
Chapter 124

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"You seem to have enjoyed yourself."

In Katahara Metsudo's private room, the old president leaned his cane on the floor as he looked out the window of his office, his eyes roaming the audience, which was excited for the start of the next fight.

"Not much." Beside him, a cross-armed Yuji had his attention focused on the entrance to the arena, where he could see Yamashita talking to Ohma before the fighter was called.

"Ha! Who are you kidding? You loved it! You may not agree, but you and Agito are quite similar in some ways." Metsudo laughed, Yuji just rolling his eyes, remaining silent. "By the way, I heard that Hiyama Shunka has joined you. What? Are you making a collection of girls?"

The old man had a mocking smile on his face, the young fighter refusing to face him. Yuji knew him well enough to know that ignoring him was the best choice.

"Haha! I won't judge you, after all, when I was younger, I was surrounded by girls too!" Katahara cracked a smile, his eyes turning upwards, as if pleasant memories came to his mind. "By the way, answer me, knowing Hiyama Shunka, I know that girl was quite attached to Akoya Seishuu, but now it seems she will have you to attach herself to.

But I know you, kid. You're not someone who would like to have a person following you and seeing you as some kind of god, so why did you do that?"

Yuji was silent. Katahara was right, he was not someone who would like that. The idea of having someone worship him as a deity just wasn't pleasant in his mind, and having that person follow him made it worse. But as cruel as this seemed, he would at least use this to his advantage, since it could easily fit into his plan.

"Hiyama's mindset would not change so quickly. What I did was just direct her fixation towards me, since unlike Akoya, I really have no intention of harming her. In the future, I want to at least make her have a little self-respect."

"I see." Katahara scratched his beard, the old man remaining silent for several seconds, before turning to the teenager. "But tell me, you have other intentions with this, don't you?"

Yuji shrugged as he heard the question, clearly having no intention of answering it. If he had some other intention in doing so, it was not something he would reveal any time soon, and Katahara was quick to realize this, laughing as the presentation of the next to fight began.

"All right, don't say it! But for your plans to work, you have to beat the whole right block first, don't go thinking it's going to be that easy!"

Yuji shook his head as he listened, a smile appearing on his lips as he turned to the president of the association.

"Don't worry about it, old man. It will be me who will win that tournament."


The exchange of blows between Ohma and Raian was fierce, a contest of pure strength, while neither of the two bothered to use techniques to gain an advantage. With Ohma using [Advance], and Raian using [Removal], the two fighters unleashed a barrage of attacks from all directions against each other, causing a strong gust of wind to spread throughout the arena.

At first, Ohma seemed to completely dominate Raian with his Niko style techniques, but due to the lack of polish in his movements, Raian soon overcame him with sheer physical strength, forcing Tokita to use [Advance] to avoid being beaten.

Yuji, who had moved to the stands to watch the fight along with his friends, was frowning as he watched the two fighters face each other like two mad dogs.

That way, both would be exhausted in a few seconds. While [Advance] put great pressure on the heart, [Removal] didn't have that flaw, but that didn't make it a better form for prolonged fights. The form put monstrous pressure on the muscles, which for normal humans would be deadly, but for the Kure, it just causes them enough fatigue to prevent them from fighting at 100% after using the technique.

Yuji could reassuringly say that after they "switched off" their forms, they would both be too tired to move properly.

'In the end, Ohma's victory will depend on whether Raian will use the Kure techniques or not, since at that point, I'm not sure he won't use them, since he used them to beat Mokichi.'

Perhaps Raian's use of the Kure techniques, was just a desperate act because he realized he might lose in the first round. Still, it was hard for Yuji to imagine what might happen, since if it had changed, then it was not certain if the outcome of the fight would end as it was originally supposed to.

He wanted Ohma to win, since he wanted to use the tournament finals as a revenge, but if Raian ended up winning by going to the finals, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all, since he could destroy him for what he did. He could even make a challenge to Erioh, worth Kenzo's life, since he didn't want to see his uncle devastated by the death of his son.


The fight between the two was moving across the arena, its conclusion finally drawing near as exhaustion reached Ohma's body, Raian holding him by the neck and punching him hard enough to send him far away.

With Ohma lying on the ground, both fighters shredded their forms. It seemed to be a defeat for the Niko style holder, but Yuji knew this was not the case. Seeing Ohma lying there, he realized that something had changed. Unlike before, his aura now exploded from his body, showing that his power had somehow increased.



Name: Ohma Tokita

Age: 28

Strength: XX++

Durability: XX+++

Stamina: XX+

Speed: XXX

Intelligence: XX+

Potential: AXX


'It seems that the limitation in your body is gone. Probably your memories have returned, since your intelligence has increased slightly.'

Yuji was quite impressed to see that Ohma's potential was equivalent to Raian's. Surely, if Ohma hadn't lost his memories, he would have definitely become someone as strong as Kanoh. It was a shame for Yuji, since facing a Niko style master as strong as Agito would have been fun.

When Raian undid [Removal], Yamashita was quick to notice something wrong, after all, Raian was someone who loved to destroy his opponents, so it would be against his personality to suddenly deactivate his clan's technique.

With his last hopes, he immediately shouted his suspicions to Ohma, who seemed to hear him as his body trembled on the floor.

Rising with difficulty, Ohma raised his head to face Raian. Even with his body bruised both externally and internally, he still had the strength to continue, and that's exactly what he would do. With his memories back, he would draw as much as he could from Niko's style to finish this fight.


Raian, who was impatient, immediately moved forward, attacking nonchalantly.

With that move, it was clear who would be the winner of this fight.

[We have a winner!!! He is Ohma Tokita!!!]


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