
Mad for mom 1

My Mother Beth, is the sexiest woman alive!

I have been infatuated with my Mom for many years. I know it's wrong, I tried to ignore my feelings, but I couldn't stop how I felt. In fact, my feelings grew more strongly, especially the last few months. I started crushing on my Mom back in High School, now I'm 19 years old and going crazy with lust for her. I knew this wasn't a phase, it was serious.

I recently broke it off with my long time girlfriend. We went out for almost 3 years and grew apart after High School. Then my Mom started wearing stretch pants and exercising more, after my parents divorced. Dad left us the house and moved in with his new girlfriend. Leaving me alone with Mom, this all went down about a year ago. She always looked great but now she looked Hot! Dad had been cheating on my Mom for a while and according to her had not touched her a long, long time.

Mom dated a few guys after the divorce, all of which I hated. I was not friendly at all with them and did my best to discourage any long term relationships. Mom decided to forget dating for a while and focused on herself and work. Mom sells real estate and started doing quite well. I'm sure her new good looks didn't hurt any. Mom also began exercising more and it paid off. She was the most attractive woman to me in the world. I loved the shape of her breasts and ass, she had me horny every time I laid eyes on her.

I am in junior college and work part time at the mall. I'm an average 19 year old, with decent looks. I am kind of shy and not a real ladies man. Since I am an only child, Mom has always treated me extra special. I love my Mom in so many ways. Now I felt like I had to tell my Mom how I felt about her. How attracted I was to her and only her.

My Mom just turned 40 and looks more stunning every day. She has long dark hair, brown eyes and a great body. Not only is she super sexy, but she has a very kind heart. She's attractive from the inside out. Living alone with her, has had me craving her more and more. Every time I masturbate, it's her that I think of. I see her sexy underwear and bras in the laundry room all the time, which doesn't help either. I like a girl with a little meat on her bones, Mom has a few extra pounds in her rear, which drives me wild. She also has a nice 36D rack, trust me I've seen her bra size more than a few times. To me she's perfect in everyway.

I thought of many different ways to start a sexual relationship with my Mom. I wanted to seduce her, not just for sex but because I loved her in everyway. In the end, I decided just to flat out tell her how I felt...

I decided to create a nice atmosphere for the night I would tell her. Tonight was going to be the night, I couldn't wait any longer. After classes that day, I went into action. I called Mom and told her I was making dinner for us, she said she would be home around 6:30. She seemed pleasantly surprised and thanked me over the phone. I made a nice chicken salad for us and chilled a bottle of wine. Then I went upstairs and took a shower and got ready for her. I wore a nice shirt, slacks and put on dash of cologne. I brushed and flossed my teeth and fixed my hair. I looked good and was ready for her arrival.

As 6:30 approached I was getting more and more nervous. I tried to keep busy by cleaning up the house. I lit some candles and set up the table. Then I heard the garage door open. Mom was finally home, she came in looked around with a smile. She was wearing a tight sexy purple dress that displayed plenty of cleavage and legs. Again her beauty got my blood boiling.

"Hi Alex, what in the world are you up to?" She asked with a nice smile.

"Mom, I just thought it would be fun to have a nice dinner with you tonight." I said feeling a little nervous.

"Wow, that's a nice surprise honey. What did I do to deserve this?" She asked with curious look.

"It's nothing Mom, go get freshened up and I'll have dinner ready for us when you come down." I said trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"OK, whatever you say honey." She said with a weird look, and went to upstairs to change.

I was pacing back and forth, It felt like 2 hours before she came down for dinner. When she came down for dinner, Mom looked hot in her blue stretch pants and tight neon sports bra. She made me more nervous, because she looked so sexy and beautiful.

"Candles, what are you up to? Do you need money or something Alex?" She asked with a cute smile.

"No Mom, not at all, just sit down and relax." I said as I brought out the chicken salad and poured us each a glass of wine.

"I don't know what to say." Mom said as I served her.

I set us up and sat down across from her and we started our meal. Mom took a sip of wine and took a few bites of her salad.

"Alex, this is delicious. I didn't know you could cook like this." She stated with appreciation.

"Thanks Mom, I'm so glad you like my cooking. I actually read a cookbook and followed the directions. It came out good huh?" I asked.

"Very good. Now what's this all about?" She pried.

