
Chapter 9

Meixiu woke up from her sleep. She looks over the bed and saw that her wife is still sleeping soundly.

Xiaohui agreed her sleep on the bed, but Xiaowen quickly disagrees and lets Meixiu sleep on the floor.

She can still remember what Xiaowen said.

"Xiaohui! You let Meixiu take the floor or you will divorce her! I'll ready the paper myself!"


Meixiu sighs before standing up and stretching her arms and legs. Her shirt lifted a bit, showing a bit of her skin.

She quickly fixes the beddings she uses and places them inside the closet.

"You're going already?"

Meixiu flinches and looks at the bed. Xiaohui was sitting down with her eyes following Meixiu.

"Did I startle you?"

Meixiu smiles before shaking her head. She grabs a shirt and a pant to use for today.

"Can I come with you?" Xiaohui asks as she stands up and fixes the bed.

"You still have work right? And you told me you'll be going to Sapphire Group."

"I can do it, I'll go there after I ate. I still need to have an appointment to meet the in charge."

"If you say so."

Xiaohui grabs her clothes and walks inside the bathroom. Meixiu uses the bathroom outside and showers.

As the two finish, Meixiu can finally use the scooter that Xiaohui gave her. She brings out the key from her pocket and started the scooter.

"Xiaohui! This scooter has a beautiful sound!"

"What are you saying? That's just a second-hand scooter! I can't even buy you a car, so you can drive anywhere."

"You are planning on giving me a car?"

"Yes, if I can get the contract from the Sapphire Group, I will be promoted to a Director."

"So you can wait and I will give you a car," Xiaohui said.

"I should be the one giving you."

"Then give me a car, the one that'll scream I am the director of Zheng Company!" Xiaohui joked before hopping on Meixiu's scooter.

"That'll take us years to buy it so let's stop joking."

Meixiu nodded and drive towards the market. She drives slowly, not wanting to hurt or scare Xiaohui.

Meixiu notices a car following them so she slowly fastens the scooter. But the car also follows behind them.

"It's getting faster, is someone following us?"

Meixiu could only nod her head as she looks at the mirror.

"Isn't that Duyi? Jiang Duyi?"

"Don't stop the scooter, he might punch you."

But Meixiu didn't listen and stopped the scooter. Xiaohui shakes her head before slapping Meixiu on her shoulder lightly.

"What was that for?"

"You didn't listen" Xiaohui huff as Duyi parked the car behind Meixiu's scooter.

Duyi walked out from the driver's seat with the paper bag in hand.

"Ms. Song!"

Xiaohui looks at Duyi in confusion.

"What are you doing? Why are you following us?"

"Ah, I wanted to give you the dress I snatch yesterday. I'm sorry if I do that, I'm not thinking straight" Duyi said and bow down.

"It's fine, and my wife already forgot about it."

"I'm also here to give this to Mrs. Song."

Duyi walked towards his car and grab something. He walks back to where the two are and gives Xiaohui a box.

"What is this?" Xiaohui asks as she looks at the velvety box.

"That is a jade bracelet. It's my peace offering."

"I can't take it" Xiaohui quickly gave it back to Duyi. The guy was shocked at what Xiaohui had just done.

"But, it's my peace offering."

"Baby, take it already."

"Meixiu, it's a jade bracelet! It cost thousands of yuan! For a peace offering, he can just give us cheap stuff."

"Mrs. Song, this jade is expensive but I'm giving this to you sincerely. I won't take it back from you" Duyi offered it again.

Xiaohui looks at Meixiu and the tall girl smiles. She sighs before nodding her head and accepting the offer.

At the same time, the passenger door opened revealing Qing in her black fitted dress. Qing is wearing some heavy makeup and she made sure to show her skin.

The dress hugs her body, showing her curves to everyone. Xiaohui looks at Qing and got anxious at her looks.

She looks down at her clothes making Qing smirk at her action. Qing felt proud upon seeing Xiaohui anxiously looking at her clothes.

"Ms. Song!"

Meixiu looks at Qing. She smiles before her eyes travel up and down from the girl. Her action made Qing blush.

"Ms. Song! I'm sorry for my actions yesterday. I was wrong and didn't know what I am doing."

Meixiu smiles at her.

"It's fine, don't worry about it" she looks at her wife. Meixiu furrows her eyebrows when seeing Xiaohui looking down.

"Why are you looking down? Are you not feeling well?"

"Ah, that's nothing. We still need to buy food for breakfast."

Meixiu nodded as she held Xiaohui's hands. She looks at Duyi and Qing.

"We'll get going now. Thank you again" Duyi and Qing both bow down to show respect to Meixiu.

Xiaohui was dragged back to the scooter as she seems to not move a muscle. She flinches when someone touches her cheeks.

"Why are you spacing out?" Xiaohui looks up and met Meixiu's eyes, which are looking at her worried.

She smiles before shaking her head and grabbing the helmet that she's using earlier.

"Let's go. Grandma and Mom will wake up soon."

Xiaohui faces her back from Meixiu.

"No matter how beautifully dressed Qing is, you are still more beautiful than her, the number one beauty of Jiangqiao. I'm proud to be your wife. Being called useless is fine, as long as you are with me."


"What is this?"

Xiaowen quickly snatch the velvety box from Xiaohui's hands as soon as she saw it. She quickly open it and her mouth widen as she saw the jade bracelet.

"When did you have this!? This is a great bracelet!"

"Mom, it was given to me."

"By whom? Don't tell me it's from your useless wife! Where did she get her money then!?"

"It's given by Mr. Jiang, don't wear it because he might take it back."

"Mr. Jiang?" Xiaowen closes the box before thinking.

"You mean the lawyer of the Ren family? He's here?"

Xiaohui sighs before shaking her head.

"It's his son. He wants to say sorry for what he did to Meixiu."

Xiaowen looks at Xiaohui confused.

"Why would he say sorry to your wife? She's just a useless bastard from our family! A powerful person like him should be respected! Not your wife!"

"I won't argue with you, I still have to prepare myself" Xiaohui quickly grab the velvety box from Xiaowen and walk towards the bedroom.

"Hey! I'm going to use that!"

"I'm going to hide this! You can't use it to brag to your friends!"

"Who is older than you!? I am your mother and I get to use your things!"

Grandma Peng could only shake her head as she helps Meixiu in the kitchen.

"Xiaowen never listens to her daughter. Xiaohui is more sophisticated than her."

"Grandma Peng, it's because Mr. Shen is the one who teaches Xiaohui about values."

"What are you saying? I don't give my daughter values!?" Xiaowen appears behind Meixiu.

"Mom, that's not-"

"You're showing your true colors already! Xiaohui! Divorce Meixiu right now! She's taunting me!"


"Hello, this is Zhong Wenqian. How may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Song Meixiu."


Meixiu looks at her phone as she heard nothing from the said girl.


"Young Master! I didn't know you would call me!"

"Uh, I called because I wanted to ask if you can take care of my wife."

"Of course! What the Young Master ever want to ask, I will do it!"

Meixiu smiles at Wenqian's confidence.

"Her name is Zheng Xiaohui, she's there to pass a proposal because the company wanted to be part of the project you started."

"Of course! She can! I'll give her the whole project!"

"No, just give her a percentage. She'll be confused as to why you are so friendly to her."

"Ok, is that it? Young Master?"

"That's it for now, thank you for doing it."

"It's a pleasure for me, Young Master."

Meixiu hangs up the call and started to do the window in Grandma Peng's room.

"Meixiu, you are working so hard. Why don't you just leave us alone? The contract is ending right?"

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