

After Kaizen's conversation with Og'tharoz, he became even more thoughtful about some things about his class. However, he did not let this affect his mood in or out of Rise Online. Since he had been playing since early morning and the day was getting long, he logged out and went to one of the campus cafeterias for lunch.

This was his day off, so he didn't have any classes or mandatory activities, and since he spent most of his time playing, it was already half past noon and impossible to even ask for permission to go to Woodbury. So Klaus decided to practice the new activity he had recently taken up: archery.

When he went to the archery range in the late afternoon, no one was there. He and Andrew were probably the only ones off that day, and Klaus had not seen Andrew since the morning.

Since Klaus had no one to learn from or ask, he had to do a little research on the Internet this time. He finally found out that there are basically different types of archers.

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