
She Hasn't Changed

{Not sure if the music will flow with you as it did for me but I recommend; 'LUMINA By BRUNUHVILLE'}



 Walking past the quiet street of Draekharm village, Annalise let her eyes wander to the houses and huts that were still familiar to her gaze, she could vividly recall every creek and cranny of the place since nothing has changed pretty much since then. 

The vision of little children chasing one another with their happy screams and their mothers worried yelling as they begged them to be careful all played out in front of Annalise. Farmers were getting ready to head to the farm and every stall was active, either making tea or baking something savory, the usual life of Draekharm village and it all still feels like yesterday.

There was an abandoned stall at the side of the road and a smile adorned Anna's lips as a warm recollection crossed her mind.

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