
Chapter 2 - Power!

For those wondering who Yaldabaoth is then It is an SCP. if you know then Iron man is basically, Mekhane.


Time to test my powers, based on what Raphael explained I had power over biomass and anything related to a person's flesh.

'Raphael, can you tell me the scope of my power as Yaldabaoth?'

[ Beside from what I've previously stated, The user can create, shape and manipulate everything and anything organic, both organisms and organic matter. They can create, manipulate, shape, transform, heal and/or destroy everything that lives, has lived or comes from either of the above. 

You are able to rewrite DNA and create mutations but this all depends on your imagination and own understanding. Furthermore, you can copy mutation from metahumans and as long the soul is in the body then the host is able to absorb their soul and gain their powers.

Cosmic Entities  like the phoenix cannot be consumed but the essence that has been in a host is possible to be gained and eventually replicated.  

You are also able to shapeshift to any form you desire and can absorb a person's biomass acquiring everything from their memories, skills, experience, etc. You able to near instantly adapt to anything. ]

So it's basically a more overpowered Alex Mercer huh? Maybe I could create a legion of Blacklight soldiers under me. This is going to be convenient in handling things behind the shadows. 

I could also learn things a lot faster and can store it in my infinite memory storage. Still not planning on becoming an engineer and more ideal if I read books in biology and anything related to organic matters. 

'How do I use my powers?'

[ Just imagine and it would come natural to you. ]

Hmmm that's troubling. Just imagine? How the hell do I even start? Well whatever let's just get this over with. I stared at my hand and imagined shapeshifting it into large claws like from Prototype and to my shock it felt my arms start to morph and reshape itself into massive sharp claws. 

Damn this looks creepy and cool at the same time. I quickly reshaped it back to normal and tried to clone myself afterward instantly felt something leave my body and saw below my feet were flesh like substance reshaping itself into humanoid shape until it turned into another me. 

It was weird looking at myself simultaneously. Though, I felt I'm more superior than him meaning I'm the main body while my clone is like an avatar that I shapeshift into an adult version of myself. 

Frankly, I look like a more handsome version of my brother that still had the same depression phase. Shit I sound like my narcissistic brother.

Ahem. Anyway, this is going to be versatile in infiltrating any organization unless they somehow created a way to detect me then it would be troublesome but considering I can just infect a person without them realizing it then it isn't much of a problem. 

I'm basically a weaker version of knull without the weakness to Light. Though, I don't have cosmic power like being unless I am to absorb his flesh then maybe I could become one. Though I'm unsure if the klyntar planet exists in this version of the universe. 

'Will I feel the pain if I killed my clone?'

[ No, your pain had been nullified allowing you to manipulate your body without feeling the slightest pain. ]

I see, it felt so natural that I forgot that I'm literally rearranging my flesh without even realizing it. Anyway, I tried making a sword out of hardened bones then placed a special property before stabbing my clone who didn't even flinch before disintegrating into dust. 

Considering that I have power over flesh means I can manipulate the property so that it could deteriorate the flesh of anyone that touches the bone. 

I quickly reabsorbed the bone sword into my body and reabsorbed the deteriorated dust from my clone. I'm basically important and can transfer the main body into a clone turning it into the hivemind. 

In the short time I was able to conclude that I can shapeshift into any form I wish and can adapt into that form like turning myself into a small dragon then into Siberian tiger. It basically has no limits as long I have the basic understanding of the creature. 

Though, I at least give in depth thought about certain abilities and depending on the complexity would take a considerable amount of time.

I can't just recreate mutant powers without proper understanding on what part it functions.

Regardless of my current limitation would eventually open up once I head to X-Men. Though, I'm still unsure if my brother would agree to this.

"Sure, why not."

Guess not. When I finished the experiment was when Tony arrived home and decided to postpone further testing. 

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, you rarely ask for things and the school mentioned might be a better starting point than public school. "

"Don't want to meet the headmaster?"

"Nah, just let me sign some papers and enjoy."

I inwardly sigh because at times his brother could turn stupid in matter moments. At least it is convenient for me since he doesn't need to know the danger of the school. To be perfectly answered, being there and public school is different since I would always be targeted for being stark. 

"How about you talk to them on the phone first?"

Dialling the number that Charles had given me and soon answered by Professor X.

"Hello, Xavier speaking, who is this?"

"Yo, it's me, Enzo. The boy from earlier."

"Oh Enzo! Is this about your enrollment?"

"Yeah, my brother is here and wanted to just talk about my enrollment on the phone."

I gave the phone to my brother and listened to his conversation, enhancing my hearing. They eventually came to an agreement and would enroll in the school without a problem and even heard that I would be staying at the dormitory in the school. 

My brother doesn't really mind me on my own since he knows I'm more mature than I look. We're both geniuses in a way. 

"Alright, you'll attend the school and start living there for the time being. I'll just send you some money and visit from time to time."

"Sure, just make sure to not leave your room smelling like a wild night session."

"....maybe I should start thinking about what I'm doing around you."

I could hear him mutter under his breath. 

"Anyway, it's going to be a week from now so make sure to be ready."