"Nothing Mom, I thought you could use a lift."

I was feeling nervous and didn't know if I could tell her how I felt. We ate and made small talk, and enjoyed the meal and wine together. We were almost done when I decided I had to confess my attraction to her, once and for all.

"Mom, I have to tell you something." I said with butterflies in my stomach.

"What is it honey, is everything alright?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Uh... Well, Mom..."

"What is it Alex, what's wrong? Spit it out." She said impatiently.

"Nothing is wrong." I almost chicken out.

"Then what is it son?" She asked very seriously.

I paused, took a deep breath and put down my fork. I took a big drink of wine and slowly looked up into her eyes.

"Mom, I love you with all my heart, I'm so attracted to you, I want to make love with you. I'm sorry but I can't help it." I said, almost apologizing.

Mom broke out in laughter for a few seconds and stopped when she saw the look on my face.

"Alex, stop kidding with me. What is going on with you?"

"Mom I'm totally serious, I have been attracted to you for years. I thought it would go away but it's not. I want you so bad, every time I masturbate I think of you." I said with embarrassment in my voice.

"Oh Alex, you shouldn't be saying that to me." She said with a stern look on her face.

"Sorry Mom, I know it's wrong. I was hoping I would grow out of it." I said looking down.

"I don't know what to say Alex." She said

"Are you mad at me Mom?"

"No, just shocked. It's very taboo and wrong for a mother and son to have sexual relations." She protested.

"I know Mom but this has been going on for years and years, now I want you more than ever." I said shyly.

"Alex this is not going to happen. You need to find another girlfriend and it will pass. I'm flattered but it's not something we should get into." She said with a frustrated look on her face.

I decided to tell a little white lie. I'm not a virgin but I thought if I got desperate, I would play the virgin card to get more sympathy. What did I have to lose.

"Mom, I've never had sex before. I'm still a virgin and I want you to be my first." I said as I lied through my teeth.

"Oh Alex, your a handsome young man. You'll find a nice girl soon. You have to be patient, something will come around." She said trying to dodge a bullet.

"Mom, all my friends have had sex, a lot of sex. I want it to be special, you're the only woman in the world I want. I want to do it with you." I said, not being shy anymore.

"Alex, come on. You have to forget about this." She said with concern.

"Mom, please, don't say no. Just think about it. I bet if you thought about it when you're alone, you might change your mind." I said pleading my case.

"Son, I can't think of that. It's too kinky, you know that."

"It's not kinky if we love each other and care for each other." I said as my embarrassment dissipated.

"I think it is Alex. Please, I can't discuss this anymore." She said frustrated.

"Maybe I should go and get a hooker for my first time." I said, now upset and frustrated.

"Son, wait for the right girl." She said with care.

"You are the right girl, wouldn't you like to teach me how to make love? Wouldn't you like to be my first?" I asked with sincerity.

"Alex if it wasn't so taboo and wrong I would." She said holding firm on her decision.

"Mom, please just think about it. Just promise me you'll think about me next time you masturbate." I said confidently.

"I can't do that. Are you crazy?" She protested.

"Yes Mom, I'm crazy for you!" I said feeling frustrated.

"Alex, you have to get over this." She said sternly.

"Mom, please just think of me one time when you're playing with yourself and if it turns you off, I will understand." I begged.


"Please Mom, just promise me you'll think of me one time when you rub your clit and if you don't cum hard, I will drop it." I said very boldly.

"Alex, that is so wrong, I can't." She looked flustered.

"Just try one time Mom. Please, please, please? It will be our secret, I promise."

"Alex, I don't think so." She said almost as if she might give in.

"Mom, at least say maybe. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to do. Please just say maybe. You're going to make me cry if you don't. I love you so much, I'd do anything for you." I said putting my face in my hands.

"I don't know Alex, this is too weird."

"Please Mom, just say maybe and I will drop it for the night?" I pleaded, as I looked back up into her beautiful eyes.

"Ok, MAYBE! Now drop it, I'm feeling very uncomfortable." She said as if guessing herself and her answer.

"Thank you Mom, I love you more than anything in the world and I would never do anything to hurt you." I said gratefully.

"I know that son. You have been wonderful son and I love you very much. I don't know what else to say."

