
chapter XLviii

Attack of the Ocecat's

They arrived at the train depot station, just in time before the train arrives, they got off their horses,  "[Dad we are here, all I am saying it better be gold or silver be, ] said. Jessie,  "[you are hired law Jessie  no matter what is on the train,] said.  Marco,  the summer pronghorns is moving up in the homestead lands, while the summer Ocecat's is on their  scent, meanwhile in Dodge town at the Governor office , "  read up tracking page 21# and the way of the law page 20# see you tomorrow,  "[ anything you gals want to add?] Asked,  Marco.  "[No, not at this time. ] said. Jordan and Jessie, back in the year of 1880 D.c, the Ocecat's  happened on the homestead,  they got into the pig pens and chicken coop killing there livestock,  " wait wait, we got trouble, " what is it sis? Asked.  Jordan,  ' Ocecat's,  rgwy killed our livestock, we need a fence around us.  Said, Jessie. " that is a good idea,  we need to get them to the cellar. Said. Jordan,  " we also need to reach our guns to. Said, Jessie.  " stay behind us, Teeno,  Heather,  Cameron, West,  Joshua,  Trent, Trevino,  Tiffany,  Warren Warner,  Chessie,  Renshaw,  Cora,  Dyton, Francesca, Renskin,  Brett,  Jayden,  Rico, Dolton,  Jesup,and Levette

. Said,  Jessie. " we going to make a bee line directly for the house,  Frankie,  Preston,  Nancy, Devon, Cullen,  Tonia,  Tanner,  Asher, Dain, Porter,  Aaron, Savannah,  Clayton, Nano, Railey, Grayson, Daytona, Kendra,  Kendrick, Yonett, Yohan,  Jesse, so remain calm and behind us. Said,  Jordan.  They open the door and slowly walked out of the bathhouse,  they haven't knowledge them,they made it to the house,  they shut the doors and  locked them,  "  everyone get to tell cellar doors now, they grab their guns,  they ran ro the  cellar,  they opened up the door and they ran into the cellar, they closed the door and locked, " all the way back kids, said . Jordan , they run all the way to the back of the cellar,  they cocked their rifles and pointed at the  door,  meanwhile in Morgan town at the treasurer office,  Marco was about to leave, " you okay. " I was trying to help, said,  Josie. " I know,  they wouldn't listen to you Josie, you are no body to them, you would have a hard time getting them to listen,  She left and went home, he head out to the homestead.  Meanwhile in the year 2000 D.c the train pulled up at the depot, they got on the train, " let's see what we are protecting, said. Jessie, they walked into the cargo carts " I don't see any cranks, said. Carter, " we protecting a V. I. P,  that means we have half an hour to make this look like their is gold or silver cranks here, Hank and Thamos  find the vip keep himself safe, come on we got work to do. Said, Jessie.  Back in the year 1880 D.c, few minutes after they finished slaughtered their livestock and left  ." Stay  here, we be back. Said, Jordan and Jessie.  They walked up the steps  Jordan looked out of the window,  " maybe they left  sis.  Said. Jordan,  " I don't see them out here either,  said. Jessie  Marco arrived up to the house, he saw the dead animal. " Jordan Jessie!  Called,  Marco.  They walked out of the house,  he sign of relief to see them in one piece, " we all good the  kids is in the cellar  dad, sorry about earlier we get it that she was trying to help, said. Jessie,  '  thank God that you all are safe, said

. Marco. " I think we need new livestock,  and gated fence built,  said.  Jordan,  as the train speed down the tracks, the bounty of law fixing up the empty cranks with bricks, " grandma they going to fall for this? Asked.  Hank the third,  " Grandson grandma and Aunt Jordan is hoping on it, said. Jessie,  they went through a tunnel,  "[ we not going to have much time once we hit, the first gang is the Amegios, ] said. Jordan, "[wait when did they get set free,] asked.  Yonett,  "[ they were never caught,  plan A party A will stay on the train with the vip, party B get off at the next depot with the cranks, we will meet up in town. Any questions?] Asked. Jessie,  what if they don't take the bait?] Asked. Dara, " [ cross your fingers and prey to god,] said,  Jordan. "[ if they don't get us whose is the next runner up? Asked. Devon, ' nephew one step at an time.  Said, Jessie.  " dear Aunt Jessie there another gal outlaw?] Said. Devon, "[ son we told you that outlaws can be anyone,  said. Jordan, they walked out of the cart, as Jordan and Jessie walked pass two men they slapped them on the butt, Cameron and Preston was going nuts,they hold their sons back, " let me go mom no is not going to disrespected my mother and Aunt! Said. Cameron and Preston,  the men stand up and approached them,  " what you going to do about it bot?" Step to our sons again and we throw your greasy fat a$$ off this train, said.  Thomas and Hank,  they created their justice voice call supreme voice, Jordan and Jessie crossed their arms,  " sis our husband got their voice,  said.  Jordan,  " ain't so like their wives.  Said, Jessie.   This voice they cN reflect fear in your soul, they sat down, " tell the mothers of our kids you are sorry for disrespected them that you will never again disrepecting another women again.  Do it now pigs, they told him. " we sorry never do that again. They said,  " what would your mother think you disrepecting someone else mother,  said. Jessie with the voice of reason,  " in fact the next stop get off in telegram her tell how bad you treat women,  how would you feel if our sins did that to your mother? Asked, Jordan.  " we wouldn't like it, they both answer,  " you know how we feel maybe I should find  yours slap her tail just so you see how it feels,  said. Cameron and Preston,  " easy boys, have a seat and wait for your stop, keep eyes and hands to your self,  said. Jessie,  they sat down.


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