
The Night of Thunder

Felissa spent the rest of the day in her room, napping. When she woke up, it was already dark. Idola had put her dinner in her room to eat if she felt like it.

"Ah, it's already night," Felissa muttered while looking at the moonless sky. For some reason, she felt chills on her spine, but Snow's affection warmed her.

"Ah! Snow, you must be hungry. Eat this meat!" Felissa exclaimed while giving Snow a chicken leg while petting its head.

Somehow, Felissa felt uncomfortable, and she couldn't understand why. It was like an itch that she couldn't scratch.

"Sir Vicenzo must be in his room," Felissa wondered, and her body moved independently. She went outside and went to Vicenzo's door. She noticed that her surroundings were silent, and less activity was going on.

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