"Ok Mom, let's drop it for now. I'll clean up, would you like to watch a movie?" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

" A movie sounds good, what would you like to watch tonight?" She asked, relieved the subject was changed.

"You pick it Mom, anything you want to see is fine with me."

"Ok, Ill see what's on the movie channel."

Mom got up and went into the living room to choose a flick. Her ass looked so hot as she left the room. I gathered our dishes and cleaned them up in a hurry. I brought Mom a glass of wine and sat down next to her. My Mom likes to watch Lifetime, movies for woman. I've watched them with Mom before, some of them are pretty good. They are also about relationships and there is always a lot of sex scenes. I was pleased with her choice.

The first movie was about a guy who cheats on his wife and things get out of control. There was a lot of steamy hot scenes and also sexting in the movie. This was a perfect movie to watch with my Mom. I was enjoying the tension in the air, as we watched this movie. Mom seemed a little uncomfortable at times.

"I'd never cheat on you Mom." I teased.

"Oh Alex." Was all she said, blowing me off.

"I would love to do some sexting with you Mom." I said, getting more bold.

"You better not." She said with a funny grin.

"Mom please don't shoot me down like that. You should give me credit for being honest with you. It took a lot of courage to tell you how badly I want to make love with you." I said sincerely.

"Alex, I thought we were going to drop it?" She said.

"Ok, I will drop it."

I played it cool the rest of the night. I still sat close to Mom and snuggled up to her as the movie came to a conclusion. We watched another Lifetime movie and by the time it was over Mom looked pretty tired.

"Alex, I'm going to get some sleep. Thank you for a nice dinner and I do appreciate your honesty. I hope you find a nice girl soon, you are a great guy." She said sweetly.

"Sleep well Mom, don't forget, you said maybe." I said reminding her.

"Good night son." She said rolling her eyes.

I got up and took Mom's hand and helped her up. She accepted my hand and made her way to the staircase.

"Mom, you have a sexy ass." I said boldly.

"Uh, thank you, I guess." She said, caught off guard.

"Night Mom." I was glad I slipped that one in on her.

"Night." She said as she made her way upstairs.

Then Mom disappeared into her room for the night. I was still glad I had told her how I felt, but her response wasn't exactly what I wanted. At least she didn't tell me to move out or freak out. Mom was going to be a tough nut to crack, that's for sure. One positive thing, she did say maybe...

I played it cool for the next few days. I gave my Mom some time to think it over. I did my best to act like a gentleman around her and didn't bring up any sexual stuff between us. She seemed to like the attention I gave her and I made it a point to look my best.

I decided to get back to the seduction of my Mom a few days later. I had to make a move soon. When mom got home from work, I asked her if she'd like to go out for dinner that night, it was Friday. Mom gladly accepted my offer, she went upstairs to get ready for our date. Mom wore jeans and a nice blouse, she wasn't showing off a lot of cleavage or anything. She dressed nice and not real sexy. She seemed a little shy around me, I loved how sweet and innocent she was. I treated her great and made her feel wanted and desired. She seemed to enjoy this little by little.

After dinner, I took her to the movie theatre but there was nothing she wanted to see. So we walked around the mall and I held her hand. She held mine without enthusiasm. She was having a good time, I could tell. I was breaking her down, little by little.

We got some ice cream and sat down by a fountain to enjoy our treats. Mom began to point out all the cute girls walking by.

"She's cute honey, what do you think of her?" She asked nicely.

"She's cute, but I'd rather kiss you Mom." I said proudly.

Then we both noticed a hot older woman about her age walking by in a sexy dress. The woman was well kept and was carrying a lot of shopping bags. One of which was a big Victoria Secrets bag.

"What about her? You have a thing for older woman?" She asked seriously, trying to figure me out.

"She's attractive Mom, but I'm not into older woman. I'm just into you!" I said boldly.

Then we saw a few cute High School girls dressed in tight sexy clothes walk by us.

"How about one of those girls Alex? You attracted to any of them?" She asked with curiosity.

"Not really, they are silly immature girls. I'd like to see you wearing her outfit though. You'd look way hotter!" I said with a grin.

"Oh Alex, you are not going to let this go are you?" Mom said slapping my leg gently.

"I'm sorry Mom, I really feel the most attraction for you. You are my dream girl. I can't help it and I'm not trying to upset you. I'm totally serious. I love every square inch of your body and I want you to be my first, I want to make love with you all night long." I pleaded.

