
chapter xxxix

the class is over

After a long ten-week class on how should a husband act, Marco finished teaching his sons-in-laws about husbands hood, Hank and Thomas are ready to be full pledge husbands to Jordan and Jessie, full pledge fathers to their kids, full pledge fathers-in-law to their kids-in-law, full pledge grandfathers to their grandkids, full pledge grandfathers-in-law to their grandkids-in-law, and great grandfather to their great grandkids, and uncles to their nieces and nephews, "[Jordan and Jessie your husbands is brand new with an whole new look,] now you can return to your wives, never again hurt or step out on them, next class we have will be removing my foot from your ^sses, " chez old, he cocked his eyebrow at him, " sir I love my wife. [ Jessie you my everything I knew that the first time I saw you, and when I saw you again that we want our wives back, ] said. Hank, "[man can conquer the world without his wife with him, he an empty man. Thirdy years Jordan and Jessie we been that empty man, all we ask andever and want isto come back home to you, we talk and listen we do anything to make you happy.] said, Thomas, "[anything Jessie,] said, Hank. " [Yes, you can come back home this is my last time telling you Hank Joseph Garrett, Play your hand right you don't have to worry about losing me, do what you did you will be without awifeagian,] said. Jessie, "[ you both are welcome back into the marriage bed with us, remember there are no fourth takebacks, and we have been thinking Mr. Garett, ] said. Jordan, "[ of what Mrs. Garrett?] asked, Hank. "[of having thirdy that going to be our number,] said. Jessie, " [ we need another son or daughter,] said. Jordan, "[we talk more on the subject after the wedding party, bring dad with you.] said, Jessie, "[you serous Jeswe can have more? we on the way, I love you you so much Mrs. Garrett,] sad, Hank they got on their horses and left out of the town, meanwhile at the homestead, in the kitchen, they fixing dinner for the wedding party, Jayden and Cora walked into the kitchen, " mom Kendall calling you, everything good between you and dad and Aunt Jordan and Uncle Thomas? asked, Jayden, " mom!, mom. called, Kendall. " yes, we are back with your father anduncle, so to celebrate the happy occasion instead having another wedding we just have a wedding party, with food, friends, family and music, tell your brother and cousin to keep an eye out for the meat wagon, said. Jessie, as she heads up the steps. " And put the ribeyes on the turners we bring them the seasons out, said. Jordan, walked out of the house, they were playing with their little brothers, "Mom and Aunt Jordan said keep an eye on the meat wagon, and put them on the turners, said, Jayden, Jessie walked to her room, " I want to see him mom, please. cried, Kendall. Jessie sat down on her bed and crossed her legs, " baby you don't you in the rebound emotions you think you want him, you think you want to see him, you think you miss, that is not a good idea when you going through it, said, Jessie." my stomach hurts so bad, please could you send for him? asked, Kendall, "you having a son, the abomdinal pains, mom and Aunt Jordan, your sisters, and sisters-in-law, nieces, been there, like before I have something to calm my new grandson down, as for that not wise you give him false hope that you taken him back, you acting out of emotions right now, said, Jessie, the meat wagon pulled up at the house, they tooked the ribeyes off the wagon, Jordan walked out the house and give him the check for the delivery, and the meat wagon left, they put them on the turns, " almond sauce put on both and use every bit off it boys, said. Jordan, " we got this mom and Aunt Jordan, they begin to put the sauce on the ribeyes, Jessie walked into the kitchen Jordan looked at her " the missing him emotions, we got a other grandson, you got another great nephew, said, Jessie. " did we had that? asked, Jordan "Did you miss Thomas sis? " No, did you miss Hank sis? Jordan asks her back, "No, answered, Jessie, She put a pot of herbal tea on the fire, they pulled up at the house, they got off their horses and carriages, " the gals set up everything up, said. Marco, "Smell that Hank, so good to smell their food, I love being a family man, having the kids and their families living around us, said Thomas, "Having them at the house for breakfast and dinner and holidays I can't wait for the Holiday to come, said, Hank, they walked into the house, " ismy little ones busy to busy to give their old season father a hugged, asked, Marco, they walked over and hugged their father, " hows Kendall Jes? asked, Hank. " we got another grandson dad, she got boy pains, and the missing emotions, answered, Jessie. " please mommy, I need him, cried. Kendall, "Baby you know my answer but daddy here he coming up with your tea, that should be the only man in his daughters' lives, our sons and son-in-laws is the only man in their daughter's lives, the same for our great-granddaughters, said, Jessie, the water is ready she pour the tea and the mug, " please, I need to." give me that cup Mrs. Garrett, dad is home now he letting his gals knows I do not care if their marred or carrying a rapist kid, I that only man in their hearts called the gals down here, I be back after I take this up, Kendall no, over my dead body, not in this house, that those emotions crying for him,, she step in front of him, " be the man in her life, heart, and father Hank, he kissed her, " I will Mrs. Garrett, he take the tea head upstairs, " Heather, Tiffany, Chessie, Cora, Francesca, Jayden, Levette, Roselin, and Jestina in the kitchen please your father yes he back in the marriage bed, wish to have words of wisdom of love with you, said, Jessie, that goes for his daughters-in-law Jessica, Ellie, Silvia, Beth, Tammy, Sandra, Dara, Hannah, Whalma, Jane, and will my Teeno, Cameron, West, Joshua, Trent, Trevino, Warren, Warner, Renshaw, Dayton, Rico, Renskin, Brett, Dolton, Jessup, Christopher, Joseph, Freddy, Ryan, and Bryson meet me outside mother also have words of wisdom of love, that goes for my sons-in-law Hank, Ted, Bob, Carter, Dean, and Daniel, they went outside to wait for their mother, and they came in the kitchen, " I would like to have that same talk with my daughters and daughters-in-law Nancey, Tonia, Aaron, Savannah, Kendra, Yonett, Rayne, Isabella, Martina, and Annabelle, Libby,Susan, Selma, Katy, Susette, Yonda, Fran, Lily, Kingsley, Rose, Linda, said, Thomas, " would our sons and sons-in-laws find there way outside please, Frankie, Preston, Devon, Cullen, Tanner, Asher, Dain, and Porter, Clayton, Nano, Railey, Daytona, Greyson, Kendrick, Jesse, Yohan, Randolph, Jacob, Connor and Thristan mom want that same talked, so after they had the talk how they only women and men in their lives they celebrate the reunion that their parents are back together, what an happy day for the Garrett family, the sun shining bright this day,

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