
175. Aspiring chef

Charlotte was shown to her room while Rory showed no sign of getting settled now that she had met Esther again. She decided to take a short nap and then take a look around later. Then tomorrow, she would go see Edna and her brother, Mike, with their gifts.

Meanwhile, Esther and Rory were now enjoying some chocolate chip cookies with milk while chatting and laughing.

She kept blabbering excitedly her experience in Livingsprings, about her mini tour and showed Esther some of the pictures they took.

"You guys had lots of fun, I can see that." Esther smiled. "Livingsprings is a really cool platlce to live."

Rory nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure now that you will be staying with us, you will get the chance to visit again." She added. They had already been informed that, sue to the pending issue, Rory and Charlotte whould continue to stay with them for some time.

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