
Chapter 137

Really sorry for the delay, I'm a bit busy with job interviews and studying at the same time. Also, I'm not writing the chapters as fast as I'd like, this due to lack of creativity or stress, so I'm slowly writing them. The last thing I want is to get angry at my own story, I hope you understand.

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I hope you enjoy the reading!



When the invasion began, Senju and Karura promptly stepped in front of Elena and Kou to protect them. Along with the other fighters present in the infirmary, they defended Ohma and Mokichi, who were unconscious.

But after a while, the amount of guardians only increased and eventually they were surrounded. The situation, once under control, mainly due to Sekibayashi and Haruo, was now on the verge of becoming a crushing defeat.

Senju, with Karura's support, were able to take down 3 guardians in a single confrontation, but no matter how many they took down, more kept coming. Not only was the amount of guardians overwhelming, but the obligation to protect the injured Elena and Kou made the situation more and more complicated.

"Bunch of rudeness! We're with children here!" Murobuchi grumbled, his breathing heavy from the prolonged confrontation.

These young men no longer have any respect." Sekiabyashi spoke with a laugh as he held the wrist of a guardian and smashed his face into the ground.

"Stop wasting breath talking!" Sawada kicked a guardian away, growling in pain as he put his weight on his broken leg.

"They're outnumbering us, and we still have two unconscious guys with us." Inaba complained, trimming a blade from a guardian and whipping him directly in the eye with his hair.

"We have to get Yamashita and the girls out of here." Holding Haruo with one arm, Haruo kept the older man protected with his body.

Listening to them, Senju frowned as he kicked a guardian directly in the face, only for Karura to grab him and throw him against the ground, knocking him out at the same instant.

"Karura, we need to find a way out of here." Senju commented, her breathing heavy. After defending herself non-stop for 5 minutes from guardian level fighters, she was already feeling exhaustion catch up with her.

Karura nodded, her eyes roaming around to look for any loopholes. Unfortunately, they would only be able to escape if they took down a large amount of guardians, which was impossible at the moment.

At least, that's what they thought.

"Kou doesn't like those people."

Senju and Karura turned to see Kou standing just behind them.

"Kou?! What are you doing here? Back to the fighters!"


Sweeping the distance between the three girls, a guardian appeared just behind the little girl, his fist descending toward her head.

"Kou!" The two shouted in unison, Karura passing Senju at an absurd speed as her veins jumped on his skin.


Before Kure could reach them, the guardian was thrown far away, blood spurting from his throat as he placed his hand on his chest, a spiral of flesh formed right where his heart was.

Karura and Senju both widened their eyes in surprise at this scene, both girls looking at Kou with disbelief.

"Kou wants to find Yuji."

Speaking with a dangerous tone, the little girl turned to the guardians, who were on alert because of their fallen companion.

"No one is going to stop Kou."

Disappearing before everyone's eyes, Kou advanced against the crowd of guardians, proceeding to knock them down without them being able to even react.


All the fighters looked at the scene with confusion, Sekibayashi sighing and running toward the crowd with a huge smile on his lips. How could he let a child do all the work of the adults?

"Let's go for it! This is our chance!" The Wrestler shouted enthusiastically as he jumped up and landed a kick with both legs on a group of guardians, Haruo catching up to him and punching those who tried to take advantage of Sekibayashi's fall.

Senju and Karura stared at each other for a few seconds, an excited smile appearing on Kure's lips as Senju sighed.

"Come on, Elena!" Senju called out, at which the blonde responded by quickly approaching.


With countless unconscious Guardian bodies strewn around him, Kanoh had an indifferent expression. As Fangs of Metsudo, he had known about the invasion long before it happened, and through his listening, he knew what was happening in the hall.

He wanted to go to the hall and protect his master, but he knew that his power would be better used on the front lines. So he trusted the other bodyguards to protect Katahara, after all, he knew their strength more than anyone.


Turning as a body collided with the wall behind him, Kanoh squinted his eyes, preparing for an attack.


Walking towards Fangs, the person responsible for sending the body was none other than Yuji.

Seeing him, Kanoh raised an eyebrow, noticing a bruised Hiyama on his arms.

"What happened?" Kanoh asked, his eyes widening as Yuji suddenly handed over the woman's body. "What does that mean?"

"Take care of her for me, okay? Fighting with just your legs is a bit tricky, and I need to save the others!" Starting to run away, Yuji waved goodbye to his master, the man staring at the young fighter walking away with a scowl.

Looking at the unconscious woman in his arms, Kanoh returned to his indifferent expression. He should have expected this from Yuji. Fortunately, he now had a reason not to go easy on his student if they faced each other.

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