
55 - No Peace In This Realm

“Do I need to bite you myself or—”

His hand slipped around her neck, making her words vanish as the sparks unleashed in her veins. Her mouth stayed open with shock, and he leaned in as his eyes darkened. He slashed open a part of his lower lip with a canine, and pulled off her veil. Before she could blink or protest, he pressed his lips against hers.

Her hands slipped up around his chest to curl around his neck but he pulled them away, caging them above her head as he pressed back onto the sofa. The emotions that ran wild in her veins were so overwhelming, she could barely feel the pain.

After a long while, he pulled away, his face hovering over hers, eyes darkened with lust.

“Say it again.”

“W—hat?” She couldn't barely even speak, she needed as much air as she could breathe in.

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