
Under the stars

This moment was what Chris had always wanted. A peaceful moment with just lust and finally it's happening.

She stared at him as they both laid on the grass looking up at the stars.

They have been out here the entire day and she doesn't regret it all. This has been one of her best moments ever.

"The stars are so beautiful"

Lust stared at the girl beside him as she kept on looking up at the stars

"Yes...yes they are very beautiful indeed"

She could hear the fireflies and feel the cold breeze on her arm. Chris felt like she wanted this moment to last forever.

Lust held her hand and kept on looking at her face.

Chris turned to him and smiled. She could feel the love radiate off of him. He looked so hot in her eyes.

Lust chuckled and shoke his head "I am aren't I"

Chris could not understand what he was talking about.

"You are what?"

Lust smiled "nothing... nevermind that"

"I have been thinking and I believe it's time you start studying" he said seriously.

Chris stared at his face trying to pick up any atom of playfulness on his face but none was present. She wasn't really in support of that idea. What does she need to study for? She can read and write. Isn't that all that matters here?

Lust studied the girl beside him as she kept quiet. He could see the amount of thoughts running in her mind and her discomfort with the matter play on her face.

"Don't say that,you need to study, being able to read and write is not all that matters here."

Chris was confused. She didn't remember saying anything to him. Could she had spoken her thoughts out loud?

"I... didn't say anything"

"You might have not but your face said it all"

"Learning is important here. Demon's value knowledge the same way they value power and strength. You will never be accepted as the devil's daughter if you dont have this attributes" he explained.

She has never really cared if they accepted her as his daughter. And who else acceptance is she seeking for? The maids already respect her or at least they play the role very well. And she doesn't even go out ,so how does it matter?

"The Lord's,the council members,all this people need to recognize you and accept you as the devil's daughter. You will be given a title and a place in the royal court if they deem you fit to be a demon and most especially a higher one like Demora's daughter."

Lust could see how bothered she became. He watched as she bit her lips nervously almost injuring herself.

"Chris.. the policies here are different. Being born a king's daughter or son is not all it takes to get a title and respect. If they don't recognize you and accept you as his child, it won't be long before they kick you out"

No! they can't, I can't go back! I won't go back! Chris couldn't imagine herself going back to the human world,her world. Not after everything that happened there,not after all she did and experienced there. She wasn't ready to go back not now at least.

"That's why you need to prove yourself to them"

Lust said to her.

"By studying?...so if I study and acquire alot of knowledge about here,they will accept me?"

She asked him hopefully.

Lust stared at her hopeful look not knowing how to break it to her that being accepted especially as a demon is more taskful than anything.

"Love...it's not just about knowing everything about the demon world but the entire world's and political people,higher demons, everything. And being able to be strategic, and use your wisdom well, especially in times of war and difficult cases.They will test you when you least expect. Sometimes even in ordinary situations and in tragic situations"

"I need you to understand that this is not going to be an easy task and for wisdom yes.. studying , observing , learning from people is important. But for strength,you would need to train, develop your abilities, be connected to your demon, learning control , mastering and perfect utilization of your special abilities. And they won't be easy on you love... because they know everything about you, about how powerful you can be and about your blood. They will push you so much till you break"

Lust really wasn't trying to scare her but he just wants her to be ready and knows that this is not an easy task. Those old men won't take it easy on her. And he won't be able to help her when that time comes.

Chris felt scared after she heard all that he said. She wasn't sure if she was ready to do that yet. The wisdom part she can try to handle but combat? She wasn't so sure.

Lust saw how confused and scared she became. He didn't want to push her too much. He was willing to wait ,till she was ready but he wasn't sure about the council. So far they haven't spoken about her. But no one knows when they will. He just wants her to be strong enough to stand up for herself. She has so much power hiding in that small body but she doesn't realize it.

"It's okay! You don't have to think so hard about it. I know you are not ready ,just for now focus on your study classes okay? Tomorrow your study session will begin. Your tutor will arrive"

Chris nodded.

