

 Collins Place,

 Nightfall came, and Matthew was still at Collin's place. His parents came back, and he went downstairs to meet them. He overheard them discussing on his way down.

 "...that's the thing, we can't tell if it was another supernatural that did it, his kind or our kind." His father said to his mother.

 "His body wasn't found, right? Just the silver knife?" His mother asked.

 "With blood on it and all over the fucking place. What if more people died, what if it was cleared up by the same people who took the werewolf's body?" His father suggested.

 "Honey, this is a serious case. It was supposed to be aired this morning, but our boss said we shouldn't. He said it'll instil fear in most people. Especially his wife."

 Collins heard what he wanted to hear so he decided to let his appearance known to his parents. "Good evening lovely parents." He said wearing a smile.

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