"I know son, I'm just trying to expand your horizon. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Why me?"

"Because you are gorgeous, sexy, adorable and I love you more than you could ever imagine." I stated.

"That's nice to hear Alex. I still don't' know how to feel about this." She said in a nice understanding way.

"You know what Mom, I know this is not normal, I wish I didn't feel this strong attraction for you. I am so lucky to have a Mom like you, no matter what happens." I said slapping my leg hard in frustration.

"It's Ok Alex, don't feel bad." She said in a supportive way.

"Thank you Mom, your so cool."

We finished our ice cream and head for home. Mom was a little more accepting of my gestures and affection. We held hands tight and walked closer together. As we drove home I held her hand firmly and we listened to music. I asked her if I could take her out tomorrow night. She said 'Ok'.

When we arrived home, I opened the doors for us and led her inside.

"Thank you son, that was interesting." She said with a cute smile.

I put my arms around her and she turned to let me kiss her cheek. I kissed her cheek, then I put both hands on her face and softly kissed her on the lip's. She kissed me back briefly and hugged me. I held on tight and felt her breasts pressing into my chest. I put one hand on her back and moved the other had down to cup her sexy ass. I gently fondled her ass and she broke away from our embrace.

"That's enough for tonight." She said, blushing a bit.

"I had a great time Mom. Thank you for being so understanding. I love you with all my heart Beth."

"I love you to Alex, now go get some sleep." She said, with a little sparkle in her eye.

"I hope you sleep well Mom."

"Night Alex." Was all she said.

"Night sexy!" I replied.

I watched Mom's ass climbing the stairs in her jeans. It was a beautiful sight. It was nice and a little thick, just the way I like them.

"Remember Mom, you said maybe..."

Mom didn't respond but I knew we had made some progress, Mom seemed to accept my feelings for her a little bit better. I went to my room and had to masturbate after that date, with Mom. I had to do something to arouse her. I decided to mess with her that night before she fell asleep.

First I sent her a text that read, 'You said Maybe'. Then I began to get my self hard thinking of Mom's hot body. I took a picture of my big hard cock and sexted her. I snuck up by her door to hear any reaction. I heard the toilet flush and her enter her room again. She must have picked up the phone and saw my sext to her.

"Oh Alex". Is all I heard, I think she liked what she saw. I listened quietly as she fumbled around the room and got on her bed. After a few minutes I swear she was masturbating. Then I heard it, faintly, but I heard her say my name.

"Oh Alex, Oh baby. Oh Alex, you shouldn't." Was all I heard her say quietly, as her bed shook. I listened for about 5 minutes and went back to my room hornier than ever.

I was thrilled and jacked off again, thinking of Mom's wet pussy. Major progress was being made, Mom masturbated thinking of me like I asked. I went to bed, planning my next move. It was hard getting to sleep that night.

I woke up the next morning, it was Saturday and I had to work at the mall in an hour. I got looking good for Mom, not for work. I was excited to see her and went downstairs to say good morning. I was wondering how she would act, since I had not seen her since I sexted her last night. She was at the kitchen table, working on her laptop and sipping coffee.

"Good morning Mom, did you sleep well?" I asked casually.

"Yes, I did. How did you sleep?"

"Ok, I guess. I replied casually.

"You working today?" She asked looking up at me with a nice smile.

"Yes, I'll be done at 5:00. Are you working today?"

" Yes of course, I have a big day. I might be closing a house today, wish me luck."

"I will Mom, can we go out again tonight? You said you would last night." I asked with a smile.

"Yes Alex, we can go out. I should be home around 6:00, we could go out around 7:00." She said almost wanting to take back her words.

"Sounds good Mom, I can't wait!" I said with a warm smile.

"What would you like to do tonight?" She asked.

"Make love with you!" I said boldly.

"I know that, where would you like to go tonight?"

"I'd like to go to bed with you!" I pleaded.

"Oh Alex stop, it's too early for all this." She said discouraging me.

"Mom did you like my sext last night?" I asked cautiously.

She took a deep breath and thought for a minute before she responded.

"It caught me off guard." She said softly.

"Did you like it Mom?" I asked again.

"I'm not sure..." she said shyly.

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