
[Isabella’s True Intentions…]

After our escort from one of the captains of the Royal knights, we ended up choosing the new inn that was built on the outskirts of the capital.

It ended up looking rather modern in this medieval world and it was also much further away from the Royal castle than I'd hoped.

For some reason or another Isabella was dead set on this particular Inn.

"It seems a little suspicious to be a mere coincidence though", I thought. I should probably keep my guard up and my eyes open for now.

Something tells me this probably wasn't a thing that only she decided on plus I have a bad feeling about it.

As soon as we got to the inn, I laid down trying to relax and fall asleep.

There was no reason for me to look around or tour the capital because we'll be leaving early in the morning anyway.

I also didn't trust Isabella enough to tell her my true identity and story.

Since I've already ate that peer demon general and some type of meat that they were serving at the audience with the emperor.

I decided I could just wait until tomorrow to eat again.

Honestly I just wanted to get away from this dull and dreadful place as soon as possible.

Awhile after I fell asleep, I started becoming more and more aware of the dream I was having and a very bizarre dream it was… it felt like an out of body experience.

Back on earth we would call it a lucid dream or astral projection, and I can't lie it's an extremely fascinating phenomenon.

There I was… floating in my own unique space of consciousness where I felt completely void of distractions and emotions.

Seeing and feeling the spiritual energy they were exuding made my whole body and mind relax.

My energy also started to stabilize and become calm which stood almost as still as water.

I felt like I was in a state of complete balance, a certain distinct calmness and unity of the mind,body and soul.

I kept looking around observing my surroundings, wondering if this was actually a dream or was it something else?

I could see my own body hovering in mid-air, almost like I were a mirror staring back at my reflection.

I was in my normal dragon form but had an almost transparent body that you could see through it.

It looked as if my soul or essence took the form and shape of a dragon itself.

Realistically I felt like it may actually be fluid in time but I couldn't tell for sure so I wanted to know for certain.

Standing In the distance I could make out 12 dark silhouettes which came in all different shapes and sizes.

Some of their shadows looked like they could've stood 10-15 feet tall.

While some seemed pretty average with normal heights and some were even quite small in size.

"For some reason I feel a calming presence of peace and familiarity seeing these shadowy beings."

"Hello, can anyone hear me?", I asked.

"Uhm… aye, all you dark shadow people can you speak?!"

Nobody spoke and nothing could be heard at all… it was completely silent, like I was in some kind of sound proof room.

"It seems my voice is the only one that could be heard in here, hmm that's weird."

I started getting frustrated speaking to the shadows who stood before me that weren't responding to my questions.

I almost thought like their energy was peering into my very soul.

"Who are you people, what are you doing here?!, I shouted. No one spoke it was still completely silent…

Then out of no where I suddenly heard a faint voice saying, "Help!",

"Help me!" A de more shouted.

Then another voice that seemed out of breath shouted , *Pant* *Pant* "Help somebody please!"

"Anybody I beg of you please save me… it hurts, I can't take this anymore!" Then one by one the figures who were just shouting vanished into thin air, leaving me shocked with a perplexing look on my face.

One more voice echoed through the vast space I was in breaking my confusion.

This voice was clearer and calmer than the rest and I could actually hear what they were saying as clear as day.

"Dammit… is this all my life amounts to, everything I went through…"

"All the sacrifices my big sister made , and all the things she did to help me survive in this vast cruel world… i-is it really all for nothing?"

"I curse these wicked humans for doing this to me.. No for doing this to us !!"

"Even in my death, I swear I'll curse them!!"

The one wish and dream I've ever had since a kid is gonna be shattered into pieces with nothing to leave behind and why…

"Why did this have to happen to us, why did we have to be born in this world?" *Sniff* *Sniff*

"For 11 years,I've held onto hope waiting for the day someone would come and help us… but no one came."

"I've even tried gathering an army of my own to free all the Dragonborn that were being enslaved, but even our own people turned me down…" *Sniff*

"All I wanna do is free my sister who saved me all those years ago…"

"I can't stand the thought of her being enslaved to those immoral, ego inflated bastards of the most evil human kingdom of them all…

"I'd rather die or sell my soul than see them continue to torment and enslave my only sibling and sister I hold so dear to me!"

"I just wanted to help bring freedom and prosperity too the enslaved Dragonborn race that has dealt with slavery and discrimination for so long, but I guess fate had other plans."

