
Book 6, chapter 15

An ominous portal snapped open on the bridge of The Fist, and a hulking figure stepped through. Covered head to toe in gray and black bone plates, it had to hunch so as not to hit its head on the ceiling. Beside her, Tanra grimaced as a fog like turquoise miasma drifted into the bridge from the portal. It was a good thing it was only Zee and the captain here, otherwize that would have been a big problem.

Her eyes flicked from the bone lord back to the swirling portal just as it crackled and a second bug-like creature skitter through.

At half the height of the bone lord but nearly as long as he was tall, it's movements gave her the creeps.

Miasma leaked from between the revenant blood gorgers darkened carapace, forming a deathly cloud around it. Filling the room in seconds, the miasma burrowed into her skin, a distinctly uncomfortable sensation. 

The heart of fire thunder in her chest, and the toxic energy was burned away as fast as it could enter her body. Tanra, standing next to her, looked just as unhappy at the miasma that felt like maggots burrowing under his scales. The only one happy with development was the death spirit, who woke up in her sword, forming a whirlpool around her as it happily drank in the miasma. 

Leaning forward on the haft of his long pole ax, the bone lord eyed her intently. "Ahhhh, disciple, good to see you still alive," Glendale said in a deep raspy voice. 

She smiled up at the hulking monstrosity. "I was wondering if you would bite the big one. I guess I am not so lucky," Zee replied. 

The bone lord's deep raspy laugh echoed through the bridge. "You are still not mad about being abandoned in the death chasms are you?" Glendale asked.

She scoffed. "What do you want, Glendale? This meeting is delaying our departure," Zee replied testily. 

"Can't a master just want to see his disciple before she goes on a dangerous adventure?" Glendale asked, as if he really did care.

She folded her arms across her chest. "So, does that mean you are here to give me treasures that can help keep me alive in the endless storm?" Zee asked hopefully. 

Glendale laughed derisively, his spiked bone plates creaking loudly. 

"Of course not! I'm not going to hold your hand every step of the way. I'm simply here to offer advice," Glendale said.

Zee figured as much. Glendale was never one to actually give her anything that might help her. 

Even when he did give her something, they were all incredibly dangerous things like that world rot seed she gave her parents. But still, she couldn't look a gift lizard in the mouth.

"What kind of advice do you have for me?" Zee asked, schooling her expression. She figured it must be important if he took the time to meet with her.

Glendale hummed to himself, then pointed a claw at Tanra the only other person on the bridge.

"Hey lizard, I trust you two will not repeat anything you hear today?" Glendale asked, his tone menacing. 

Captain Tanra, who was usually self confident, wilted under the bone lord's glare. It was strange, she could feel the bone lord's mercurial glare not only on Tanra, but also on her shadow. She was taken aback by his threat.

What was that about? And what did he mean by you two? He most certainly wasn't referring to her. Zee wanted to ask, but had a chilling premonition. 

For the barest moments, she could sense a presence in her shadow. It was like death was staring her in the face, a chilling presence that made her hair stand on end and her heart race.

For a heartbeat she could feel its dagger pressed against her back, its hot breath on her neck as it ripped her to bloody pieces. As fast as it came, the sensation fled, leaving her heart feeling like it might explode out of her chest. 

Glendale started talking aloud, but she wasn't listening. Based on his reaction, it didn't seem like Tanra, nor the being in her shadow had sensed what Glendale had just shown her.

Her hair stood on end as he spoke but she didn't bother to listed. His words didn't matter in either case. He had already given her the information he came for. Everything he was saying was information she already knew. No, the real information was about the monster that hid in the dark. Zee was thankful, and disturbed by the revelation. There hadn't been a single hit of the thing that hid in her shadow.

Thankfully, one of Glendale's skills revealed murderous intent, and he had just exposed the monster in her shadow to her.

It took every ounce of her will, of but she didn't look down, her attention fully on Glendale as spoke some inane drivel about the Ashary and the endless storm. 

It might be important information, but it was only secondary. Zee was already aware that the Ashary and the Kul a Var had sent scouting parties into the endless storm in search of keys to the eternal throne. 

The bone lord talking about it was all a ploy to reveal danger hidden from her senses.

The question was, just how was she going to deal with whatever hid within? She had no idea how long it had been there, but its desire had been clear. 

It wanted to kill her, but hadn't yet. She felt as though it was waiting for something, for her to mess up, or to find something, she couldn't be sure. 

What was more concerning was the power of that aura she had sensed for several moments. It was so condensed and powerful, peak celestial grade at the least. 

She was thankful for the bone lord's warning, but how in the nine hells was she going to get rid of someone like that? 

After his warning, Glendale left, taking his newly converted revenant along with him.

The bone lord's warning about the monster in her shadow put a damper on her mood, but it couldn't completely stamp out her excitement. After all, today was the day she joined back up with her team. 

The portal fizzled and winked out leaving Zee and captain Tanra alone on the bridge. Tanra didn't look too pleased with the whole ordeal, eying the miasma filling the bridge with disgust.

"That guy gives me the creeps. I hate the feeling of miasma boring into my scales, feels like I have worms," the stout lizard kin shuddered. 

