
Happy Birthday


It's been 4 years since I reincarnated in this world.

As I supposed at the time of my rebirth: I am in a magical world set in medieval times.

Pretty cliché, right? In fact, it is, even I must admit it, but there is a compelling reason for my decision, or the decision of the "I" who talks to the system indefinitely.

Knowing myself, this new life that I was going to have would be full of opportunities and events of all kinds. And being the Middle Ages, omitting the restrictions that would surely be due to the existing religion. Basically, I have a free rod to act at my leisure.

If you do commit a crime, it is enough to have a privileged position, influence, or power to never in your life face any consequences. The history of my world has made it clear: if there are people who work to create order through government and institutions, there will always be those who take advantage of the inherent weaknesses of the humans who created them to get away with complete impunity.

Of course, I don't have such ambitious plans in that regard, however, as the phrase says, "it is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war" And with me in particular, "Better to be a magician in the air, than a gentleman on earth"

That's why…

"Mommy! Mommy! Is today! Is today!"

As soon as the morning sun hits my face, I don't hesitate to wake my mother sincerely excited by lightly patting her cheeks.

"Mmm~... good morning Max." In a lazy mood he greets me and smiles.

"Give me a moment so mommy can put on her clothes, okay?"

"Mommy, mommy, I'm a big boy now, let me help you!" Right, I had forgotten to mention that we both slept naked.

Despite being a baby, I was still fully aware of my surroundings. Taking advantage of that fact, on my first night in this new world I made sure to cry until I felt the warmth of human contact. Since then things have not changed. And while Mom might change her mind about sleeping naked with her darling son as I get older, I don't plan on sitting idly by until then.

"Fufu… okay, but remember son, no milk until evening. Well?" Says my mother, who knows that what I adore most in the world is being breastfed by her.


I nod excitedly, jumping out of bed to bring her her purple dress and underwear.

Since it's a ritual that she undresses the moment I'm lying there waiting for her in bed, it's all in one place, specifically on the corner dresser, where she also keeps a certain necklace.

One day I asked her why she had it, but she simply answered that it belonged to someone who was very important to her without going into many details. Although she smiled when she told me so, I knew from her look that it belonged to someone who had died, so despite having the power to see what's inside, I preferred to wait until she was ready to tell me.

"Mommy, mommy, I already have your clothes! Take". I offer it to you as if it were a hunting trophy

"Very good Max~!" I gave her her bra, and she turned her back to me to put it on, stopping her as she tried to fasten it on her own.

"Mommy! Let me do it!"

"Mmm?". She thought about it for no seconds before laughing somewhat condescendingly.

"Okay son, just let me know if you have trouble buttoning it up." He gave me the while humming happily surely waiting for me to give in to my attempts.

I may already know how to read apart from learning at a rate unmatched for someone my age, but she still doesn't know how to "write" properly, so she must believe that my clumsy hands won't be able to help her fasten it.

It was certainly somewhat difficult to use small and weak hands for the first two years of my life, but once I got used to it, I had the same agility as at my age when I died.

Of course I have saved this ace up my sleeve for a situation like this.

"Ready!". I said full of pride of myself.

"Oh? You really could …" My mom said something surprised at first, turned around and checked that she had really fastened her bra. Soon she also gave me a proud smile.

"You are full of surprises Max, my son is really a genius~…".

"Mommy mommy! Let me help you with these too!" I took her panties and spread them in her face.

Unlike her breasts which I basically see daily and have even played with while she's asleep, getting close to her nether region is another story.

"Um... are you sure Max?" As I guessed, Mom wasn't so willing to give in anymore.

"Sure mom! You did the same when you were younger! I want to help too!" I said without losing my "innocent" intentions

"Well…. Just for this one time, okay?" She always says that, so that I end up convincing her otherwise anyway.

My mom just can't resist my excited look.

"Let's go mommy! I just want to… to help you….". I quickly became discouraged by feeling that I had been "rejected".

My mother bit her lip as she watched me lose my trademark smile. I can count on the palm of my hand the times I have cried or been sad. Hence, she was really affected by my facial expression.

"Um...okay...can you help me Max.". She finally gave up on my pleadings looking somehow guilty but happy.