"The humans, if it wasn't for them we could all live free as we pleased the only thing we strives for was co-existence, if only they never existed"

"Grrr!!! They're all scum that deserve to live in torment for eternity for their sins!"

"If I get out of here I'll fucking kill you all… hey assholes do you hear me!"

"Creak* *Crackle* *Creak

Suddenly I could hear the sound of some type of door opening.It sounded like a cell door or gate and I could also hear the sound of some sort of chains are shackles in the background.

"All of this because I wanted to protect the very village that my family loved and grew up in…"

"wanted to protect from the threat of slave traders and evil nobles who wanted to use and enslave our people…"

"you humans are truly unworthy of living and I promise I'll make you pay it back double,no matter the cost or repercussions!"

Some of the dark silhouettes were completely silent which I thought was a little unnerving considering the begs and pleas of those who were asking for help.

There has to be a reason for that right… but as I was thinking that they started to disappear too.

Their voices were very distorted and I could only

make out bits and pieces of what they were saying.

But It was enough to understand and was clearly apparent that they needed help.

I could hear the agony and suffering in their voice.

I could picture the quivering and trembling of their bodies when they shouted their pleas that no one besides me could probably hear. The pain and sorrow they must feel and the way it sounds like they were holding back a built up river of tears.

Suddenly out of nowhere my dragon form activated It destroyed the ceiling and making the roof of our room and the rooms next to us collapse luckily we were the only ones in the vicinity at the time.

'Fuck, what the hell is this…'

'why am I still in this dream-like state…I'm drifting in and out of consciousness…'

'I only have control for short periods of time… and I can barely control this energy.'

'Hmm… Maybe my body and soul can't contain this new power yet, it's also bringing out my most primal instincts as a dragon?'

'Whixh I guess explains why I have a grave desire to hunt and kill something and also why I can't feel any emotions…'

'Well at least now I won't even be able to feel bad for what's about to happen, I guess I've truly become a monster at mind and heart.' *Sigh

I can say one thing for certain, for them to be clinging to life like this is beyond admirable.

Regardless of their circumstance or what kind of horrific or horrible things they are enduring or have endured you could hear the desperation in their voice, the thing one calls hope.

The more I heard and thought about the cries and pleas that were being made, suddenly made me think about the abuse I went through on earth.

Since I could remember everything from my past life and the pain I suffered so long ago I'll never forget.

"Whoever these people are in my dream right now almost make me feel like I have an obligation to help them!"

As more memories started flooding my brain, I was so enraged I could feel myself almost slipping out of my sleep tossing and gritting my teeth.

I kept getting angrier thinking about what these mysterious beings that gave me such a warm and familiar feeling may be going through,I wanted to help whoever it may be.

"Saving people as a chaos dragon?"

"Hmm… how peculiar, it must be destiny I suppose."

Just then a radiant golden light of energy began to flow intensely into every part of my body.

This time it was almost as if it had a mind of its own and was uncontrollable, it made me paralyzed from the neck down.

Then I heard a soft voice that said "You"ll be able to save them soon, I promise… you have to get even stronger and only focus on things within your power to control."

"Listen… you'll soon learn that there is no right or wrong, good or evil that is known in this universe, the only thing that matters is strength and power.

"I'll always be apart of you son… I'll always be at your side residing in this new soul of yours that

will now be held together by me."

"Now I can rest peacefully, Remember our promise and know that I love you dearly, Chaos remember that always!"

As soon as the heartfelt words reached my ear my body on instincts alone started to slowly collapse due to the enormous increase of energy I was taking in, except now it wasn't just simply flowing calmly and smooth as it was before.

None of that mattered right now only one thing has my attention, "Mother?!" I tried calling out but no one responded.

The energy was now raging intensely, flooding every inch of my consciousness feeding off my emotions and the anger I felt.

The words of the voice who seemed to be my mother soothed my heart and gave me new purpose in my life.

But as her words began to fade I started hearing the faint screams again as the continued to replay and echo in my mind.

"I can't just let whoever is doing this and causing people so much pain get by with doing it, for all I know… the reason for seeing these mysterious beings In my dream must mean we have or will have some type of connection, I guess this has to be fate right?"

This huge sphere of golden energy, which had a more radiant glow than any of the most valuable treasure one might ever encounter started to slowly inch it's way closer to me.