She felt satisfied and able to breath since he didn't force her to undergo the training. She wasn't sure she could survive it.

"You are stronger than you think"

Lust said giving her a small smile.

' did I say that our loud? '


Lust turned to her "yes.."

Chris could feel her soul crumble at what she was about to ask. She forgot her mother so soon. she had no right to just forget her like that. Not after how she murdered her.

"m-my mother is she....."

She wasn't sure how to put her words cause the more she tried to speak the more her heart tighten within her.

"I buried her,don't worry"

"Will I ever be able to see her again?" She asked feeling like she failed her mother.

Lust stared at her. He could see how much pain she was hiding in her eyes.

"Yes ..when you are ready"

Chris nodded feeling relieved that at least her mother was buried. she wasn't even able to place flowers for her nor does she know even know were she was buried. She jus left her poor mother to rot after brutally murdering her . Chris felt so hurt remembering her mother's pitiful face. she will never be able to forgive herself for that night ever!

Lust changed the topic trying to get the peaceful atmosphere they had before it was disrupted.

"Tomorrow I will also be providing you with a personal maid, she will serve you and will be at your beck and call"

A personal maid? Why! She wasn't sure she needed it though.

"Everyone needs a personal maid, even the ladies and those in the higher up have a personal maid. They are meant to serve only you."

He explained to her

"How did you do that?"

Chris asked shocked at how he could tell whatever was on her mind

"Do what?" He asked

"Being able to understand what am thinking"

Lust smiled at her.

"You are as open as a book. Your thoughts are written on your face"

Really?? She didn't know she was that predictable.

He nodded at her.

Chris wasn't sure she wanted to have a personal maid who was a demon. She is able to deal with them far away but one who will have close access to her and her room? She wasn't so sure.

"Don't worry she is human, their are a few humans who were brought here before you. Some of them are married to a demon,while others are working in the village"

He said clearing her doubt.


Chris was glad that at least she could know how it feels to be around a human. She fears she will forget her human side the more she spends time around demons.

Lust hummed and pulled her closer , making her rest her head on his chest.

A thought suddenly came to her mind. She was a bit concerned about it but doesn't know how to bring it up without sounding awkward.

Lust sensed her delimma.

"You can ask me anything"

"H-how old are you?"

Chris turned her face to stare up at him. Lust met her gaze and smiled. He ran his fingers through his hair chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

Chris asked not understanding why he was suddenly laughing.

"That's what's disturbing you? My age?"

He asked smiling.

Chris doesn't know how to explain to him that she definitely doesn't want to be with a grandpa. She knew demons where older than they look. But he shouldn't be that old right?

"I'm 1,500 years old"

Lust stared at the quiet girl trying to gauge her reaction.

Chris was shocked to her bones. To say she wasn't stunned would be a lie. He is older than her by 1,482 years?? He is even old enough to be her ancestor. Isn't this illegal somehow??

Lust felt amused by the amount of silly thoughts going through her head. He didn't try reading her mind before because he thought there was nothing to read. But he was so wrong. Cause this girl, has some crazy thoughts. He felt like he has found something interesting other than her to focus on , cause she definitely doesn't look like what she thinks. Her face shows a different thing and her mind another.

"Oh... okay"

Chris replied quietly making lust chuckle lightly.

"And am 18.....not as if you don't know.... just trying to remind you"

Chris chuckled humourless ,not even understanding what she was saying.

Lust couldn't hold in his laughter ,so he justed exploded with laughter.

Chris was surprised when she heard him laugh that hard. She hasn't really had the opportunity to see him laugh like that. He looked so blissful and more cutely handsome when he laughs.

"Why? Does my age bother you?"

He asked raising a brow at her.

"Don't worry it comes with it perks"

Lust said winking at her.

Chris wished she didn't understand what he implied but alas she was blessed with a very rotted mind , making her understand that more than she wanted.

'Chris!!! You dirty minded swine!!'

Lust chuckled when he heard her thought.He has never seen someone who insults them selves like she does. She looks cute but her mind is sharper and dirtier than anyone could ever imagine.

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