t helpful she would have to find a way to solve her issues, after all, for this very decision she took she had to bear its consequences.

“Hey,” Dina’s train of thought was however interrupted by a certain gruff male’s voice making her snap back into reality.

“Yes?” Feral answered weakly causing the other male to chuckle almost happily, it seemed to please him how docile Feral was being.

‘’effing asshole’ Dina thought distastefully, she really wanted to punch the bastard in the face.

She suddenly missed her cute little Jack, sure it took some time but he eventually came on. But he was never an asshole but this guy… ugh.

“There are two things you need to know, one, from now on speak formally to me, two, call me master and three, never question my orders but instantly obey even if you’re told to kill yourself…” The male suddenly paused to examine Feral’s expression and was mildly disappointed with how calm he looked.

Meanwhile, within Dina was imagining many slasher scenarios to calm herself down before eventually switching to philosophies to calm her shit down.

“And always remember, I saved your life~.”

For a brief second Dina saw red, every single philosophy turned to bubbles, bursting and disappearing within her mind and she screamed real loud-

“People like you are why I have middle fingers!” Raising her both middle fingers she screamed “Eat shit pillock!!”

“Dina n-“


It took Dina three seconds to realize that it was all within her imagination and she had never felt so relieved as she was, you know like the type of dream you have when you finally smash your annoying boss’s face with a tray of hot tea then after the initial relief you’re like oh hell naw-

And then you wake up.

“Oh god, I thought I lost myself,” Dina muttered when she finally calmed down, laughing nervously at which Zero just stared silently.

If she had really done what she did, she could probably have to restart this world. Although would he understand the meaning of what she did even? Maybe he wouldn’t, she was a bit tempted but she would rather not try it.

After all, there was this unexplained cliché where no matter which genre or time you transmigrate into, ‘Fuck you’ would always be a relevant culture.

Yeah, it didn’t really make sense considering the language was first found by William Dunbar in 1503 on Earth, no other fucking place but Earth, and yet somehow it existed throughout all time laws, and space. Who knows? Maybe the guy might have become a god or something somewhere and officialized the F word to appear everywhere.

Or maybe the ‘Empress’ took a liking to the word and decided to place it as a general language, man, imagine creating an insult that even the creator of a whole universe could’t resist. William must be a fulfilled man by now.

“What are you smiling at?” A voice called out to her.

“Oh, nothing but the great power of the F wor….!!!” Dina’s mentally widened her eyes in realization before suddenly trying to fix it, “How great my new master is!”

She was never good at kissing butts and now she was being forced to do that, this one tasted like shit, but yeah, it was an ass and that’s what it’s meant for… unless you consider other miscellaneous reasons, ahem, ahem.

Feral could imagine his new master cock up his brow, maybe he was contemplating his choices of choosing him, well that would mean he would then be free right and then…. no wait... if he really is reconsidering doesn’t that mean he, Feral, would die?! After all, with how heartless this man was, he was either a usable or disposable to him, and he would rather be the former than the latter.

Dina: QAQ Zero, I should have kissed that ass harder.

Zero: You still have the licking boots option that probably tastes better.

Dina: ….ugh, you what are you, counterparts with him?

Zero: Not necessarily.

Dina: Whaaa…..

“You’re indeed a funny one, I almost can’t understand what’s going on in that head of yours but since you’re coming to better terms with your situation. Why not take a sip of the tea beside you? Consider it a homely welcome from me,” Genad said coolly.

Even someone as dense as snow white who was stupid enough to take an apple from an old hag who looked straight up like one of Loki’s transformations, would recognize that something was very wrong with this tea, but what could she do? Say no? Anyways, drinking tea was far better than licking boots at least.

“Yes…. master,” Feral finally admitted as he took up the tea, his hand clattering from anxiety and nervousness, he brought it towards his nose and sniffed it a bit, great, smells like poison any African mother would make from weird herbs for ‘health reasons’ and force you to chug it down so to cheap out on medical bills.

“Your mum is African?” Zero asked curiously.

“Yo, have you ever considered being less lazier and at least read the fucking bio on your hosts before you start working with them? It’ll be helpful for you I promise you that. I know we’re a pain in the ass but at least try to, and no, am from America, technically since my mum and dad came from there but I mostly consider myself an Asian since both my mum, dad, and basically the last two generations of the family tree in our house for both parents, have been living in Thailand.

"Don’t ask me how and am no incest baby. Annabelle was African though so she’s the one with the African mum and she always complained a hell about it. Honestly speaking, there’s not much difference between them and your average Asian mum,” Dina explained.

“But does your mum force you to drink poisonous teas?” Zero stressed.

“Well no, but she makes me eat raw tomatoes so I don’t really see a difference, both are just as awful and if my physics class taught me well then directly correlating quantities are always related. Just like the tomatoes and poison tea, Asian and African mum…..” Dina was about to continue but was cut off by Zero.

“I think I get it,” Zero replied.

“Even if you do, it's common manners to listen to someone finish speaking first, if you cut me off it makes me feel like a talkative but NP,” Dina replied before finally facing the major problem at hand.

No matter how she looked at it, this tea was poison, it smelled horrible, looked horrible, and probably tasted the same too, and she groaned internally. Why did her so-called ‘master’ have to suck so much at this drugging stuff?

Hey, asshole! If you’re gonna drug someone try to make something more alluring not something with an aura screaming ‘I am poison’ like a fake bracelet in a rowdy market being sold by some haggard-looking kid having ‘I am cheap’ all over it.

‘When I get back, I’ve got to apologize to my exes I bought those for out of pure spite to mock them every valentine’s day before breaking it off,’ Dina thought guiltily.

“…You did that?”

“Shut up spare parts”

Feral gulped nervously, slowly placing the tea in his mouth he chugged it down all in one go before slamming the cup down, accidentally smashing to pieces before running off to dry heave.

“Well done,” Genad complimented him through the curtains.

‘Sure thing asshat,’ Dina thought, if not for the trick she used she was sure to have vomited the whole thing out before it even entered her throat.

“Method?” Zero wondered.

“You’re awfully talkative today ain’t ya, well let me tell you about it. It’s very simple, hold your breath as much as you can and chug the whole thing down all at once, and also make sure to wait for a few seconds before finally releasing your breath. The after-taste might still be there but the main purpose would still be fulfilled,” Dina explained but was met with inexplicable silence of Zero.

“Dina,” Zero suddenly said softly startling her.


“Try not to react much now… but, you turned into a fish,” Zero stated as calmly as he could.

“Oh sur-mhbwukxycg>?! A FISH?!!” Dina exclaimed.

It was finally then that she realized, she had been so absorbed with explaining to Zero that she didn’t notice, her legs were gone, her hands, ears, and most precious accessories cherished by all males were gone, even her eyes felt weird!

No, Feral didn’t turn to a merman, Dina could feel it, this sense of largening… she…. had become….


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