I could feel the enormous waves of energy and power coming off it, making me sweat and giving me a cold chill.

Then the same energy that was near indescribable started circling my body then quickly enveloped me in all it's radiance, the power I started to feel soon after was unimaginable.

"What the hell is this, it feels like I'm losing control of my body?!"

"What the fuck is it doing… dammit, it's really trying to take control!"

"Arghhh!", I said as I started drifting slowly in the space pocket now unconscious due to the overwhelming energy.

Now all I seen was an entire outline of a black like abyss which had a very eerie landscape.

For miles and miles all I could see was black almost as if I were floating in something and nothing at all…

When I fell unconscious I couldn't wake myself or even move, it felt like I was really paralyzed.

It felt like another entity or something else was possessing my body entirely acting on it's own accord with its own agenda and intentions.

"It seems it may have overpowered me and forced my soul into this trance like state, but for some reason I can't even begin to try taking it back."

"I have this weird feeling… that maybe I should let them."

Again I heard a serious unnerving voice say in the same exact tone as before.

"If there is anybody out there who is powerful enough to hear my prayer, no matter the race or religion, good or evil I'll serve and devote my life to you for eternity!"

"The only thing I ask in return is too cure my suffering and help my long-awaited dream come to fruition… please, show me what the meaning of true freedom is!"

"So you have ambition too huh, I'll help you." , I said without even noticing.

A few seconds later my eyes opened they were both flashing a red glare.

I sensed that I still wasn't in control of my body and actions though.

It felt like I was watching the world and what was going on through somebody else's eyes which had a reddish tint, i could see and feel everything but couldn't make actions myself.

Suddenly the energy signature I could make out as one of the shadowy figures also vanished leaving a faint trail.

My body then started moving on its own almost as if whatever energy or entity that possessed my body wanted to follow it.

"I guess we are connected somehow then and this must be truly what they call fate or destiny…"

"Hmm… that's right I'll definitely make you my first subordinate and my right hand man, don't worry you can count on it!"

"I'll show you what freedom truly is… potential to be one of my guardians I can feel how bright your soul burns let's bring about a new era!"

I flew through the huge hole in the ceiling while thinking of ways that could help me gain control of my body for good I didn't want tinend up hurting innocent people for no reason in the aftermath when I start destroying things.

'It's one thing to cause massive casualties to your enemies in war… but unnecessary death without substance and appropriate reasoning, that you stand nothing to gain from is not really my kind of thing and will only lead to more troubling predicaments.'

My giant silver wings propelled me in the air launching me into the sky leaving a trail of wind and black energy particles behind me causing rubble to fly in all directions.

Overhead I could see the bustling Capital City Of Orasa filled with lively people that had no idea what was about to happen they were just as clueless as the emperor was who had been too naive since the beginning or was he?

'I can't say for sure, but I assume he'll be hell bent on standing against me since he doesn't understand my true nature.'

'At this very moment he's probably plotting trying to form an alliance to take me down! I'll give it to him he's determined to get rid of me even if he has to throw away his pride and kiss my ass a little… and while im in his nation too ugh what a cunning little coward he is Kufufufu'

I flew a little higher reaching the height of the tallest tower that could be seen in the country which probably stood around 60 meters tall, looking down at the city was exhilarating.

Isabella who was laying in bed next to me got tossed by my energy and thrown into the wall with tremendous force breaking some of her ribs as she was slammed against the wall with a loud thud collapsing on the floor in agony.

*Crack* *Crack* *Thud!*

*Gasp!* *Gasp!*

she took a large breath trying to recover the air that had just been knocked from her lungs which felt like they had been set on fire she could still fell the pain of her ribs and back pulsating with circulating blood after slamming against the wall built of solid stone but the real pain was coming from the gigantic waves of black Haki and spiritual pressure coming off of me.

"aaahhhh!…I cant breath, what is with this spiritual pressure?!" *Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

'No… It's that power from earlier why is it happening again?' *Pant* *

When I looked down I could see that the spiritual pressure and wind from me launching into the air threw Isabella who was fast asleep at the time into the wall which looked awfully painful making me try harder to gain control of my body.

'I hope that didn't injure her too much, shes's the one person I don't wanna hurt from this country… especially not when I need to obtain more information about the world and find out who she really is.'


'I guess I was wrong about him, he's not naive as I once thought after he saved us…' Isabella wondered.

