

Strange. "What about the Bosinwans?" My second question is a simple one. The Endless Peaks are on the border between Bosinwa, but it has a bit of special status. The other settlements on the border are always constantly being contested by both countries, but the Endless Peaks is a mountain range that separates both countries. With no way of getting a decisive foothold there, and there being no strategic advantage to doing so, both countries just left it alone. But, precisely because none owned it, both could act there should they wish two. Yiantur is a religion with a sizeable amount of members in both countries. If the Bosinwans discover the temple, they could very well also send personnel there, and should that happen then there is bound to be conflict.

"They know about it, but they don't seem to care. Even if they do, that's why the King is sending you three with me and not a band of soldiers. Should anything happen, it'll be easier for four people to escape than fifty, plus, none of you are weak so as long as you do your jobs right we are all likely to come back alive."

We spend the next few minutes hashing out how the trip is going to go. Thankfully, since it's the King who is desperate to know whatever Willos might discover, he is going to cover all expenses accrued during the trip. Kien, however, is suspiciously silent during all of this, preferring to let his brother do all the talking.

Finally, the meeting comes to an end. As we are about to leave, the King adds. "One more thing. You all will be accompanied by Shinn. Keep him safe if you can, but remember, your priority is Willos." Then he waves us away.

Willos packs up his documents and then motions for us to leave.

As I leave the Great Hall, I hurry toward the twins, wanting to at least try to talk to them. Willos intentionally falls back, giving me the space I need to talk to them alone. Kien turns back, then spots me walking after them. His expression darkens and the next moment he vanishes. I slow to a stop as I look around me, all the years I had spent with the twins had given me a certain understanding of their abilities, and because of that I am certain that he is still around here somewhere. Nevertheless, in the end, I force myself to stop looking. Better to try again later than to infuriate him the first time we meet.

Willos catches up to me and pats me gently on the back, before nodding at Teayi who is looking at me. Forcing a smile onto my face I walk up to Teayi. "How have you been, Teayi?"

He smiles weakly. "Arell, I have been good. You look well."

His cordial attitude relaxes me a bit. "I am. It has been long, Teayi."

"It has. Though it feels as though I have been with you all this while, with all the stories of your exploits flying around."

I let out a slightly embarrassed chuckle. "Come on Teayi, not you too. Besides, I haven't been the only one making a name for myself. I believe they call you the Phantom Wind now, don't they?"

His expression changes. "By the gods, I hate that name. They make me sound like a fart that no one is sure exactly where it comes from."

"Don't look at it that way," I say, struggling not to laugh, "think of it like this: Phantom standing in for how you're like a ghost, and Wind to show how fast you are."

"Personally," Willos interjects, "I think whoever came up with that name is a genius. It's so much better than what they call Arell here. The Blue Fairy, such a dry, unimaginative nickname."

Teayi shakes his head, his lips curling up into a small smile. We continue speaking as we leave the Palace, trying our best to catch up. Although Teayi seems to hold no grudge against me, I still can't help but want to speak to him about what happened, and also apologize for how it affected him. But, I know that even if he is not visible, Kien must be around here somewhere, and the thought of broaching that topic with Teayi, while Kien listens unseen discomfits me. Either way, I make up my mind to find some time to be alone with him before we leave on our mission.

Outside the Palace, I spot Vanessa waiting beside our carriage and turn to ask Teayi, and by extension Kien. "Where are you staying? Would you like to join us?"

"We're staying at the Atashe Mansion, and no. Thanks for the offer but I prefer to walk. It's become almost a habit for me these past few years, walking."

I nod, and after a moment of thought ask him to wait. I then go to meet Vanessa and inform her that she could leave without me. I am planning on walking with Teayi. She opens her mouth, then thinks better of what she was planning to say. After a moment she tells me to make sure I come back before dinner, then she gets into the carriage and leaves. I return to the waiting Teayi and Willos.

"Aren't you going in your carriage?" I ask Willos.

"No. It'll be more fun to walk with you young ones," he notices the expression on my and Teayi's face, "What? Don't let my looks fool you, I am still Sadabi after all, it's not like a short walk will kill me."

"It's not exactly a short-"

"Whatever," he interrupts me, "let's get moving. It's getting dark and I'd like to get home before dinner."

We begin moving as we make light conversation. At a point, things seem almost like they were all those years ago when we had still been together, bringing up a bittersweet feeling within me. The closer we get to the Atashe Mansion, the more reluctant I am to let our conversation end, but, all good things must come to a stop.

A small group of servants, all dressed in matching uniforms, and wearing scarves that hide most of their features, appear in front of us, each of them carrying small bags of goods. They are probably coming from the market, I think, before pushing them out of my mind and focusing on what Teayi is saying. Then my ability activates. In my mind's eye, I see one of the servants suddenly dash at me, pulling out a small knife from somewhere as she strikes at my heart.

Even as the vision continues, my body begins to act, instincts honed by years of reacting to things like this. I pull out my sword from thin air and attack just as the vision comes to an end. The servant attacking me dodges, making sure to keep coming in close. As long as she can get close enough, the sword in my hand would be useless, while her knife would give her an advantage.

She moves to attack once more and I swing my sword, intending to end things once and for all. Then my ability activates once more, leaving me alarmed by what I see. Her attack is just a feint, and since I have already committed to an attack of my own, I cannot withdraw and counterattack like I otherwise would have been able to. But, I do not panic, having been put in hundreds of similar situations in the past. Channeling my yui into my sword, I unleash my flames so forcefully that the resulting explosion pushes us apart, and also undoes her scarf, giving me a good look at her face.