
Chapter 21: Bliss

Catherine flew at extreme speeds as she headed towards the Land of Grass while also casting a spell to communicate with the Three Great Sages.

The four of them had created a link that allowed them to communicate with each other in the case of another situation as Moryo occurred.

"Oh, is it time for another Shogi game already?" Gamamaru asked as he connected to the link.

Catherine's eye twitched at hearing this, as she remembered that the four of them once met up and played a large amount of Shogi and got drunk.

Catherine became ashamed every time she thought about it as she was the first to pass out, with even Gamamaru being able to stay awake longer than her.

She coughed at this before she began to speak "No, we have a much more serious issue at hand. I just heard about a wish-granting box that exists inside of the Land of Grass, and I'm heading there now to both confirm the rumor and see if it is dangerous."

Katsuyu immediately caught on to why Catherine had called as she asked "So you wish for us to be on standby, in case it is a threat to the world?"

"Yes. It doesn't hurt to be cautious when dealing with the unknown." Catherine answered.

After Gamamaru and Izzy also agreed to have their inhabitants ready for battle if needed, she ended the spell while turning her attention back to her flight.

By the time that the next morning arrived, Catherine had made it to the capital of the Land of Grass.

As she floated to the ground, she cast a quick spell to change her outfit into one that would allow her to better blend in.

Catherine then conjured herself some false identifications and gave them to the guards, after which they allowed her to enter the city.

She looked around and became fascinated by the unique architecture that the Land of Grass had.

Many of the countries in the Shinobi World had vastly different styles of architecture and design, which could be attributed to the large distance between them.

While some countries had designs that seemed familiar to Edo Period Japan, others took inspiration from other Asian communities and cultures such as Ancient Korea or China.

Catherine enjoyed seeing the different sights, as it gave her the ability to experience things she never could in her past life.

The enjoyment she had faded once she cast a detection spell and noticed a large amount of energy gathered in one place.

She made herself easily navigated to the location, with her discovering the Box to be in the mansion of the Land of Grass' Daimyo.

'Of course, it would have to be a bit complicated.' Catherine thought as she erased her presence with a spell and headed inside the mansion.

She then put all of the people in the mansion to sleep as she went into the basement where she detected the energy.

It was there that she found the Box of Bliss, with it giving off the same allure that Demons were said to in the books that Catherine read.

"Temptations are something that shall always plague humanity, so they can do without you adding on to it with false promises," Catherine said as she prepared a spell to destroy the box.

However, the box, as if sensing Catherine's intentions, opened as a being flew out of it at astronomical speeds.

Catherine immediately brought the creature into the Mirror Dimension as she looked on as it grew in size.

'It seems that the box had already been fed a sacrifice, letting Satori come out.' Catherine thought as she began sending flames toward the demon-like creature.

"Most may consider you unbeatable, but that is just because they don't know how to properly deal with you." Catherine said as golden chains appeared from her hands and grasped the creature's wings, with her then throwing it into a wall a good distance away.

"By The Ageless Vishanti, I banish Thee to the Dimension of Light!!!" Catherine said, as a portal opened and drew Satori in, eliminating him as he was disintegrated by the Light Dimension.

Catherine then left the Mirror Dimension, with her shrinking down the size of the Box of Bliss and sealing its power before sending it into a pocket dimension.

She then left the mansion and the Nation, with the people of the Land of Grass unaware of what had transpired.

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