
The Gift

Clouds of thick dust drifted in the air around a large crater in the ground with flames blazing out of it. Suddenly the thick clouds of dust whirled, revealing a pair of large reptilian eyes.

The huge black body of a dragon, with a faint orange glow of magma passing through the smoke, climbed out of the crater. A dimly glowing line of blood dragged on the ground behind him.

A deep slash on his chest was bleeding, his dragon blood pouring out and dirtying the ground. A magma slowly poured around it, enclosing the injury in a layer of hard stone.

A blue light ignited inside of the crater, and all of the dust and smoke moved away as if pushed back by an invisible force. The old man climbed out of the hole, his whole skin blackened from burns, with droplets of molten metal dripping down from his mechanical limbs. He moved slowly, limping on his left leg.

'Such large injuries from one collision, that feels too easy for the final boss of this dungeon.'

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