
chapter xxx

Parry town

They made it to perry dock, Jordan cut the engine off and Jessie let the hanger down they got up on the wagons and rode off the ship in the town, " were is everyone at? Asked Porter, " travelers town no one lives son, see no stores, saloon,whore house, inns said.Jordan, they rode into the stables, they got off the wagons closed the stables door, " as the plague moves across Houston Texas killing animals, plants, make water supply toxic, making people sick, fortunately everyone is safe Hank rubs her stomach, " soon our baby will be born mom, " to stay gals we might ha e to give birth here, said. Jordan, " you kidding me right? Asked. Kendra, " nope dear we had all of you in dad's house, said. Jordan, " mom Aunt Jessie you were in a town there was a doc! Said. Nancy, " sweetness you forty-five came very early there was no time to get a doc, dad delivered you all, he practicality help raised you, that's until we move out and build the homestead, said. Jordan, there is an state alert the blue bionic plague reach Houston Texes, lucky Marco got everyone in the houses, that is towns,cities, counties, homestead, farmland, cattle Country, and Ranchlands, " mom I need a doc, they were about to perched, " you can't have her now, we are in a stables! George is freaking out, Thomas and Hank is worse, " what wrong with you two? Asked. Jordan, " I can't breathe, is there a doctor around," this natural for you are you used to catching when I am pushing? Asked. Jessie, " yes, at home not in a stable there no clean rahmgs or water here, Hank is having an panic attack, he huffing and puffing holding his heart, " I for one feel better if we get all four in a inn we're there is towels and water agree, said. Thomas, " no have you forgot their is a plague outside, you four just going to have to do it here catch your babies,said.Marco, " Grandpa!? " what do it grandkids follow your fathers lead, said. Marco, ao they embrace to catch their infants , and while their wives are giving birth, few minutes later on all four gave birth to their daughters. George and Kendrick his holding their first as emotionally the warm father feeling came over them. And Thomas and Hank is holding their thirty-one, " you would Tod me long time ago the greatest feeling in the world is being a father,said. Thomas, " I might not believed you, said. Hank, " am place to have a baby in the inn basement, really mom and Aunt Jessie?] Said,. Kendra,* dear it is not so bad we had all of you all in the homestead, said, ,Jordan, " so how long will the plague last, asked.kingley, " who knows dear, answered. Marco,* so otherwise we stuck here, said. Daytona " we are still on vacation , said. Hank," yes I sure moms got something cooking and we are in Parry town that we never seen before, said.thmas, " grandpa we one basement of a inn,said.Evlynn, " with a plague outside, said. Michael, " our grand wolves why point out the bad have we taught and teach you all the good of living in the west,being a hesrt, and Garrett, it not going to lat all night,, we can sow and make plague protection outfits, we still now how to mend and make clothrs, said. Jordan, " what you thinking about onto out it ? Asked. Nancy, "when it cool out have a cookout we got food, drinks and music,said. Jessie," cookout? They would smell and heard us? Said.Warner,* I believed that my nephew had little accidental Jessie and Hank, everything is already cooked,we turn it really low,according at we 5:45 hors of enjoyment before mornings, said. Jordan, " son why you all us you need to take a peepe? You are to big to wet yourself? Said.Jessie,*you love for me t say something to that you eat me to at something to you, said.warner, " I do not HD an accident Aunt Jordan, you both where session this and planing around it?" Yeah we moved wolves that what mothers do tying to make the best out of an situation, " okay questions mom and Aunt Jessie where you going to get the plague protection fabric,and needle and thread from,last time I check this is a in and a basement asked.Kndrick,* and grandma and Aunty Jessie, the wagons are in the staed, said. Jonathan, " it be nightfall in45 minutes, the p!argue wold ease down. Next door is a stream shop and sow office, while we got what we neef, everyone get the wagons and set up the food, but keep it down some, wear your bandana over your faces, put your gloves on roll down your sleeves, said. Jessie, " and an few hours we have everything ready. Saint, Jordan. " You both think this is wise and safe, you both know even cooks the smell will travel, said. Ruth,* we stand guard on the coach net to keep watch for the "blue devils* we not going to be out here all nigh lo g, after e eat have some fun. Said, Jessie." The food and wagons back in the stable locked,while we take the food with u in the basement, we clocked the inn doors and basement doors and get some sleep said. Jordan, " we will make he basement possible as comfortable for us, after it lows away we got on our wagons head to the Ship and dealt to the Ambergris city, and get breakfast , and ride to the glazes , said. Jordan " lets do it you know whatever they start plan going to be good food and family time ,said. Marco, as TBE day dies down, and the boinic place calm down this night, they got set to go, they walked out of the inn,as Jordan and Jessie ran down to TBE stream shop, they went to get the wagons, " who knew those to go out out, in its mom birthday tomorrow? Saif. Heather, " I can't believe my young turning tomorrow, said. Marco, they got the stuff and start to sow everything together.

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