Cough* *Cough*

'If left unchecked though, he'll rampage through the whole country and ruin everything I've came here for!'

'Tsk, but it's not as if though I'm strong enough to stop him…especially with the power I have now…'

'I can also sense an ominous power lurking deep within him, It sends chills down my spine and makes my blood run cold… it's really scares me.'

Stunned and confused Isabella finally took a breath of air as she gulped loudly trying to regain her thoughts and the oxygen she lost.

She removed the rubble that was laying on her and dusted herself off then looked around the room to find that it was now completely empty and the man she was supposed to guide named Chaos was no where to be seen.

She started to panic and wondered if he had just accidentally destroyed the ceiling, was it because he couldn't conceal or control his energy or if he'd decided to destroy the country after all what was his real goal?

If people started to question why she didn't take necessary precautions to avoid this outcome it would prove very troublesome.

In the future she would most likely be forced to fight him and put on the frontlines for bringing him here in the first place… But what was she really supposed to do in this situation?

she felt ashamed that she had been too relaxed and comfortable that she completely forgot what the details of her real mission was.

If anyone were to find her secret would surely be cast out and her whole identity would be discovered… she couldn't let that happen.

She knew that if she wished to remain hidden among humans she would have to carry out her real duty as the emperors servant and the mission she had been given to her in private.

The emperor didn't want Chaos to end up finding out about the execution of the dragonborn leader of the wind tribe that had already been delayed because of other circumstances.

'Damn it all…I'm not risking my life for that incompetent emperor, If he really thinks he stands a chance against defeating Lord Chaos he's surely going to find out what the meaning of the word annihilation is!'

"I'll only do what I came here for in the first place!"

The Emperor had said that however unfortunate the repercussions may be for the execution he has to proceed with it since delaying it again would cause unrest among the people and the nobles.

simply by doing this he knew could prevent Chaos from knowing of this circumstance and getting rid of any evidence would ease the peoples worries and also rob him of a potential ally who is known as insanely powerful important among all the Dragonborn villages.

'There are other Dragonborn prisoners and slaves here too… it only makes sense he would want to save his kin, especially if he found out what they were going through and how they were being treated… in all honesty I'd do the same thing it makes me sick.'

'But I can't help to think what will happen if they were to join him… the amount of power and influence he would have would skyrocket… Especially if that man were to join him … the one that holds one of the sacred divine fruits!'

*Wheeze* *Wheeze*

'I'll have to find him now and just hope that nobody notices or my entire future will be altered and the intel and supplies I'm gathering here will all cease to continue all thanks to that ignorant emperor and overbearing dragon…'

'Hmm… maybe we can be of help to each other somehow, I don't like this dreadful place anyways…I only came here for divine sword!

'I'll just have to play my part and act as if I want to go all out to defeat the enemy, then I'll ask the emperor for access to the divine sword to be used as a trump card…'

'Given the situation were in it'll be inevitably forcing his hand to make a complicated decision, I can't actually see him saying no right now.'

'It would most likely be our only chance at surviving this ordeal anyways, maybe I can escape and start a new adventure with Lord Chaos hehehehe!

'If only it would be that easy though, there's no telling how much destruction this battle will ensue and I don't wanna caught in the middle of it!'

'Chaos-Sama is truly mesmerizing though, he's undeniably one of a kind…whew,this is the first time I've had felt a deep fear and admiration for someone in a long time… and all these indecent thoughts swirling around in my mind that I've been suppressing over the years!' *Blushes*


'Putting all that aside I might not even be able to cause him harm, as I am right now so that would mean…'

'Hmm, I wouldn't mind joining him if he'd allow me to fufufu… I didn't think he'd turn out that cute in a that human-dragon form but I was absolutely mistaken!' *blushes*

"But to think thats he's also as strong as me if not stronger, it's fascinating to me since he was only born 20 years after me…'

"Could it be he has a unique skill or system and could he actually be from earth too?!" Isabella said out loud.

"I suppose he also is suspicious of me which explained why he's been so distant…it seems he may know of my true race and origins using some kind of analyzing skill." *Sigh*

She left the room to go apologize and pay for the damages caused by Chaos she then left without any further words as she needed to find Chaos and quickly before things get out of control.

She started to make her way towards the Execution courtyard hoping she could somehow obtain the sword which held the name "Genesis" known as the [The Sword Of Alvesia's beginning]

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