
Chapter 4: Leaving the Dursley's House

7th August,1996[A/N: Three Days Later]

Last three days were very busy for Harry as he was worked to the bones. Every day he would get up at 5 AM and get ready to work out till 9AM, which was followed by breakfast and a two-hour break. After the break Harry would continue with his wandless casting for 3 hours, which was then followed by lunch.

After lunch Harry worked on his summer assignments which as he did not want hear Snape's snide remarks for not being able to complete his work. Absence of the Dursleys was very beneficial for him as he could work with his potions which helped him in raising his position skill level.

Currently it was 2PM as Harry has just finished his wandless casting practice. It would be another hour before the Dursleys arrive, but he was not worried since he had already asked Dobby to prepare a complete meal for them.

After finishing his lunch, Harry sat down on the couch in the living room.

Relaxing on the couch, Harry called in his mind 'Status'.


-Name: Harry Potter-

-Stats (Free Stat Points:0)-

--Body: 4--

--Magic: 8--

--Mind: 6--

----Occlumency(Novice): 0----

----Legilimency(Novice): 0----

----Obliviate(Novice): 0----

-Skills (Free Skill Points:0; Free Experience Points:0)-

--Transfiguration(Novice): 7--

--Charms(Novice): 7--

--Defense Against the Dark Arts(Novice): 9--

--Healing(Novice): 0--

--Divination(Novice): 0--

--Alchemy(Novice): 0--

--Potions(Novice): 7--

--Herbology(Novice): 7--

--Magizoology (Care of Magical Creatures)(Novice): 0--

--Runes(Novice): 0--

--Arithmancy(Novice): 0--

--Flying[Broom](Expert): 10--

--Wandlore(Novice): 3--

--Illusion Magic(Novice): 0--

--Appartion(Novice): 0--

--Wandless Magic(Novice): 2--

--Parseltongue(Journeyman): 10--

--Dark Arts(Novice): 3--

--Elemental Magic: --

----Fire: 2%----

----Water: 1%----

----Earth: 0%----

----Wind: 1%----

----Lightning: 0%----

'All my core subjects are as High as it could be for a second year. If I were to give my second-year exams now, I would get straight O's in each subject. Once I get my book list I will have to work hard to study as much as I could before Hogwarts, as it would give me free time to explore more obscure branches of magic in the library.' thought Harry.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a car pulling in the driveway realizing that the Dursleys have arrived he quickly got off the couch and went to open the door.

On the threshold stood Marge. She was very like Uncle Vernon: large, beefy, and purple faced, she even had a mustache, though not as bushy as his. After going through Harry's memory, I know a bit about the woman. She is a very narrow-minded bitch who can make even Dursleys look like saints. She is also a vicious brute who enjoyed hurting Harry as a child, remembering it a part of me starts angry, but I calm myself, right now is not the correct moment.

"Come on boy, get all the luggage inside the house" he heard Uncle Vernon shout. Harry narrowed his eyes at Vernon but did as he was told to continue with the act, 'I will have my revenge' he inwardly seethed.

After getting the luggage inside, I went to the living room where the Dursleys and Marge were seated. His arrival drew Marge's attention from others in the room to him.

"So!" she barked. "Still here, are you?"

"Obviously," replied Harry in his best Snape impression.

"Don't you that tone with me you ungrateful wretch", she said with a guttural sound " It was out the goodness of his heart that my brother took you in after your useless drunk father and bitch of a mother, got themselves killed, good riddance I say."

The glass which Marge was holding exploded, sending shards of glass everywhere making Marge scared.

"Marge!" squealed Aunt Petunia. "Marge, are you all, right?"

"Not to worry," grunted Marge, mopping her face with her napkin. "Must have squeezed it too hard. Did the same thing at Colonel Fubster's the other day. No need to fuss, Petunia, I have a very firm grip…"

"Don't blame yourself over how the boy turned out, Vernon. You see it's all in the blood, no offence to your family Petunia but every family has an outcast like your sister. You can't expect a whore to give birth to a good boy". Marge continued.

Everyone, except Marge who was oblivious, in the room suddenly felt a chill running down their spines. They turned to look towards Harry and what they saw would haunt them for all their life. Harry looked very calm but anyone who could see his eyes would realize just how wrong that assumption is.

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were looking extremely tense. Dudley was shuddering in his seat, scared out of his mind.

"Marge, let's talk about something else," pleaded Uncle Vernon, with half a glance at Harry.

"You are too good of a person Vernon, but someone has to put this boy in his place" said Marge, "A no-account, good-for-nothing, lazy scrounger who —"

Suddenly Marge was banished towards the wall. Before anyone could even react, Harry was standing over Marge with fury etched in his eyes. Using his anger to guide his magic he entered her mind causing a lot of damage to her mind, as he tore it with magic.

'This is perfect. I have had my revenge and no will even blame for it, as any damage to the mind would be considered an accident due to carelessness of the obliviation squad of ministry of magic, making it the perfect crime.' Harry thought satisfied.

Then he turned Marge into a balloon to draw the Ministry's attention and bolted out of the house before any of the Dursleys could even react.

"Dobby bring my trunk and Hedwig to me" Harry called out. A second later all his stuff was in front of him.

After freeing Hedwig and lifting his trunk, he walked away from No.4.

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