"Really?! I love you mommy!" I smile like I've won the lottery and immediately climb out of bed with her panties in hand.

"Very good! Mommy, spread your legs!." I said full of emotion for "helping" my mother.

The fact that I can see your adorable mount of Venus out of the corner of my eye has nothing to do with it.

By the way, she has hair down there, but it's just a slight line, it looks adorable on someone like my mother.

"Max?!" She looked at me horrified for a moment at how many words came out of my mouth.

"Mother? I said something wrong?". I asked surprised and puzzled by his reaction.

He immediately realized your mistake, as he waved his hands nervously.

"Ehh! Ehh… S-Sorry Max! I-I just heard wrong!" He finally said before leaning over and patting me on the head.

"Mommy was wrong, you didn't do anything wrong, okay?". She minimized her reaction to something not really important

"Uuhmm okey…". I accepted still unconvinced but without saying anything.

My mom went back to her original position and mom spread her legs wide enough to be able to tuck her panties down her legs.

"Okay Max... now... Max?" Instead of telling her to stand up like she would expect, I kept walking all the way to her inner labia holding the ends of her panties.

"Ready mommy!" I said between the angle formed by her legs and still holding her panties, making my hands appear to be on her hips. "

"Umm… o-okay Max…". My mother patted my head with a somewhat concerned smile.

Then my mother put on her dress and we left the room to have breakfast, although because it was a special day, my mother had something special.

"Eat Max, magic is a very tiring business." My mother says with a motherly smile as soon as she serves me breakfast.

"Wow! Can I really have this for breakfast?!" I ask waiting for his permission to act.

Well, I will be a somewhat capricious child, full of energy and sometimes somewhat daring, but a good mother's boy, I always look at my mother for her approval with some concern.

Well, I will be a somewhat capricious child, full of energy and sometimes a bit daring, but a good son of a mother after all. I always seek my mother's approval with some trepidation, no matter how small the matter.

That's probably why, despite everything, Mom just gives in to me.

What mother would say no to such a cute and obedient son?

"Of course my boy, mommy bought it just for you... happy birthday Max." He affectionately caresses my head.

"Thank you mommy! I love you!". I give her a little hug before starting to eat the chocolate cake my mom bought me, just for me.

Because yes, in this world there is chocolate, although it comes from another continent and it is rare for it to reach our lands, much less for some commoner to eat it.

Of course, my mother has money and, as far as I understand, some "important" friends.

And while I devour my food, my mother just looks at me lovingly waiting for me to finish and wipes off any cake leftovers.

[In short... this is life]

Minutes tick by, and I've finally devoured the cake, leaving nothing but crumbs.

"Ahh….. so full…". I say feeling heavy, although very pleased.

"I'm glad you liked it son… just remember~, don't tell Sarah~". Mama says with a mischievous smile at our "secret", before taking a tissue and wiping my cheeks.

"Okay~..." I say understanding her reason well, because Sarah is the daughter of Maria, the classic "childhood friend" and a humble commoner.

If I told her, at some point she would tell her mom, and if she knew that her cakes aren't the most delicious in the world I've ever tasted, she could cry.

Of course, the ones she makes are good …. But nothing can compare to chocolate.

Once our first act of the morning is over, my mother and I head home to an open field that Mom herself has been preparing all this time.

And when I say prepare, I mean that it only took him an hour to cut down at least one acre of trees with her spells while I was witnessing it to give me an idea of ​​how powerful her magic was.

"We arrived!". I say running with my arms outstretched before throwing myself onto the grass and doing a couple of laps, enjoying the plains made by my mother.

"That's right Max~…..I hope you enjoy your birthday present~". Mama throws herself on the grass too to imprison me and shower me with kisses on my cheek.

"Hehe~! I love you mommy!". I say not opposing all his affection.

"And I to you Max...". She says before giving me a stronger and much more sentimental hug, which I don't take long to reciprocate.

A few minutes passed before my mother parted ways with me, and with a revitalized attitude, it finally starts time to learn something that I can't help but believe even with all this time.


"Very good Max... Before we learn real magic, let's go over a bit just to make sure there aren't any, okay?"

