
The Apple

Lucia weighted the pouch in her hand. They had already bought enough food supply to last them for two weeks. She was surprised that Gastone gave her his money without hesitation. 

"Do you have anything you like to buy?" Gastone asked with anticipation. He wanted to hear what Lucia liked so he could use it as a reference. 

"Hmm, I don't have anything in mind at the moment," Lucia replied with a shrug but then drawn to her that she could use that opportunity. 

"Okay," Gastone replied sadly with slumped shoulders. 

"Ah! I actually want something!" Lucia exclaimed immediately. She faced Gastone with determination in her eyes.

"What is it? Tell me?" Gastone replied with interest. He beamed at her, waiting for a reply. 

"I… I… uh," Lucia's brain malfunctioned and couldn't think of anything else. All she wanted to scream was her desire to leave, but she couldn't.

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