
The Ecstasy of the Mate Bond through S3x

Rosina wrapped her hand into Draco's neck and deepened the kiss, which surprised him. 

Draco thought Rosina would push him away, but it was the opposite. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sparks of their lips that electrified their bodies to get closer.

Rosina hummed in delight. She had kissed many men that she couldn't count, but it was the first time she felt the ecstasy of a simple kiss, and the feeling was ten times better than anyone else.

"Ugh, you taste sweet," Draco whispered when they separated to take a quick breath.

Rosina didn't reply since her mind was on cloud nine. She looked at Draco's dilated pupils before kissing him ahead, and this time, she opened her mouth wide enough for Draco's tongue to dance with her own.

"Ahh~" Rosina moaned and grabbed Draco's shoulder to steady herself and leaned her body close to him, but there was still no skin contact between them.

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