"Okey! ". I answer him like he's a little soldier, which makes him smile but he quickly tries to get serious again.

"Ahem…. To begin… What is magic for you Max? He asks me with a questioning look.

"Hmm….". I stop to think about it carefully as I look at the ground.

Before he died, magic was nothing more than clever tricks that anyone could repeat if they knew the correct procedure, and I didn't believe in anything other than that.

However, in this world there is mana, the energy or fundamental force whose origin is a complete mystery, which is why it was attributed to a gift from the gods.

Without exception, from nobles to commoners, anyone could use it, but depending on the talent you could do feats like mom, or if you don't have it; settle for being able to light firewood, create water, move earth, or blow wind in your face to cool you down.

Magic is capable of many things, so many that I am sure that no matter how much research is done, there will always be another use for it.

Magic simply for me is... infinite possibilities, but I cannot give that answer because even if I am a very intelligent child, I should not be able to think about the concept of infinity, and ultimately my mother, although surprised and proud, would start to worry me a little. little because her son was able to understand such complex concepts.

And the last thing I want is that... for the simple reason that I want to have sex with her.

I thought about it a little better, something that would be more appropriate to think for a child but not too childish so as not to make a fool of myself.

[The magic is…. Life]

"…!". I inadvertently exalted as I realized that I had the answer.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, I finally came to a perfect conclusion.

POV Gwendolyn

[Max is taking this very seriously….]

I thought a little moved to see my son think with a seriousness so uncharacteristic of my child.

And seeing him like this, from such a young age, I couldn't help but regret.

Max was going to be a great man, and I'm not just saying that because I'm his mother.

Something in him is... Special, too special, and no matter what he does, Max will always stand out.

It will be so good that no one will be able to ignore him.

[A mother only wants the best for her son, so why do I want to cry just imagining that one day he will be such an important man...?]

Deep down I know the answer... and I know it very well, and that's why it hurts so much.

[Max... please... never leave your mommy]

I don't want to be alone, anymore.

I couldn't be for another second; I couldn't bear it….

I just…. I couldn't take it anymore; it would be too much.

[Sorry Max…. I'm sorry for being such a pathetic mother….I'm really sorry]

I thought about what happened to my family… my sister…..

[Just remember to t-tell me that you love me o-once in a while, and I'll be fine, ok?]

I thought about the moment when Max would one day just one day leave home.

[J-Just remember that mom will always be waiting for you with something delicious at home, okay?]

I thought of the moment when Max would one day just one day come back and introduce me to his future wife…or wives.

[N-No matter what they say, j-just remember that I loved you first and more than them, O-Okay?]

I thought about the moment when one day Max…. I would just introduce myself to my granddaughter.

[J-Just r-remember that I-I'm prettier than her, O-Okay?]

A-And I thought….. w-with all the pain in my heart… one day when…. In which Max…. Simply…. s-simply….

[Y-Y Y-J-Just remember…. L-Love me even on y-your next life…. O-O-Okay…?]

And before I started to give in to my emotions….

"…!". I saw Max get heated for a moment.

"M-Max?" I asked a little worried, because it was the first time, I'd seen him do that.

"I have it!". He said before looking at me full of joy.

"Y-you got it?" I asked somewhat shocked that she was excited by her own answer.

"What is magic for me mom! I have it! And I love it!". He said with a beautiful smile.

"Really…?". I was relieved a bit, as I had started to wander like crazy, worrying about imaginary things.

[Even without realizing it... you help me to give up those ugly thoughts... my little]

I approached and crouched curious to hear his answer.

"So what is magic to you Max?" I stroked his head, preparing myself to hear him.

"It's life mom...". He said as if that were a fact.

"Life…". I whispered her shocked response.

I stopped to think about it for a bit, and soon realized that he had a point.

For me, magic was a power beyond all comparison, it was a kind of mixture of will and imagination for me.

[To say that magic is life….. Max…..]

"…. Mom?" He asked a bit worried.

[My son… is seriously destined for greatness….]

With pride and pain, I hugged Max to congratulate him.

"What an answer…. so beautiful….". And as I hugged him, I let out one of my tears.

