
Chapter 185

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Daniel Park in his unconscious state was an unknown quantity. How did he know so many martial arts? Why was his body so abnormally powerful? Why was he able to fight even while unconscious?

They were unanswered questions at the moment, and frankly, in those circumstances, they didn't matter.

Daniel Park was a war machine, a one-man army.

A figure who was able to dominate all the members of the Allied in a calm manner, even after facing a Hobin and a little Daniel at their 100%;

None of them were a match for the monster in that room.

Vasco, Jerry and Warren couldn't even touch him.

It was like facing an unreachable opponent.

Would his fate be inevitable defeat? A defeat for all of them, even if they were outnumbered?

A defeat for the Workers?

"And to think that Eugene would be so cunning as to send me to eliminate my own student."

Apparently not.

"There seems to have been a party here."

With a voice sounding from their backs, the bruised and exhausted fighters turned to see a figure approaching in the darkness of the corridor.

"And I ended up being late."

With his face revealed, Vasco was the first to recognize the figure.

The man he had seen beat the Workers' best fighters without difficulty, and dominate Gun Park on the same day.

The man Hobin had mentioned to them a few times.

The legend of the second generation.

Yuji Shinakawa.

"But I think I've arrived for the Grand Finale."

With Yuji walking over to stand in front of the weakened fighters, his eyes moved around to find an extremely bruised and unconscious Hobin, and a small Daniel in the same state.

A scene that made him frown, his eyes slowly turning to a powerful figure in the center of the room.

"I don't think you took it easy on my student."

With Big Daniel squinting his eyes in hostility, Yuji cracked a small smile as he got into position.

After discovering that the invaders were in fact Allied, he soon changed his goal. He decided only to get the information from Eugene by force if necessary, and to help Hobin and his companions.

But when he met that powerful figure, he couldn't help but be interested

His attributes were comparable to his own, and he could tell that unlike Gun, the man in front of him had enough skills to entertain him.

He was a real monster, someone Yuji would be happy to face.

But obviously, that wasn't the only reason.

What kind of teacher would he be if he didn't defend his own student?

He could not allow an aggressor to get away with it.

He would teach him a lesson right there.


Blocking a flying knee, Yuji promptly grabbed his opponent's leg, rotating his body in mid-air with a single movement of his arm.

"That attack seemed a bit desperate to me."

Kicking Daniel in the face, Yuji sent him flying across the room, his body crashing into a wall.

"The unconscious state turns you into a machine, a creature whose sole purpose is to destroy everything in front of it."

Rolling his eyes as Daniel suddenly exploded towards him, Yuji quickly brought his hand down to parry a punch, immediately countering with an elbow that hit him square in the face.

"It's a technique aimed at self-preservation by destroying any surrounding threat."

Receiving a powerful kick to the knee, Daniel frowned as he jumped backwards to retreat, only to have to raise his defense to block a flurry of attacks.

"It enhances your senses to absurd levels, and in rare cases, gives you a martial awareness superior to anyone else."

Breaking through Daniel's defense with a punch, Yuji hit him square in the solar plexus, sending him staggering backwards.

"Even if all your previous opponents were weak, they still served to tire you out."

Sweeping the distance between them, Yuji cracked a smile as he grabbed Daniel's shoulder, knocking him backwards onto the ground with a fall hard enough to crack the concrete.

"At the moment, your unconscious state is desperately trying to eliminate me in an attempt to protect itself.

But I think that's going to be a bit difficult..."

About to finish his speech, Yuji was suddenly interrupted when Daniel stood up in an instant and hit him with a powerful punch that reverberated throughout the room, his head flying backwards from the power of the attack.

"After all..."

But as if the attack hadn't caused any damage, Yuji just continued his speech while slowly turning to Daniel, his equally black eyes revealing themselves to everyone.

"I have completely mastered this technique."


Daniel choked on his own blood when a fist hit him in the stomach hard enough to lift his feet off the ground, his mind barely able to react when another attack came in the form of a vicious kick that sent him to the ground.

But while Daniel was waiting to be able to recover, he immediately used his arms to dodge a kick that smashed into the concrete where he was standing a few seconds ago.

Watching the fight unfold, the fighters couldn't help but have their own thoughts.

Daniel Park was a monster, a beast unreachable by any of them.

But seeing him completely dominated so easily made them realize that if Daniel Park were a beast...

That man facing him could only be one thing...

A god.


Blocking a punch, Daniel clenched his teeth as he advanced and successfully grabbed Yuji's shoulder.

But just as he was about to try and take him down, Yuji spun around and grabbed him around the waist, knocking him to the ground with a perfectly executed suplex.

'Did he try to use a Baritsu drop?'

Getting up, Yuji watched Daniel spit out a little blood before using his arms to propel himself away.

'Did he copy from Hobin?'

But hoping that he would use a little time to recover, Daniel just exploded once more, his fist traveling like a bullet towards Yuji's face.


Throwing his head to one side, Yuji dodged the attack easily and countered with a punch to the ribs, Daniel narrowly blocking the attack.

'He seems to be adapting quickly.'

Grabbing him by the neck, Yuji threw him away with pure brute force.

'But will he be able to adapt completely before he falls?'


Blocking a powerful punch with his forearms, Yuji staggered backwards, Daniel taking this chance to hit him with a sharp kick to the stomach.

Pushing Yuji back, Daniel followed him and tried to hold him by the shoulders once more.


But his attempt was completely thwarted when Yuji just grabbed him by the hair and smashed his face into the ground.

The attack caused significant damage to his skull, but Daniel didn't seem incapacitated when he grabbed Yuji's wrist, the second generation legend's eyes widening as he flipped upside down in mid-air.

'What an oversight!'

Smiling as a foot came up in front of his face, Yuji flew away as he was hit hard, his body spinning in the air before he landed on the ground.

"You seem to have adapted well!"

Dodging a flying kick with a step to the side, Yuji tried to punch, but Daniel promptly blocked while counter-striking, setting off a fierce exchange of blows where the two struggled to get the upper hand.

"But it won't be enough."

His wrist held fast, Daniel's eyes widened in shock as he felt the weight of the world being placed on his shoulders, his legs giving way and forcing him to his knees.

"Martial knowledge, have you forgotten?"

Clenching his fingers as the pressure around his body increased even more, Daniel rested one hand on the ground, sweat collecting all over his face as his black eyes looked around frantically.

Fortunately for him, it didn't take long for him to find a way out of it.

Opening his eyes wide when he felt a grip on his leg, Yuji turned to look down at Daniel holding his calf.



Feeling a powerful pressure suddenly threatening to overwhelm him, Yuji widened his smile as his eyes slowly turned to Daniel's face to see him staring at him intensely.

'So it really is a copy!'

Releasing Daniel, the two immediately walked away.

'This is getting more and more interesting!'

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