

Sil, the minotaur, and Dezhong Prince, the next Shadow King, were currently walking down the streets of the Shadow Realm, which was just Desper but darker. As they did so, Dezhong desperately tried wrapping his head around the entire Shadow Realm and how exactly it worked. 

For starters, how was it that Sil, the Shadow King's right-hand man, was in Desper during Dezhong's awakening? How far did the realm stretch, and was the Shadow Kingdom once present on the overworld? All these questions lingered in Dezhong's mind so he decided to ask them one at a time. 

Before he did that, he had to first understand what it took for one to even be called the Shadow King. He could just supposedly take up the role, but what joy would he get if he did so without learning, practicing, and putting effort into it? 


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