
Chapter 109 - Planning Little Revenge

Belladonna was the most puzzled.

This conversation had gone astray.

"I don't."

Why would Lady Kestra even think that?

Her features relaxed into relief and a slow smile play at the corners of her lips.

Lady Kestra seem to have different kinds of smiles, each fitting for each situation and somehow she seemed to always have the right smile on at every instance.

Except that grin.

That wide grin that always felt aching to even look at. It must be because of her perfect white set of teeth, maybe that was why she loved showing them off so much, because they were just so beautiful.

With her gaze piercing down into hers though, Belladonna felt the need to stand her ground and make things clear. So she rose up to her feet, and took a couple of steps away from the chair. Her eyes skimmed over her sewing machine and she remembered briefly that she hadn't given out supplies for any order today.

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