
The Oven

"I pity your real mate for having a playboy partner," Rosina stated as she cringed at what she had heard from Dragon's mouth.

"Ah, don't worry about that. Besides, I don't really plan to find my mate. I like to be carefree without worrying to a single girl," Dragon stated and laid back. He winked toward Rosina, which made her feel more disgusted.

"Well, it's not my business how you live your life. I'll review the contract and see if I will consider your offer," Rosina stated and read what was written on the paper. She glanced at Dragon, who went and grabbed some red wine from the other cabinet. She was curious about how Dragon discovered her identity, but she's saving the question for tomorrow's identity reveal.

Rosina went back to focus on the contract details and read each sentence slowly so she wouldn't miss a thing.


Contract Agreement:

Party A and B should act to convince everyone that they are real mates. Acting like lovers in public places, meetings, and events.

Party A should give dowry to Party B for the engagement. Visit Party B's pack and ask for her hand in marriage.

Party B will live in Party A's house from the start of the engagement until marriage.

Both parties will give freedom to date other people without making it obvious. Stop any relationship if the public starts getting suspicious.

Both parties agree on a one-year mate contract under these conditions. Divorce will be settled after the contract ends.


"I have read the conditions," Rosina stated and massaged her temples. She was thinking hard if she would agree with what Dragon offered.

"You don't have to agree right away. Take the contract with you and think of your own conditions as well. You have till tomorrow after the presentation of identity," Dragon stated and offered Rosina a cup of wine, but she declined.

"I will think about this, but don't expect too much," Rosina stated and stood up from her seat, dismissing their meeting.

"Okay," Dragon smiled and opened the door for her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Rosina didn't reply and nodded his way before walking toward the carriage when she noticed that Amato's body had gone missing.

"The body?" Rosina muttered and turned around to see Dragon chugging on the wine.

"Oh, you want to see?" Dragon stated with a smirk. 'I could show you what we do to bastards like him."

Rosina didn't hesitate and nodded her head. Dragon chuckled and gestured for her to come with him.

Dragon led Rosina to a place a bit farther from the cabin. It was dark and tall trees were covering the shade of the moon.

"I don't know a place like this exists in the pack," Rosina muttered and looked around. It was creepy, but it didn't spook her a bit.

"Ah yes. You must consider yourself lucky since you're my first guest to visit this place aside from my servants," Dragon laughed and found it impressive that Rosina didn't even feel spooked by the scenery.

It didn't take long before Rosina heard a muffled voice and groaned in pain. That was when she saw the sack that contained Amato's body inside a vast mud oven on the ground. The servants were gathering sticks and wood to burn Amato with it.

Rosina was speechless at what she had seen. When they saw them, the servants bowed and continued to work. Their actions showed that it wasn't the first time they had done it.

"What are they doing?" Rosina asked without taking her eyes off the oven and looked at how the servants lit the woods on fire.

"I told them to burn his body. A painful death for a man like him so that you won't worry about him again and your friend will be safe," Dragon stated proudly and gave thumbs-up to his servants.

"The wolves will smell his scent of burning flesh," Rosina stated and looked at him in disbelief. She didn't give a f*ck about his killing or torture methods as long as no one would catch him in the act.

"They won't," Dragon chuckled and gestured to the servants to put more wood. The muffled screams of Amato echoed in the silent forest, and they could hear the burning wood and flesh mixed together.

Rosina could smell the flesh and immediately covered her nose, while Dragon went to the oven and threw a black rune over the fire, and the scent disappeared instantly.

"What's that?" Rosina asked and got interested in the rune.

"Ah, I got these from a witch," Dragon stated and took another one from his pocket and showed it to Rosina. "This ruin could conceal any scent."

"I see," Rosina nodded in understanding. Her eyes glanced back at the oven when Amato's voice could no longer be heard. "Why did you decide to burn the body?"

"So I could feed him to the dogs. They chew up to the bones," Dragon answered while coming back to stand beside Rosina.

Rosina didn't reply as she had already got the answer. Her silence made Dragon laugh out loud with amusement, making her look at him with confusion.

"What?" Rosina asked and crossed her arms under her chest.

"You are the first woman I met that didn't react or care about seeing a wolf being killed in front of her eyes. You didn't even say something about me being a murderer," Dragon stated and looked at Rosina's figure.

"We are werewolves. It's normal for us to kill the enemies or hunt for food," Rosina answered and gave him a slight smirk.

"You're not scared of me?" Dragon whispered and leaned closer to match her head.

Rosina didn't hesitate to face him. Their faces were inches apart, and they could feel each other's breath.

"I've seen worse," Rosina stated with a smirk and made eye contact to show dominance that she wasn't scared of him.

"Lady Rose, you make me curious about you every time we meet," Dragon whispered seductively before breaking the eye contact and gesturing Rosina back to the cabin where his carriage was waiting for her.

"Drink more milk."

youneedsomemilkcreators' thoughts
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