I nodded before ending our dinner that night but decided not to sleep and created clones of myself in our library to start reading and learning stuff.

The processing speed of my brain can speed up by several times, which allows me to finish the entire library in one single night. My vast understanding of biology and organic matter has proven beneficial for my powers. 

My intellect reaches nearly at indescribable level but it is still different from knowing to doing. Still it will be useful in creating mutation and disease. Too bad there weren't any specific books that talked about Meta-humans. 

Once that was done, I decided to send out my clone to sleep in my bed then head out in an adult form of mine. Gotta say it's been so long to have an adult body and finally moving around feels amazing. 

I stood on our balcony then proceeded to form fleshy wings behind my body making sure to lessen the density of my bones and flesh to easily fly into the sky. 

My adaptability was amazing and easily flew into the sky as if I've been doing it for so long. Whoever gave me this golden finger, thank you!

I was high in the sky looking at the road and heading towards the city. It was strangely fortunate that the internet and mobile phones hadn't been invented yet or I would be in trouble.

Though, if they were to see me it's likely they would assume I was a meta-human.

"H-Help!! Someone save me!!"

And here we are in another cliche moment. I could ignore it but I'm not heartless when I have the power to help people in need. 

The voice seemed to belong to a young girl and quickly descended into the room observing the scene first. I won't be going without properly knowing the situation.

It seems to be the damsel in distress scenario where a group of guys corner what seems to be a 15 year old light blonde girl that seems familiar. 

"Don't come near me! I'll call the cops!! He won't let you go away with this!"

"Hehehe only if they arrive."

I counted around 5 thugs with one getting closer to the young girl. Damn I can't sit and watch! Fuck it let's do this.


The sound of the floor cracking as the light behind me shines, causing a shadow looming over the thugs. 

'Oh lord, Deadpool is right. My knee felt like it had been broken.'

Contemplating the badass yet stupid Superhero landing before turning my attention to the thugs who were bewildered at the situation. 

"Who the hell are you!?"

"Get lost pal If you don't want to get hurt!" 

One of them pulled a bone spike from the palm of his hand preparing to attack me at any given moment. 

"A Meta-human? Interesting."

I stepped forward unfazed by the threat looking at the woman that seemed so familiar like I've seen her somewhere. I mean a beautiful young girl like her would be unforgettable. Dear god, I sound like my brother. 

"Stop! One step and I'll kill you!"

Ignoring the warning went another step and soon was pierced to the head by the spike falling into the ground. I hear the young girl scream while I was on the ground.

"Is he dead?"

"Hahaha dumbass! Don't say we didn't warn you!"

"Should we hide the body?"

"Leave him be and continue what we started."

They look turn to the young girl where I guess her expression right about now was extremely scared and quivering. Well to be perfectly honest I was just thinking since the metahuman made me think of an idea and decided to try it. 

I stood back up where the thugs realized the situation and turned to face me but I was the fastest person in the west and morph my fingers into a "handgun" firing at their legs. The young girl screams from the sound then looks at me where I just absorbed the spike into my body.

"Ah sorry if I scared you, are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, I-I'm just in shock about everything…did you kill them?"

"Nah, I just immobilized them."

By making specific bone bullets lace with potent paralyzing properties cause their body to be unable to move for the next 24 hours. I am someone who only resorts to killing when it's absolutely necessary.

Anyway, the reason why it took some time before I stood up was replicating the idea from a manga that I once read called Jagan where the Main character has the power to create flesh guns. 

Holy damn do I love this power. 

"Well, I'll leave you be, I recommend calling the police these fools."

Now that she's safe and only had to call the police decided to leave her be. 

"Wait! At least tell me your name. Mine is Susan Storm."

Huh? Susan Storm? Oh that's why she looks familiar but why is she young? I watch the news and Reed Richards is at least the same as my brother. What the hell is going on? 

Does that mean in this timeline she doesn't end with him? Will the fantastic four ever going to exist!? Damn this just makes my head hurt like hell.

"-Hello? Are you alright?"

"Ah sorry, I dozed off a bit. Well, Nice name, as for mine…I can't tell you but just call me…Yaldabaoth. Next time carry some tasers or something to protect yourself. Hope we never meet again."

I spread my wings and flew into the sky while a gust of wind pushed back where Susan shielded her eyes then looked into the sky where I gave her one final look then disappeared into the night. 

Who would have thought that one day I would meet two characters from Stan Lee's first work. I wonder if she ever gained her powers along with the fantastic four. 

I landed on top of the highest peak looking down at the city enjoying the cold breeze of the night and shimmering light coming from the building. 

In my other life I would die to see this view. Heh. Good one, Enzo.  

'Raphael, if I spread a spore of microscopic parasite in the entire city would I gain people's mutation even if it's formants?'

[ Yes, however once more complex and dormant mutations would take time. Regardless, you will get the power into your body and easily adapt to it.  ]


Holding out my hands began to create odorless and undetectable microscopic parasites into the air that spread through touch and other means. 

They were ignorant as I spread my seed…hold that sound wrong. I meant my parasite throughout the city and quickly was able to share senses with them. These people are now part of my hivemind.