[My son…. It really is a divine gift]

I discreetly cleaned it, and separated from him.

"Very good Max... Such a beautiful response deserves a precious teaching". I said with my hands on my hips and a look full of fierceness.

[And I will give him everything I have... and much more than that]

Get behind me Max! It's time for you to learn magic!"

"Oh! Alright mommy!" Max got behind me and hugged my left leg.

[My son is so cute~]

I took a deep breath, and concentrating all my mana in my hand, I pointed my right hand towards the sky and said my incantation.

"[Fires]." I recited the simplest, most visual incantation in my arsenal.

POV Max.

"[Fire]". My mother recited a one-word spell, but the results were immediate.

"W-Wooaaahhhh!" I shouted with sincere impression the result.

As expected, what came out of my mom's hand was fire… but not a small flame or a projectile.

It was a real hell.

My mother and the fire were the only things in my sight for a couple of seconds.

I felt the heat of the flames hit me in the face, and instead of being unbearable. The light and heat were warm and pleasant.

My mother looked at me with her typical maternal smile when she heard my impression, she caressed me with her free hand, and I heard her say to me.

"Just wait…. Thats not all". She returned her full attention to the flames shooting from her hands, and then the fire stopped coming out like a tornado and began to…dance (?) instead.

"Mom, mom! What are you doing?". I asked, because the intensity lowered, however now the flames began to move in a particular way.

"I manipulate the mana around my Max spell, do you want to see what mommy is capable of?"

"Of course, mom!" I answered without hesitation.

"Then watch and don't miss a moment!"

And true to his conviction, the flames that now resembled a chain of fire began to descend next to his hand.

"Mother?". I asked a bit nervous, because even though I knew she was a competent mage, seeing someone play with fire so casually was always unsettling.

"Calm down Max, mommy has it under control." His calm response put me at ease, and I was able to focus all my attention on what he would do next.

And boy, It did it not disappoint.

"Fire! Come to us!" Mom probably ordered for dramatic effect, because not even a second passed when indeed, the fire behaved as if it were a whip, and its tip suddenly turned to go in our direction.

[It´s coming towards our direction!]

Without realizing it, I grabbed my mom's dress tighter, which made her smile, and she didn't hesitate to take advantage of my moment of shock.

She took a step forward still with her spell activated, and with an authoritative tone, a few meters before the fire made us burnt flesh, my mother spoke.


And as if by magic... (Indeed it was), the tip of the fire stopped.

Totally static, but no less alive.

His warmth reached us but again, it wasn't annoying, just warm.

"Good fire~, now surround us with gentleness." My mother spoke as if she were dealing with a dog.

The tip nodded as if it were alive, and hissing like a snake it began to circle us.

"Wow….." I said unable to say any words.`

[My mother is seriously impressive…..]

"Fufu~, are you liking my little one?" My mother paid no attention to the fire, instead making sure to read all my facial expressions.

And this time, there was no need to pretend anything.

"Of course I do mom! You are amazing! I want to see more! More mom! More!". To emphasize my enthusiasm, I decided to do a couple of jumps that had a great effect.

"Oww~… whatever for you my love~". He pinched my cheeks with a pleased smile before looking back at the chain of fire that surrounded us.

"Fire!". My mother yelled into the air.

Like a scolded dog, the tip reared up in the spiral as if expecting punishment.

"What manners you have! You haven't even come over to say hello! Come right now and impress our little one!" With an act surely intended to imitate someone, Mom pointed to the ground with a pout as she moved her foot up and down rhythmically.

The most obvious classic expression of an upset woman.

"Hehe~… Bad fire!" I decided to play along with Mom, and I treated the fire like a dog.

"Very bad, right?"

"Of course mom!"

"AHA! I knew it! Now come here!" Mama pointed to the ground, and as if saddened, the fire shot into the whorl around us with its tip upside down.

[Now, this is fun…. I love these moments with mom]

Sooner or later, the fire came and Mom did something I didn't expect or even thought possible.

[He slapped the fire! D-didn't move it! I-I could see the fire rebound from the blow!]


If that thing wasn't alive, I could almost swear I heard it squeal in sadness.

