


Theo chuckles at Azura's acts and the lady could have reacted angrily but she was too engaged with her own misery. "Come on, Azura. Her friend should be saying right about her I mean, Leanne is her friend in the first place so she probably knows her better than us. And even if she doesn't, why should it matter to us? She was literally your bully and it's a great thing that she's now bleached."

"But Theo–"

"Azura, she must be happy wherever she is. Then why stress yourself over her? You should rather strengthen yourself as we have a lot of plans today. Now come on."

Everything made sense but at the same time nothing made sense at all. It felt like something that Azura had already experienced but couldn't recall.


After being excessively thoughtful and tensed regarding the absence of Cindy, Theo finally manages to make the lady forget and dust off all the disturbing thoughts.

As it was such a hard task to accomplish, it literally took the whole day to result it and so the duo were now supposed to be departing to their own ways.

"So, maybe it's time we gotta bid our farewell again as always." Azura chirps with a chuckle.

But the latter seems to have a disapproving reaction. "Oh, but Azura, didn't I tell you that I had to take you somewhere. I wanted to show you something. Then how come…"

Holding onto Theo's palms, Azura calms the man on his rant and explains, "I know. And, I really want to say thanks so much for planning something for me. I even want to go right today except, I can't as it's getting a little darker today already. I'm afraid that I may get too late and Dad will be worried about me."

"No worries then. I'll drop you off. How about that?" Suggests the young man with hope in his eyes.

Which Azura had to unfortunately break. "Although that's a great idea, I'd still say the same. Besides, I just need some rest to settle off myself from some uneven thoughts so…"

"So you're still stuck with the incident and argument with Leanne from this morning?"

Azura instantly shakes her head. "Oh, no, no. It's definitely not that. As I said, I just need some rest today and Daddy's warm dinner. It's nothing like that as you're thinking."


"Theo." Azura shuts Theo's bickering and the latter sighs in defeat.

"Alright, alright. As you say. Take care of yourself and do not hesitate to call me if you need me. Understood?"

Chuckling at the command, Azura replies playfully. "Roger!"

The duo then bid their farewell and separated their ways. Azura begins walking through the woods in the cold and breezy air blended with subtle snowfall.

Although the forest was in between the town and not so far away from Azura's college, it always felt as if Azura went into a whole other region whenever she went through it.

Especially since no trace of human living could be found there. Except for Azura's own home which itself was a little distant than this silent and sizzling area.

"Owhh… It feels like I'm inside a freezer here." Azura mumbles to herself as she struggles stepping over the snowy surface. And though the struggle was real hard, she kept going on in pace and place until some sound distracts her and soon puts her in discomposure.

"What was that sound?" The lady asks no one while looking around her but it was no help when the fogg was all she could suspect.

Until… A sudden appearance of something startles her. And then finally scares her when she is mauled down unexpectedly.

Somehow, she manages to pull herself and stand once again. However, her motions seem to have stopped once again when she finally sees who attacked. Or what attacked her to be precise.

"It is… It's a wolf!"


Azura hears the howling so clearly and so close that even her hair begins swirling behind. It could have been a dangerously fascinating view but not when the animal starts stepping towards her.

Her heart thumped and her mind bumped with fear that she couldn't even think of what she could do. Though, her body seems to work itself when she turns down and suddenly hurls a heavy amount of snow over the strange animal.

That triggers the wolf to hurdle even more as it starts baffling there. Though, the wolf wasn't the only one into action. Azura was also in a strange form at this very moment.

While the wolf was suffering under the snow and attempting to crawl over, Azura hit and smacked on the lifeless trees with the help of her back and shoulders.

Soon after, the timber falls and Azura doesn't waste another moment to wield it over the latter and protect herself from another attack. It even worked luckily when the wolf was barred down but its nails have definitely torn Azura's shoulder skin when she feels the sting.

Blood flowing down through her now exposed and ripped skin. Her sleeve is now soaked with the unstoppable red substance. She wants to cry, scream and shout her pain out.

But the time was running. And so should she.

Henceforth, she collects herself and continues where she left. Hitting and falling more rusted timbers, she blocks more of the way and finally opts to run with the highest pace she could.

The horrifying growls could be heard from her behind but she better not stop. She better run.

Which is what she kept doing without even noticing if where she was going. Though, it seems as if she was on the right track and right on her destination when she collides with familiar arms.

"Azura, honey?"

"Dad, they were– They were in the woods. They attacked me, Dad. They, they're coming for us. They'll kill us!" Azura lets her awaited screams out.

Frederick is bewildered at the helplessly hassled state of his daughter. Though, he attempts to interrogate. "Who will kill us, Azura?"


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