
The Fade

Felicia lay cold in the grass as she bathed in her own blood. She heard their footsteps running away, leaving her there to die. 

'Is this the end?' Felicia thought as her eyelids got heavier with every passing second. A smile formed on her lips as she relaxed herself and gave in to the feeling. She was ready to sleep for eternity. 

"Felissa, don't be too hard on your mate," Felicia whispered one last time before she closed her eyes and felt her consciousness fade away.

The body's system shut down, and the heart stopped pumping blood. She lay there as her body turned cold and her muscles became rigid. 

Felissa was supposed to control the body again for them to breathe, but she refused after what had happened. She didn't want to see or face Vicenzo after she got hurt by his words and actions.

In the dark void of their consciousness, Felicia and Felissa looked at one another.

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