"Hmph... maybe that will make him think again... but just to be sure... Max, do you want to teach him a lesson too?" Mom looked at me expectantly.

"Huh? Are you sure mom?" I asked with some doubts.

[I'm sure there's a trick he'll teach me later, but I can't help but wonder…]

He just playfully touched her nose with a smile and nodded at me.

"…. Uhh okay…. Umm!" I stood in front of the point of fire that was still "sad" and scolded her.

"B-bad fire! You have no manners!" I raised my hand, looked one last time at my mother for her confirmation, which she gave me, and I decided to hit it.

[Ehh!?! I-I seriously hit him!]

"Huhu~…. Well done Max, let's hope he learns his lesson next time."

"Uhh… O-Oh! O-Of course he´ll do! I hope and next time you really learn!". I said with a stern look.

The fire just nodded, and finally began to fade.

[Wow… it just doesn't stop being impressive]

With a relatively rapid pace, the fire faded until it reached its source: my mother's hand. Which looked even cooler when after she finished fading, she blew on her hand before looking at me with an air of grandeur.

"How was Max~?" Mom asked with stars in her eyes for my answer.

I just motioned for him to come closer and whispered in his ear.

"I was so happy that it made me love you even more mommy." I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her with all the love I could give her.

"M-Max…". My words moved her to the point that when she hugged me back, for a moment she forgot that she was still a child because she didn't measure her strength.

[I-I don't know if I'm too weak or-or she's too strong….]

"M-Mom…. I-It hurts…." I said after a few minutes of feeling that I had tolerated enough his repentant outburst of love enough.

"O-Oh! S-Sorry Max!" She quickly apologized.

However, I was an opportunistic bastard in my previous life, and I would be much more so in this, I was not going to let her go so easy.

"Hmph! Mommy is very selfish!" I said with a pout but not really angry.

My mother knew me, so she would know that I was not going to give in easily.

"U-Uhm…. Excuse Mommy Max… D-Do you want milk? I'm sure that will put you in a better mood~." Mom used her trump card on me without hesitation.

[Huh…not this time mother]

I literally breastfed whenever I felt like it, at least until she started giving me solid food, and with the excuse of getting used to her, she limited me to just asking for her milk before bed, mainly because it was my bedtime ritual.

But if what I wanted was to fulfill my fantasies, the first step was little by little to exceed its limits.

I made a serious face, and when it looked like I was about to give in, I "suddenly" had an idea.

And my mother noticed, but she was able to hide it so well, that if you didn't know her, you wouldn't think there was something wrong with her smile.

[Actually, it's obvious that you're nervous about his chin, it's a very slight movement, but ultimately the position is different]

I looked at mommy with the expression of the most innocent child I could, and I said pointing to her breasts.

"I want to drink milk whenever I want." I said triumphantly, because I knew that my mother no longer had excuses to refuse.

I adored sucking her tits, and she….

That I sucked them off.

I knew perfectly well the desires that my mother was hiding, when I was a baby she was much more cheeky, but as I was showing signs of intelligence, she stopped making "those" faces when I breastfed.

And yet, I realize that he can't completely suppress it. She smiles a little harder each time she exposes her white tits and I suck on her perky pink nipples.

No matter how I suck, whether I make it deliberately sexual, or only suck with minimal effort, that trace of arousal is undeniable.

[Damn…. It's hard to suppress my evil smile]

Not to mention that when I start getting erections it will be more difficult to hide my own impulses, but if I do things right…. It won't be necessary.

"U-uh…. A-Are you sure you only want that Max? Could I buy you another rich chocolate cake~?" Mom soon tries to bribe me by trying to direct my attention elsewhere.

Unfortunately for her, I love to lick her nipples, and I'm not kidding when I say her milk is delicious.

It seriously is.

"No! I want mommy's milk!" Sounding even more confident than before.

"U-Uhm…. ". Mom puts on a complicated expression, but eventually relents, having already run out of cards.

"Okay Max...I'll give you my milk whenever you want, okay?" Mom gives me a motherly smile, but I detect discomfort in her.

[I'm sure she started to get excited... let's play with her a bit]

"Thank you mommy!" As a good child I consent to my mother, I throw myself to give her a hug…. And I put my head between her tits.