"Gaaah! Fuck blur that out of my head!"

[ On it, Host. ]

Note to self, don't peer on people's privacy or you'll see macho men having the time of their life. Welp, my eyes need an entire swimming pool of bleach. 

Maybe I'm being dramatic but damn that gonna haunt me for a while. Though there are also few couples having the time of their life but let's respect their privacy or karma going to bite me for being a creepy stalker. 

That aside, there's few Meta-human that link into my body. I acquired some simple mutations like super strength, hearing, speed, dexterity, etc. It's not like I can't already do it but these are passive mutations that can turn off if I want or stack with my own organic manipulation. 

Then I got more unique powers like combustion, energy absorption, telekinesis, Decay, and then the most complex yet simple was the power to reflect the damage to the attack. It's basically useless to the user since the injury sustain isn't healed but for me it's useful.  

 'Let's see if I could transfer the main body into my clone.'

I felt something change and soon went back home leaving the once main body into a clone. It was strange to even comprehend but I knew I was the main body. There is a feeling of wholeness when I'm a main body. 

It's been an eventful day, I guess it's time to sleep. There are a few things I'm eager to see and test since I have a week until then. 


The next day, I woke up having felt like everything had changed. My senses have completely adapted and integrated into my body so that it doesn't overwhelm me. 

If it weren't for that then I would accidentally destroy everything I touch because of my newfound strength. 

I went to have breakfast with Tony as usual and once he was gone to work decided to start learning martial art and combat style. 

I may be powerful but I'm an inexperienced one and someone who adapts in a fight would be difficult to go against. 

People might say "oh well you can blow shit up and stuff" yeah I can but it feels unnecessary and frankly dishonorable. Not to mention, the collateral damage and possibility of killing a nearby bustard doesn't sit with me.  

Though, I'm not an amazing hero like Captain America would sacrifice everything to save others since I'll choose those important to me rather than random people. 

Still I'm not selfish and it would be more fun anyway. I don't have any great ambition and just help people the best I can. Naive and cringe sounding? Yeah, I don't care.

As I was saying, I went to buy some martial art training DVD considering it's 2000 and YouTube hadn't been created yet. Though, surprisingly Tony already has Jarvis, our old Butler before Sebas. 

Right, I bought as many DVDs as I could in every martial art from Tai chi, Karate, WTF and ITF Taekwondo, Kali, and a shit ton more. 

"Young master, is there a reason you're buying so many martial art DVDs?"

"I'm bored and wanted to try something."

"Guess despite how mature you look, you still act like a child."

Didn't try correcting him and went to our personal workout room that my brother rarely uses anyway. 

'Raphael, do you know the limit of my physical strength?'

[ Depending on the biomass and the mutation you have gained would roughly reach around 100 TNT. However, this is only the factor of striking forces in the most basic form and can be increased. In other words, your limit is undetermined. ]

I see that means I don't have definite limits but it shouldn't reach with the strength of a supernova. Regardless, perhaps I could contend with the hulk or the Juggernaut in terms of physical strength. 

[ However, in mutants classification you are categorized as Omega to Beyond Omega. ] 

'How can I become Beyond Omega?'

[ Absorbed someone who had bask in cosmic energy or mutants that has reality warping power ]

Damn, I hardly know any mutants that have that kind of power beside Franklin Richard that I doubt would exist since I just met a young Susan storm. 

Unless Reed Richard is a pedophile then it wouldn't happen.

Let's just put it aside and continue this training. The first thing is making sure no one is around and creating some clones to study the martial art while another trains in the workout room.

I even made a few of them to spar and everything was just absorbed into my muscles. 

My power is too damn Op! And just keeps getting stronger and stronger! 

I shouldn't be cocky considering their wizards and the mad titan around the corner of the Galaxy. 

Hope this one is Josh Bolin and not the death simp Thanos. I mean he really compensated by making the gauntlet. 

I finish my training in under 2 hours and memorize everything because of my infinite mind partitions. 

Maybe I should try to visit Kamar Taj and learn some mystic arts but I doubt the Ancient one would allow me. This timeline and my knowledge doesn't help me one bit anyway. 

Damn why could I have reincarnated to an anime verse or something. Wish I could travel there. 

[ Host, is able to travel if he wish. ]

'Wait what?'

[ Yes, however, you must first have the ability to traverse through the dimensional rift without dying. I highly recommend gaining a cosmic energy. ]

Oh is that so? Well well even if it's far from the future it's interesting that I can head there once I figure out how. 

Now what to do, I am stuck in my home with nothing to do. Guess I'll just experiment with my abilities and reorganize the mutation that I have.

'Raphael, will my body collapse from all the mutant powers that I absorb?'

[ Unlikely, you are highly adaptable and your cells just change into the most suited form. Unless it's reality warping powers then It would take some difficulty but it isn't major. ]

Thank god since I was afraid that I would suddenly become a mass of grotesque mutations once I've gotten like millions upon millions of mutations. 

Now that I got that cleared, let's continue learning more about my powers. 

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