

Isaac is who you would call the average high schooler, or maybe a little less average but either way he is not a very great guy. Standing tall at 5'7 with a plain looking face that his grandma considers handsome. With average grades that are seen as excellent by her standards, he should be the role model of every guy, the ladies man is what you'll think of him if his grandma told you about him. But too bad they don't think of him like that at school, that's if they even think of him because he has a super power that's not very sought after, what's that? Invisibility. 

Let's be honest here, with what you already know about Isaac, he's not the first guy you'll want to be friends with neither will he be any girl's first choice. Normally he'd be an extra in any novel but I guess Quinn would like to disagree with you and I.

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