"You really like my milk Max….". She says already resigned to her destiny as a living milker.

"Of course I do~, mommy's milk is the best." I look at her face again, and I don't hesitate to start taking advantage of her.

"Mommy! Give me milk! Now!". I say full of desire, although my mother then gets a little serious.

"N-Now Max? But if you just ate…". He tried to protest, but I insisted.

"Now mommy! I want milk!". I say looking at her breasts shamelessly.

"…. Okay Max, let's go home and give you some milk, okay?"

"No! Now! I want milk! Now! Now!" I say now being a little unreasonable.

"Uhh?". My mother is then a bit surprised.

[It's not like giving your child milk in public is bad…. Not being a baby anymore is a separate matter]

For a moment…. Mom seems to think so, but I don't give her time to think about it.

"Mommy….?". Then again I start to get sad, which quickly diverts her from her contemplations and instead makes her give in.

"O-Okay! Don't be sad Max!" She quickly brings her hands to her neck to lower the top of her dress, while subtly glancing around for any unwanted stowaways.

"Thank you mommy! I love you!" I quickly make it a point to get a smile out of him and get rid of any negative thoughts he has in mind.

[He probably thinks "Just this once won't hurt… besides it's not like anyone is going to see us"]

Serious mistake…. Because until we have any kind of "chat" I won't hesitate to let myself be carried away by my desire to suck her breasts.

I watch expectantly the entire process, how the dress is lowered, how the bra is unhooked.

And my favorite part...

"Here you go Max, enjoy, okay?" My mother squats, puts her hand around her breasts which were hardened nipples and offers it to me with a motherly smile.

"Thanks Mom!". Without hesitation I pounce on his chest, and the first thing I do is lick his hard nipple which without making any effort begins to drip the first drops.


I relax, and close my eyes, just concentrating on licking and sucking on mom's milkers, who surely has her panties totally wet by now.

And to top it off, I decided to take my time, just focusing on feeling with my tongue the softness of my mom's breasts, which were a cascade of that white elixir they called milk.

I enjoyed it so much that without realizing it began to make me sleepy.

[Oh…. I hadn't planned this... It doesn't matter, I will surrender to the sweet world of dreams]

"Mom…". I stopped sucking and as my mind started to shut down, I decided to call my mom, so she would know I would need her soon.

The last thing I felt before getting lost in the darkness of my mind, were his warm arms holding me and a small kiss on the forehead.

Gwendolyn's POV.

[But what a daring little guy….]

"But looking at you asleep in my arms... I can't help but love you more...".

I looked at my son who fell asleep in my arms, and I gave him a small kiss on the forehead.

[Max…. Why can't you stop being like that? You know mom loves it…..]

There are days when I feel guilty…very guilty about perversely enjoying something that should be sacred to all mothers.

I can't help it…I would love to stop but I can't…and it makes me feel so bad….

[And yet… when he asks me to drink milk…]

"U-Uhh...." I rubbed my legs from the discomfort of what had started to drip.

[I am a terrible mother….]

No matter what I do…. Desire doesn't go away...

And I fear that it will grow stronger….

"Sorry for not being so good strong….". I tell my son while I see his sleeping face wanting to cry.

[Just…don't stop loving me…. Max…]

I left my son in bed so he could take a comfortable nap.

I completely undressed, covered the windows of the house with the curtains, and lay down on the sofa.

And I did what I had to do...

At the end of all the accumulated guilt of today it hit me, and I started crying.

And as soon as I finished, still feeling dirty, I went with the only consolation of my life.

With my Max.

And seeing his sleeping face, I whispered in his ear again before resting.

"Please…. N-Never leave me alone Max…"

[I-I'm disgusting….]

And filled with guilt, but also reassurance from his presence, I finally relaxed.

And like that day when I finally found it….

I slept peacefully… and I slept very well.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!

Finally Max It´s growing up, and soon he´ll begin to meet the world.

His mother definitly will be with him.

And abouth Sarah? Her chilhood friend?

Find out those and more answers in the next chapters!

I hope see you soon!

DaoistJKyusVcreators' thoughts
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