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After the weekend of the Three Great Human Nations Tournament, the following days were a bit difficult for Kaizen's image. The discussion about his non-appearance at the final of the tournament filled the webnet for days.

The repercussions of his absence were gigantic, bursting not only the Rise Online bubble, but also the gaming bubble. The news quickly spread through social networks and the world's press, sparking a wave of speculation and theories about the reason for the absence of the player who soon became known as "The Trophyless Champion".

Many avid Kaizen fans took to social media to express their disappointment and outrage, demanding an explanation from the mystery player. The authorities of the three nations also weighed in on the matter, lamenting Kaizen's absence from the tournament finals and pointing out that it was a disgrace to the history of the championship, but they had no explanation for the case either, because they could not find one.

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