Zee nodded in agreement. 

"Ya, no matter how many times I feel it burrowing into my skin, it makes me shiver," Zee replied in agreement.

Tanra let out a bemused hiss, giving her a sideline glance.

"How did you become that monsters disciple? Glendale has never been known for his love of the living," Tanra asked curiously. 

"That's complicated. Suffice to say, I have something he wants," Zee replied evasively. 

He let out a hissing laugh. "Whatever... I can make a few guesses based on the context of this expedition. Why else would someone so notorious for refusing to help the living aide us if not for his own personal benefit. He is after the eternal throne isn't he?" Tanra asked, nailing it right on the head. 

Zee gave the captain a deadpan stare. After a few seconds of awkward silence Tanra raised his scaled hands in surrender. 

 "Fine, keep your secrets. You are dismissed," Tanra said.

Zee turned to leave but Tanra still had one last thing to say. 

"We are leaving soon. If you wish to say goodbye to your squadmates I would suggest you do so before they embark," Tanra suggested.

"I will do that, thank you captain," Zee said. 

She left the bridge, navigating the familiar cramped hallways of The Fist with practiced ease.

Everyone non-essential for the expedition was being transferred to other ships in the battle group. There was still a war on, and they needed the extra manpower to help rebuild the defenses of Theranus. 

It would be a vital staging point to venture deeper into enemy territory. Most likely, it would be garrison duty for her former squad, but it still made her anxious. 

Tag was the first to notice her anxious look.

"Don't worry about us Ensign, we'll be fine," Tag said with a cheeky grin. 

Brick nodded slowly. "I will keep them out of trouble," Brick said, his silver ensign pin proudly displayed on his uniform. 

Standing close to Geleta, Olson cracked a smile. 

"I'm looking forward to lazing around for a few months on garrison duty. Losing my arm has given me perspective," Olson said. 

Geleta poked him in the side with a finger. 

"Just because you only have one arm doesn't mean you are exempt from helping rebuild the defenses," Geleta rebuked. 

Olsen gave the shorter of the twins a bright smile.

"I mean, I guess I still have one arm," Olson said. 

Brick glared at the two. "I will remind you that there is no cavorting in the squad," Brick said sternly. 

"Of course sir," Olson saluted with his remaining arm.

"We wouldn't dream of it, sir," Geleta replied in unison. 

Nearby Zee saw Tag and Genevieve refusing to meet Brick's eyes.

The newly promoted ensign palmed his face, letting out an exhausted sigh.

"What a pain," Brick grumbled. 

Zee tried to hide her amusement, but failed as her lips turned up into a smile. This was no longer her can of worms. "I see you have everything in order, Brick, you best get going," Zee said.

They all bid their farewells, leaving the docking bay in the dinged up drop ship. Seeing them leave left a pit in her stomach. 

They were under Brick's command now, and should be alright. He had a good head on his shoulders, but anything could happen in the war. She really hoped they came out of it alive. With that dark thought, she strode out of the docking bay in search of her friends. 

It had been a long time since she spent time with Allison and the others and she couldn't wait to see them. 

Once all the unnecessary people left the ship, several others got on. Zee had really been hoping to never see some of her cousins again, but most had made it through the war. Only two of them died, people she had only met in passing.

Thirteen potential competitors down to eleven. Much to her chagrin, Draveroc was alive and well. 

Zee was overjoyed when tall, dark and handsome walked in the door. It was too bad Draveroc was in tow. 

"Hey there stranger," Zee greeted. 

Bastion grinned, pulling her into a firm embrace, uncaring if anyone said as he kissed her. 

"You look beautiful as always," Bastion replied, pulling away, and eying her head to toe. 

Feeling his warmth against her, she glanced over his shoulder. "Why is Draveroc here?" Zee asked with a frown.

Bastion scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I sort of promised I would get him a meeting with you," Bastion apologized. 

She sighed, folding her arms. "A meeting, about what?" Zee asked not to bother to hide her displeasure as she eyed Draveroc. 

The princeling shifted uneasily under her gaze. 

"I have a proposition for you cousin," Draveroc said, his snooty, higher than thou tone nowhere to be found. Much to her surprise, Draveroc even bowed.

"Can you at least hear him out?" Bastion asked. 

She was extremely distrustful of Draverocs humble performance, but she since Bastion was asking it couldn't hurt. She had no idea what the prince was planning, but based on previous experiences she wasn't going to like it. 

"Fine, what do you want, Draveroc?" Zee asked.

"Can we discuss this in private?" Draveroc asked, eying the other crewmen nearby. 

"Alright, follow me," Zee grumbled.

Bastion wrapped an arm around her waist as they walked, giving her a warm smile. 

Seeing that bright smile again soothed much of her ire, and all she wanted was to catch up. Too bad they had an unwanted guest following in tow.

They arrived in an out of the way alcove a minute later, and she turned to face the princeling. 

"Alright, what do you have to say?" Zee asked, right to the point. 

Draveroc fell to one knee and bowed his head, his armor clanking on the metallic floor. 

