
Chapter 129 In pursuit of another mission

It's been a few days since Robin made trouble for Yami by banging on golden dawns doors which caused a lot of crybaby nobles with small egos to lose their cool and demand Robin's exile from the magic knights squads but what they didn't know was that Robin had played an important role in keeping the Clover Kingdom informed of the actions that have been ongoing in their neighbours Kingdom and thus is an invaluable asset in the eyes of many sensible nobles and the Wizard King himself.

Robin also heard from Yami about this and just laughed it off as he kept training Asta for a week since the boy had a mission which might endanger him, 'although I will be going with him instead of Magna, its still better to train the hell out of him and with Lily not being here to stop me, I can go all out.'

Robin couldn't help but mutter as he used a simple bat to beat the shit out of Asta until the boy passed out which prompted Robin to heal him and restart the process once again.

"I will make sure to turn you, Asta, into the strongest,"

"Come at me!" Asta yelled as he charged at Robin again, swinging and slashing with his sword in hand, Noelle who was the next in line followed by the others couldn't help but shiver as they looked at the two brothers who were fighting like they wanted to tear each other apart.

"Are you guys crazy, how can you even call it training, I am definitely not-wahhh," Noelle tried to leave but was grabbed by Yami as he threw her into the two people fight.

"Break through your limits and become stronger, you idiots," Yami was clearly enjoying himself.

The fights or as what Robin liked to call them the spartan training would continue until the evening before Robin would give everyone some final healing and let them go.

This continued for a while as the time for their first mission grew closer, Robin wasn't idle either as he kept training his soul realm and was closer to another breakthrough due to the humongous amounts of spirit stones in his hands as well as the heavenly medicine pills that the system gave him,

The heavenly medicine pills were the real perpetrators behind Robin's growth, he also gained some new things about his chaos soul force and its powers were on the verge of a breakthrough.

Finally, Robin received a new mission from Yami after knocking poor Magna out of the way, it was the same mission from his fragmented memories in which Asta saved a small town.

"Help the old man with the wildboard that are threatening the village routes, do it fast," Yami said as he stood in broad daylight buck-naked, Robin could only sigh at his disappointing Captain as he left Yami alone in the streets to make sure he got as much ridicule as he could.

Appearing in the Black bulls headquarters, Robin went for Asta's room which was right beside his own and kicked it open, pouring a bucket of water over his musclehead of a brother, Robin woke him up.

"Meet me at the front along with Noelle in a few minutes, We are going on a mission," Robin stated as the previously sleepy Asta instantly perked up, even scaring the small Antibird that was calmly sleeping on the windows.

"FINALLY! I am finally going on a real mission for once and its not something made up,"

Robin couldn't help but smile wryly as it was exactly that, a made up mission given by Yami to clear his debt.

Sighing, Robin reminded Asta as he left to meet Henry, Robin was currently busy making a device that would make Henry and his life of solitude a little easier.

"Henry, I am going out on a mission, make sure to protect the home while I am gone, got it," the two did a fist bump as Robin teleported away.

After waiting a while, the two rookies once again arrived at the headquarters entrance, Robin saw them bickering like an old married couple as Robin couldn't help but remark.

"Surely the protagonist is more experienced in poaching woman,"

"SO, what is this about, don't tell me it's another one of your useless exercises," Noelle humphed as she looked away, only she herself and Robin knew how much she had learned by training with Robin as her speed and reaction time along with her physical body were at peak condition now, though no matter what he did, Robin didn't seem to be able to fix her magic issue.

"As I said, we are going on a mission, its been given by Captain Yami himself so how could it be fake,"

"Really, you aren't lying, are you?!" Noelle questioned suspiciously as she got closer to Robin who felt amused and poked the shorty's head roughly.

"No, I am not lying to you, Now let's go."


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A/N:- I love you guys <3

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