
Dancing With The Dead

Looking at the mighty fotress before them, Blake grinned. The fotress was like a dome with surray curve endings and lacress rubber binding each ending tight. The forbidden kingdom of the Heirlock stood magnificent and proud. With its glass as clear as a crystal and then, a large body of water pooling around it.

Over the water, there was a biased bridge crossing over and the trio used that route to get to the very entrance to the large wall indicating its entrance.

At the very entrance, two ancient burning woods was crossed against each other. This burning woods were often used to start up a war in the 13oos and this kind of illusion is still being acted upon not withstanding the fact that the method was growing too old.

Blake stood before the gate that looked to be made out of steel cladded entirely to prevent attack or stop way for penetration.

If there was any time to save Jotham, then it was now. The Heirlocks were like evil spirits and fighting them was like dancing with the dead. To think that, Blake defeated one of those mighty beast all alone without any ability in him. Come to think of it, the Heirlock he fought back at the very begining was... weak.

It was?

This kind of news really did bring badnews to his core. Every most special way of rendering attacks were used to fight an injured or precisely weak heirlock but still, he would have lost his life if not for the fact that he had acted smartly.

Now imagine him, fighting a full fledged Heirlock, not injured, not weak.

It indeed meant him, dancing gloriously with the dead. If he was not mistaken.

Evie and Tera stared at the steel gate and placed their hands on it. What they felt next was the slight movement of the gate...

'It was opened?'


Blake used his hand to push but at some point, the gate was jammed that only the full strength of an heirlock would be able to push it open. And that, which Blake lacked.

"I don't think we would be able to get this opened."

Tera said and Blake sighed.

"Let me use my ability then."

Blake knew that his ability [Levity] allowed him to pass pressure from himself to an object. Literally, he was able to pass pressure not only from himself, but from something else to another. The pressure couldn't be over laced or else, the object which the pressure is being passed to would only expand and explode. And it didn't matter if it was metal or plastic, they would go up into shards no matter what.

Some minute later, the entrance of the Heirlock's dwelling flung open and the trio darted in, but the moment they saw a Heirlock stepping out of the darkness, they hid immediately behind two large stone statue.

The Heirlock suddenly grumbled seeing the open entrance.


Its focus on the entrance.

Using this opportunity presented, Evie, Tera and Blake snock into the mighty fortress which was looming with darkness.

But surprisingly, the number of heirlock had reduced drastically. By what Blake remembered, that entrance used to be guarded by three to four heirlocks and then, on either side of the corridor, stood an heirlock. But now, there was none except the one that they saw come out of the darkness.

It was indeed strange.

Blake immediately turned incoporeal in the darkness using the [Darkness Cover] while the girls used one of their aspects which was perception to percieve their surroundings. First, they do not have the [Eye of the gods] and the darkness around was so ghastly that no one would be able to see so they used their perception to guide them. Also, while using their aspects, they used their magic to turn themselves invisible. Of course, incase there is a sneak up attack, they would not be able to do any damage to their incoporeal body.

The route leading into the main room, was long and then followed by an alley. A winding stairs came later to view and they ascended.

Some minute later, they reached the first storey and glanced around, several doors were ebbed on the walls and again, they weren't locked. As they kept trespassing, the sound of an automated bell suddenly resounded loudly.

Blake flinched.

The sound was rather formidabble and so... infact, a sign that they have been spotted a long time ago.

'Something was definitely wrong somewhere.'

Blake guessed it.

Some minute later, the whole place was illiminated with the hanging lights and Blake was fished out of his cover. Evie and Tera wasn't fully invisible so Blake was able to tell that they were still around.


Getting an inkling of what was to come, Blake panicked.

They have been fooled! Or no, they weren't.

The fotress which stood in the middle of a large pool of water was about to be sunken into the water. Actually, the Heirlocks had vacated their arena while planning that all of their slaves would drown in their cell as a well thought out punishment. And Blake and the girls happens to fall victim.

So, technically they weren't fooled. They only walked into their own doom and within minutes, the whole place sealed up.

Just, why do they always get themselves into trouble?

Well, at least they came to the real world earlier and arrived on time to save Jotham. But if for any reason, their stay was delayed back in the Vile Castle, then Jotham would have been dead by now.

They just have to find Jotham and his cell and fast.

The next minute, water pooled slowly on the floor bed of the fotress which alerted them that it was already sinking so Blake darted towards the main hall with the ladies following him without even uttering a word.

"Blake, how do we do this?"

Blake didn't reply Tera as he nimbly concentrated on his own internal calculations.

They find Jothams cell, if it requires using the keys, then they either extinquish the light around the place so that with the Darkness Cover, he would be able to pass through the metal.

Being a CrestFallen had unlocked another side of him. He would be able to accompany anyone into the darkness as long as it is just one company. The person is reliable to fall into the Darkness with him. That was the only option and they needed to leave as soon as possible.

Finally, they reached the last level of the entwined attic and then, in line they saw cells with different humans stored up in there. But the water was fast approaching that, it had reached them on their ankle and he hadn't found Jotham in the lines of people of this cell.

Cry of voices suddenly reached their ears the moment they passed.

They really needed help.

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