"I wish to swear my loyalty and become one of your pillars when you inherit the throne," Draveroc said, his words surprising her.

Her eyes widened as the stuck up noble actually bowed to her. She glanced over at Bastion, questions in her eyes. 

"Is he serious," Zee asked.

"Deadly serious," Bastion smiled, eying the exchange thoughtfully. 

Zee turned back to the still kneeling prince. " Why would you swear fealty? I thought you wanted to take the throne? " Zee asked.

Draveroc exhaled sharply.

"I did want the throne, and part of me still does, but I have come to terms with a few things over the past year of war. Namely, I have realized that I don't do well under huge amounts of stress. I also realized I lack the strength to claim that position. Still, I do not wish to be assassinated for fear I might come after you when you inherit. Therefore, I offer my fealty in exchange for a high position on your staff," Draveroc said his head still bowed low. 

She furrowed her brows." Why not swear fealty to Tavza, or Mercy? They have more supporters than I do," Zee stated.

 Draveroc huffed, remaining kneeling as he looked up at her. 

"Tavza would stab in my sleep the moment It is convenient. And Mercy and I have a troubled history. She still holds fierce animosity towards me for something i did to her in our childhood," Draveroc admitted. 

She raised an eyebrow. "And you thought I was a better choice than the other seven imperial candidates? From what I have heard, you have a good relationship with Ilanna. She is one of the five heirs, why not go become her follower?" Zee asked. 

Draveroc sighed, his armored shoulders slumping.

"About that... That is part of my offer. If you accept my fealty, I will do my best to recruit Ilana. Based on what I have seen, you desperately need the support. The others have already formed coalitions, and yours is by far the smallest," Draveroc said.

Draveroc was actually overselling things. Zee didn't have a coalition at all aside from her friends, and they didn't really count as they were not Lorocan nobility. During the war, she hadn't really cared for playing politics and it appeared to be biting her in the ass. All the while the other heirs and contenders had been networking, making connections and scheming. 

To be honest, she could really use the help. 

"Alright Draveroc, you are in. Stand up already. You are making an ass of yourself," Zee grumbled. 

"You won't regret this, my lady," Draveroc said with an imprudent grin on his face.

Zee scowled. "Don't call me that, just use my name. And when we are in private you better not bow or i'll kick you in the head," Zee said.

"Is she always this aggressive?" Draveroc asked, his question directed at Bastion. 

"Yep, when we first met she saved me from a slaver's chains by killing them all," Bastion said with an easy smile. 

"You don't say, I didn't know that," Draveroc replied. 

She eyed the two suspiciously. "Since when did you two become friends? Bass, I thought he was being an asshole to you?" Zee asked. 

Bastion ran a scarred hand through his short, curly black hair. 

"He was at first. Suffice to say, we came to an understanding," Bastion said.

"Fair enough, you can tell me about it later. Go away Drav. Come on Bass, let's go find the others. The Fist will be going through the wormhole shortly and I hear it's quite the view on the other side," Zee said. 

Wrapping an arm in his, they left Draveroc with his own thoughts, going to the viewing deck. 

Powerful arrays projected the view of the front of the ship, which currently showed a massive wormhole in the distance. All the while they watched the wormhole draw closer, Bastion gave her odd glances.

"Spit it out, what's on your mind?" Zee asked.

"I am just surprised you agreed to Draverocs proposal so easily," Bastion admitted. 

She nodded. 

"Your surprise is warranted, given our past. If he would have come alone, I would have said no. But the fact you asked for him, that means something. I don't like him, nor do I trust him at all, but if you are willing to vouch for him, then I will go along with it," Zee replied. 

"Just like that?" Bastion asked.

She nodded.

 Bastion grinned. "You know just the thing to say to make a guy's heart grow fonder," Bastion said.

"Yes, that's what everyone says about her," an amused voice said from behind them.

Zee half turned, eying the three new arrivals.

"Maldy, don't you know it's not polite to eavesdrop," Allison chastised, walking right next to her much taller adopted brother.

Zee brightened as the three approached Yukna, giving her a friendly wave. 

It had only been a year or so, and yet she felt like it had been much longer. A year of combat had changed all of them, with Allison Malden auras growing much denser. Allison's aura had the faint feel of a raging wildfire, while Malden's felt like a scorching desert to her senses. Not only that, but their killing intent though restrained, felt much more intense. Yuknas aura had grown far denser as well, but it had a much less bloody feel, with the sense of oil, gears and arrays. 

"You've come a long way. How close are you to ranking up?" Allison asked, eying Zee up and down.. 

"Not too much longer, maybe a month if I can find lots of powerful monsters to kill. Most of my skills are near one hundred percent mastery," Zee smiled, idly tapping the pommel of her sword. 

Allison grinned.

"You must have been slacking off. All I need to rank up to the D grade is a potent rare natural treasure attuned to fire and I can form my shard," Allison said.

Zee huffed. 

"I wasn't slacking off, not all of us were put on a star team," Zee said.

Malden smirked. "No need to feel insecure. Even If you can't keep up with our pace progression, we always need a luggage carrier," Malden taunted.

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